ORD-Q Amending Ord 2000-451-E, As Amended, which Approved a Developmnt order for Bartram Park, a Development of Regional Impact (DRI), Pursuant to an application for change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact (AFC) Filed By Winslow Farms, LTD., ET AL., & Dated 4/19/2021, which changes are Generally Described as Adding (10.89± Acres) to the DRI For Multi-Family Residential Uses. (Eller) (LUZ) (PD Apv) (Ex-Parte: CM Becton)
(Companion Bills 2021-303 & 305)
5/25/21 CO Introduced: LUZ
6/2/21 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
6/8/21 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ
6/22/21 CO PH Addn'l PH 7/27/21
7/20/21 LUZ PH Approve 7-0
7/27/21 CO PH Approved 15-0
LUZ PH – 7/20/21
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 -6/22/21 & 7/27/21