ORD Approp $25,000 from the NW Office of Economic Development (OED) Fund- Professional Svcs Acct to the NW Office of Economic Development Fund-Subsidies & Contributions to private Org Acct for the Purpose of Providing a Grant to Overflow Health Alliance, Inc. in the Up-to Amt of $25,000.00 to Provide Funding for the Purchase of Addnt’l Food Inventory & Necessary Upgrades to the Ceiling & Air Conditioning System of the Making Ends Meat Grocery Store, a Community-Based Store which Serves as a Source of Affordable, Healthy Food Options & Provides Access to Food, Svcs for the Elderly, & Educational Sessions for the Preparation of Healthy Foods; Providing Carryover of Funds into Subsequent FY’s until such Funds are Expended or Lapse According to the Agreemnt; Apv & Auth Execution of the Inventory Funding Agreemnt btwn the City of Jax & Overflow Health Alliance, Inc. & other Docs by the Mayor,of his Designee, & the Corp Secretary; Auth Approval of Technical Amendmnts; Oversight by the OED.(B...