ORD Estab Temp Moratorium on Collection of Addnl Solid Waste Permit Charges on Bldg & Roofing Permits for Transport & Disposal of Constrn and Demolition Debris pursuant to Sec 320.409, Ord Code; Providing Moratorium remain in effect from Enactment until April 1, 2020; Directive to the Legislative Svcs Div to circulate enacted legislation to webmaster for immediate update of fees online. Request Emergency Passage upon Introduction. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Dennis)
9/24/2019 CO Introduced: TEU,F
9/30/2019 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/1/2019 F Read 2nd and Rerefer
10/8/2019 CO PH Read 2nd and Rerefered;TEU, F
10/14/2019 TEU Amend/Approve 0-6 (Freeman, Salem, Becton, Bowman, Cumber, Ferraro)
10/22/2019 CO Disch;F Amend/Approved 1-16 (Failed)(Becton, Bowman, Boylan, Cumber, DeFoor, Diamond, Ferraro, Freeman, R. Gaffney, Hazouri, Newby, Pittman, Priestly Jackson, Salem, White, Wilson)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 10/8/19