ORD Approp $450,000 Transitional Housing Assistance Grant from the Dept of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, with No Local Match, to Provide Transitional Housing Assistance & Supportive Svcs to Victims of Certain Types of Crimes; Auth Mayor, or his Designee, & Corp. Secretary to Execute & Deliver Contracts btwn with Changing Homelessness, Inc., Hubbard House, Inc. & Other Qualified Local Svc Providers Who Will Partner with the City to Provide Svcs Described in this Ord; Oversight by the Parks, Rec & Community Svcs Dept, Social Svcs Div. (B.T. 21-009) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)(Co-Sponsored by CM's Cumber, Carlucci,Pittman,Ferraro,White, Newby, Hazouri, Freeman, DeFoor ,Salem , Becton,Morgan, Priestly Jackson, Diamond, Bowman, Dennis,Carrico,R.Gaffney & Boylan)
10/27/20 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
11/2/20 NCSPHS Read 2nd Rerefer
11/4/20 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/10/20 CO Meeting Cancelled-No Action
11/16/20 NCSPHS Meeting Cancelled-No Action
11/17/20 Finance Meeting Cancelled-N...