ORD Approp $366,500.00 from the Special Law Enforcemnt Trust Fund to 1) Provide funding in the amount of $351,000.00 to establish the FY 2019/20 budget for the Special Law Enforcemnt Trust Fund (Subfund 64A) pursuant to Sec 111.310, Ord Code, reimburse the General Fund for Forfeiture–related expenditures per Sec 932.7055 (4) (c), F.S. , fund the Homeward Bound Prog, fund the expansion of the Berm at the firing Range, & fund Leasehold Improvemts for the New Zone 6 Substation; 2) Auth the transfer of $3,000.00 to the Teen Driver Special Rev Fund (Subfund 64A) pursuant to Sec 111.365, Ord Code; & 3) Auth the Transfer of $12,500.00 to the Police Explorer Trust Fund (Subfund 64 C) Pursuant to Sec. 111.340, Ord Code (B.T. 20-009) (McCain) (Req of Sheriff)
8/27/2019 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
9/5/2019 NCSPHS Meeting Cancelled/Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/6/2019 F Read 2nd and Rerefer
9/10/19 CO Read 2nd and Rerefer; NCSPHS, F
9/16/2019 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
9/17/2019 F Approve 7-0
9/24/2019 CO Approved 1...