ORD Approp $1,200,000.00 from General Fund – GSD to Code Enforcement Revolving Fund to procure the Services of Pece of Mind Environmental, Inc., for Demo of The Berkman Plaza II Structure located 500 E. Bay St, Jax, FL; Providing for Oversight by the Neighborhoods Dept, Municipal Code Compliance Div; Req Emerg Passage Upon Intro (B.T. 22-046) (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CP Newby at Req of Mayor)
1/11/22 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
1/11/22 CO Emergency/Approved 15-1 (CM Priestly Jackson)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601-1/25/22