ORD Making Certain Findings; Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, to Execute & Deliver; (1) a Lease Agreemt (“Lease”) btwn the COJ (“City”) & Downtown Vision, Inc. (“Tenant”), for the Lease of 20,660 Sq Ft on the Ground Floor of the Duval St (Library) Garage (the “Premises”) Located at 33 W Duval St, with an Initial Lease Term of 10 Yrs with 2, 5 Yr Renewal Terms, at a Lease Rate of $289,239.96 Per Yr, Plus Fixed Annual Operating Costs of $48,430.80 Per Yr, Subj to a Rent Set Off in the Amount of the Value of Svcs Provided by Tenant to the City; & (2) a Capital Maint & Capital Improvemts Costs Disbursement Agreemt (“Costs Disbursement Agreemt”) btwn the City & Tenant for Certain Improvemts to be Constructed & Maintained on the Premises (the “Project”); Waiving Provisions of Chapt 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, with Respect to the Proj, & to Allow the City to Directly Contract with the Tenant for the Proj; Desig the DIA as Contract Monitor for the Lease & Costs Disbursement Agreemt; Prov...
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