ORD Approp $200,000 from Mobile Markets Prog/Reserves to Subsidies & Contributions to Private Orgs., to Regional Food Bank of NE FL, Inc. D/B/A Feeding NE FL (“The Company”) for Purpose of Providing Money Market Prog. Grant to company in the up-to amnt. of $200,000 to provide funding for the purchase of a towing vehicle, trailer & related equipment. As necessary for Operation of a Mobile Food Market for NE Jax; provid.for carryover of funds from yr to yr until funds are expended or lapse according to the Agmnt; Apv & Auth Mayor & Corp Sec to Exec & Deliver Mobile Mrkt Prog Agmnt btwn COJ & the Company; Apv & Auth the Mayor,or his designee,& Corp. Sec. to execute & deliver that a certain Mobile Market Prog. Agreemnt.btwn the City & the Company; Auth Apv. of Technical Amendmnts by the Exec Director of OED; Oversight by OED; (B.T. 20-31) (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor)(Co-Sponsored by CM Dennis, Morgan, Newby, White, Carlucci, Diamond, Pittman, Freeman & Salem)
11/12/2019 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, ...