ORD Adopting a Small-Scale FLUM Amend to 2030 Comp Plan on Heckscher Dr (7.18± Acres) btwn Blount Island Blvd & Browns Creek – WD/WR to CSV – Nature Conservancy, Inc., Clovis A. Wood, Jr., ET AL & United States Dept of the Interior – National Park Svc. (Appl# L-5407-19C) (Dist 2- Ferraro) (Reed) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2020-171)
3/10/20 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/17/20 LUZ Meeting Cancelled COVID-19/Emergency-No Action
3/24/20 CO Meeting Cancelled COVID-19/Emergency-No Action
4/7/20 LUZ Mtg Cancelled COVID-19/Emergency-No Action
4/14/20 CO PH Cont 4.28.20, per 2020-200-E
4/28/20CO PH Cont 5.26.20, per 2020-200-E
5/26/20 CO PH Cont 6.23.20, per 2020-200-E
6/23/20 CO PH Cont'd 7/28/20,per 2020-200-E
7/21/20 LUZ PH Approve 7-0
7/28/20 CO PH Approved 17-0
LUZ PH – 4/21/20,6/16/20 & 7/21/20
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code – 4/14/20 & 4/28/20,5/26/20,6/23/20 & 7/28/20