ORD Transmitting a Proposed Large Scale Revision to FLUM of 2030 Comp Plan at 0, 14370, 14380 & 14410 Normandy Blvd., btwn Normandy Blvd. & Manning Cemetery Rd. (103.85± Acres) - AGR-III & AGR-IV to LDR & RR – Wilbur C. Bell, Donna F. Bell, Pamela D. Burch-Dyer, Geoffrey P. Dyer & Rory E. Vilett. (Appl# L-5482-20A ) (Dist 12-White) (McDaniel) (LUZ) (JWC Apv) (PD & PC Apv)
11/24/20 CO Introduced: LUZ
12/1/20 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/8/20 CO PH Addn'l PH 1/12/21/Read 2nd & Rereferred: LUZ
1/12/21 CO PH Cont'd 1/26/21
1/26/21 CO PH Cont'd 2/9/21
2/9/21 CO PH Cont'd 2/23/21
2/23/21 CO PH Cont'd 3/9/21
3/2/21 LUZ PH Sub/Rerefer 4-0
3/9/21 CO PH Sub/Rereferred: LUZ 16-0
4/13/21 CO PH; Addn'l PH 4/27/21
4/20/21 LUZ PH Approve 7-0
4/27/21 CO PH Approved 19-0
LUZ PH – 1/5/21,1/20/21, 2/2/21, 2/17/21, 3/2/21 & 4/20/21
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184(3), F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code – 12/8/20 & 1/12/21, 1/26/21, 2/9/21, 2/23/21, 3/9/21 & 4/13/21 & 4/27/21