RESO Strongly Opposing the Passage of House Bill 653 which would prohibit Municipal Electric Utilities from using specified revenues to Finance General Governmental Functions: Directing Legislative Svcs. to circulate the Reso to the FL. Legislature; Requesting Emergency Passage Upon Introduction (Johnston)(Introduced by CM Carlucci) (Co-Sponsored by CM's Ferraro, Freeman, Priestly Jackson, Newby, DeFoor, Morgan, Hazouri & Dennis)
11/26/2019 CO Introduced:TEU,F,R
12/02/2019 TEU Emergency/Amend/Approve 7-0
12/03/2019 F Emergency/Amend/Approve 7-0
12/3/2019 R Emergency/Amend/Approve 7-0
12/10/2019 CO Emergency/Amend/Approved 19-0