ORD Approp $28,920,070.08 in Emergency Rental Assistance Program Grant Funds from the U.S. Dept of Treasury to Provide Emergency Rental & Utility Assistance to Eligible Households in Accordance w/the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (The “ERA Program”) Established by Sec 501 of Division N of the Consolidated Appropriation Act, 2021, PUB. L. #116-260 (December 27, 2020) (The “Act”) to Mitigate the Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Invoking the Exception of Sec 126.107(G) (Exemptions), Part 1 (General Regulations), Chapt 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Allow for a Direct Contract w/United Way of Northeast Florida, Inc.; Apv & Auth Mayor, & the Corp Secretary to Execute & Deliver a Contract w/United Way of Northeast Florida, Inc. For the Provision of ERA Program Svcs Described in this Ord; Invoking the Exception of Sec 126.107 (G) (Exemptions), Part 1 (General Regulations), Chapt 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Allow for a Direct Contract w/Civitas, LLC; Apv & Auth Mayor, ...