ORD Approp $200,000 from the Council President’s Designated Contingency to the General Fund Operating Contractual Svcs Acct Within the Planning & Development Dept to Procure the Professional Svcs of Community Planning Collaborative LLC, to Conduct a Community Engagement & Visioning Study to Develop a Roadmap for Revitalization & Development in Durkeeville; Prov for Carryover of Funds to 4/30/25; Invoking the Exemption in Sec 126.107(G) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Allow for a Direct Contract With Community Planning Collaborative LLC; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver a Contract With Community Planning Collaborative LLC, for the Provision of Professional Svcs to Complete the Study; Prov for Oversight by the Planning & Development Dept (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CMs Peluso & Salem) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Carlucci, Johnson, Pittman, Freeman & Gaffney...