ORD Approp $6,700.00 in Fund Balance from Environmental Protection Fund (The “Fund”) to Provide Funding for Completion of 4-Yr, Comprehensive Study of Mercury in the Duval County Environment; Providing for Carryover of Fund thru 9/30/21; Provide for Waiver of Sec 111.755 (Environmental Protection Fund), Part 7, (Environment & Conservation), Chapt 111 (Special Rev & Trust Accounts), Ord Code, to Auth the Environmental Protection Board (EPB) to Utilize Funds from the Fund to Purchase Equipmnt to be Used During Mercury Study; Invoking the Exception of Sec 126.107 (G), Chapt 126, Ord Code, to Allow for Direct Contract with Jacksonville University (JU) for the Mercury Study; Providing for Waiver of Sec 360.602, (Uses of Fund), Part 6 (Environmental Protection Fund), Chapt 360 (Environmental Regulation), Ord Code, to Auth EPB to Utilize Funds to Purchase Equipmnt to be Used During Mercury Study; Apv & Auth the Mayor, his Designee, & Corp Secretary to Execute & Deliver for & on behalf of the...
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