ORD Approp $153,000.00 from the Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund (The “Fund”) for donations to Big Brothers Big Sisters of NE FL, Inc. ($15,000.00), Downtown Vision Alliance, Inc. ($10,000.00), FL Sheriffs Youth Ranches, Inc. ($20,000.00), Operation Save Our Sons, Inc. ($40,000.00), & the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, National Conference on preventing crime in the Black Community ($3,000.00) in accordance with Sec 932.7055 (5), F.S., to support School Resource Officer, crime Prevention, Safe Neighborhood, & Drug Abuse Education & Prevention Progs, Approp $65,000.00 from the fund to reimburse the general fund for forfeiture-related expenditures in accordance with Sec 932.7055 (4) (C) , F.S., & reallocating a total of $82,610.40 in prior yr residual balances; purpose of approp; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or his Designee, & the Corp Secretary to Execute & Deliver on behalf of the City, the misc approp agreement btwn the City of Jax & Big Brothers Big Sisters of NE Fl, Inc., City of Jax & D...