ORD Approp $2,220,000 ($1,620,000 from Duval County Tourist Developmnt Council (“TDC”) Special Revenue Fund Developmnt Account & $600,000 from TDC Special Revenue Fund Contingency Account) to TDC Operations Account to Provide Funding for TDC Operations to Offset Anticipated Losses in Tourist Developmnt Taxes Due to COVID-19 in FY 2019-2020; Purpose; Amending TDC FY 2019-2020 Budget (Second Revised Schedule W) Apvd by Ord 2019-504-E (City’s Annual Budget) & Ord 2020-251-E, to Provide Funding for TDC Operations to Offset Anticipated Losses in Tourist Developmnt Taxes Due to COVID-19 in FY 2019-2020; Providing Waiver of Sec 111.600 (B) (Development Account; Expenditures), Pt 6 (Economic & Community Developmnt), Chapt 111 (Special Revenue & Trust Accounts), Ord Code, So as to Allow Developmnt Account Funds Appropriated Herein to be Used to Offset Anticipated Losses in Tourist Developmnt Taxes Due to COVID-19; Providing for Waiver of Sec 666.108 (D) (1) (Development Account)...