ORD Approp $400,000 ($200,000 from the Social Justice & Community Investment Special Committee Contingency & $200,000 from the Office of the Sheriff Pre-Trial Operations – Health Services) for the Mental Health Offender Program (“MHOP”); Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Designee, & Corp Secretary to Execute & Deliver, an Agreemnt btwn the City of Jax & the I.M. Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless, Inc. (“Sulzbacher Center”); Invoking the Exception in Sec 126.107(G), Ord Code, to Allow Direct Contract w/Sulzbacher Center to Provide Svcs to the MHOP & Manage the MHOP; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Designee, & Corp Secretary to Execute & Deliver, an Agreemnt btwn the City of Jax & the 4th Judicial Circuit Courts of FL to Provide for a Mental Health Jail Initiative Coordinator; Invoking the Exception in Sec 126.107(G), Ord Code, to Allow Direct Contract with the 4th Judicial Circuit Courts of FL to Provide for a Mental Health Jail Initiative Coordinator; Providing Oversight by the Office of Grants & C...