ORD Approp $785,000 from Reserves Acct for the Performing Arts Center-Downtown Visitor Center CIP Project to Duval County Tourist Developmnt Council (“TDC”) Operations Acct; Purpose; Amend the TDC FY 2019-2020 Budget (Revised Schedule W) Apvd by Ord 2019-504-E (City’s Annual Budget), to Provide Funding for TDC Operations to Offset the Anticipated Losses in Tourist Developmnt Taxes Due to COVID-19;Amend the 2020-2024 5 Yr CIP Apvd by Ord 2019-505-E to reduce funding for the “Performing Arts Center-Downtown Visitor Center” CIP Project; Providing for Waiver of Chapt 666 (Duval County Tourist Developmnt Plan),Sec 666.108(D)(1) (Developmnt Acct),Ord Code,to allow for any unallocated funds remaining from the $785,000 Approp herein to transfer at the end of 2019-2020 FY to the TDC Contingency Acct;Providing a TDC Recommendation regarding the Downtown Visitor Center location Pursuant to Ord 2019-845-E;Oversight by the TDC (Hodges) (Req of TDC)
5/12/20 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F,R
5/18/20 NCSPHS ...