RESO Concerning Early Retiremt Benefits Pertaining to General Employees Pension Plan, Chapt 120, Pt 2, Ord Code; Apv & Encouraging the Mayor to Explore Addn’l Early Retirement Benefits for Members of the General Employees Retirement Plan; Directing Chief of Legislative Svcs Upon Adoption to Forward the Resolution to the Mayor’s Ofc; Req an Actuarial Report; Req Emerg Passage Upon Intro. (Sawyer) (Introduced by CM Dennis) (Co-Sponsored by CM's Newby, Hazouri, Gaffney, White, DeFoor, Priestly Jackson,Boylan, Pittman, Morgan, Freeman, & Carlucci)
8/25/20 CO Introduced: NCSPHS,TEU,F, R
8/31/20 NCSPHS Emergency/Amend/Approve 7-0
8/31/20 TEU Emergency/Amend(NCSPHS)/Approve 6-0
9/1/20 F Emergency/Amend(NCSPHS)/Approve 6-0
9/1/20 R Emergency/Amend(NCSHPS)/Approve 7-0
9/8/20 CO Emergency/Amended/Approved 19-0
Assigned Committees: