ORD Making Certain Findings & Approp $3,451,837.90 in Cares Act Funds Previously Placed in a Contingency Acct & $3,781,650.41 of Cares Act Funds Previously Placed in a Miscellaneous Grants & Aids Account to be Placed in the Subsidies & Contributions to Private Organizations Acct to be Used for Business Relief Grants to Those Businesses Who Suffered Negative Impacts Due to COVID-19, Auth Disbursemnt of $7,233,488.31 of Business Relief Grant Funds to Those Businesses & in Such Amounts as Set Forth on Exh 1Attached Hereto, $3,451,837.90 from the $20,000,000 in Cares Act Grant Funding Previously Appropriated by Ord 2020-235-E (The “Business Relief Grant Funds”), & $3,781,650.41 from the $26,500,000 Previously Appropriated by Ord 2020-201-E & Ord Code 2020-235-E (The “COVID-19 Small Business Relief & Employee Retention Grant Program”) to Provide Additional Funding to For-Profit & Non-Profit Businesses within Duval County Negatively Impacted by COVID-19 R...