File #: 2025-0118    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Agenda
File Introduced: 2/11/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Effective date:    
Title: RESO Honoring & Commending Robert L. “Bobby” Stein for His Decades of Distinguished Svc to the City of Jacksonville, Particularly Thru His Svc on the JEA Brd of Dirs, & to the Nation (Clements) (Introduced by CMs Boylan, Amaro, Carlucci, Miller, Lahnen, White, Peluso, Salem, Freeman, Howland, J. Carlucci, Pittman & Johnson) (Co-Sponsor CM Diamond) 2/11/25 CO Introduced: R 2/18/25 R Approve 5-0
Introducer and/or Co-Sponsor(s): Michael Boylan, Ken Amaro, Matt Carlucci, Chris Miller, Will Lahnen, Randy White, Jimmy Peluso, Ron Salem, Terrance Freeman, Nick Howland, Joe Carlucci, Ju'Coby Pittman, Rahman Johnson, Rory Diamond
Assigned Committees: RULES
Legislation Documents: 1. 2025-118 Original Bill