RESO Concerning Public Safety & Welfare of COJ during COVID-19 Pandemic; Encouraging Action by Banks & Financial Institutions; & Addnl State and Federal Action; Encouraging the FL Supreme Court to Extend Administrative Order re: Writs of Possession for Eviction Proceedings; Encouraging Sherriff to Stay Enforcemt on Eviction Orders During State of Emerg; Req Emerg Passage Upon Introduction; Directing Legislative Svcs to Circulate a Copy of Resolution Upon Adoption. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Dennis) (Co-Sponsored by CM’s Morgan, Pittman & Gaffney)
4/14/20 CO Introduction: NCSPHS, F
4/20/20 NCSPHS Withdraw 6-1 (Carlucci)
4/21/20 F Withdraw 7-0
4/28/20 CO Withdrawn 19-0