RESO Expressing Condolences on the Senseless Killing of Breon Lee Allen, Jr.; Calling on Jax Citizens, Officials & Orgs to Rally Against Gun Violence; Expressing the City Council’s Support of the JSO in Its Investigation of this Heinous Crime; Honoring Breon Lee Allen Jr.’s Life; Req Emerg Passage Upon Intro (Clements) (Introduced by CM Johnson) (Co-Sponsors CMs Amaro, Arias, Boylan, J. Carlucci, Carlucci, Carrico, Clark-Murray, Diamond, Freeman, Gaffney, Jr., Gay, Howland, Lahnen, Miller, Peluso, Pittman, Salem, & White)
1/28/25 CO Introduced: R
1/28/25 CO Emergency/Amend (2x)(FL)/Approve 17-0