ORD Approp $200,000 from the Special Council Operating Contingency Est by Ord 2022-317-E to the PSG Micro-Grant Prog to Fund the PSG Micro-Grant Prog Most Vulnerable Persons & Needs Category; as Apvd by Ord 2022-214-E; Estab Eligibility & Application Requirements; Estab Process for Review, Evaluation, & Scoring of Applications; Auth Execution of Grant Agrmts; Prov for Oversight; Prov for Carryover (Johnston) (Introduced by CP Freeman)
8/9/22 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
8/15/22 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/16/22 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/24/22 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/6/22 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
9/7/22 F Amend/Approve 6-0
9/13/22 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 – 8/24/22