| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Road Frontage (Appl WRF-22-31), at 2342 Jones Rd, btwn Jerry Acres Ln & Vineyard Ln - Holly B. Reinhardt & Joel E. Reinhardt - Requesting to Reduce the Min Road Frontage Requirements from 320 ft to 0 ft for Four Proposed Lots in RR-Acre (R.E. # 004600-1130) (Dist. 8-Pittman) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD Apv) (Ex Parte: CM White)
1/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
1/18/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/14/23 CO PH Only
3/22/23 LUZ PH Sub/Rererfer 5-0
3/28/23 CO Sub/Rerefer 18-0
4/25/23 CO PH Only
5/2/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
5/9/23 CO Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 2/22/23, 3/7/23, 3/22/23, & 5/2/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 2/14/23, & 4/25/23 | Sub/Rereferred | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 2. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 4455 & 4521 Atlantic Blvd, 0, 1315, 1362 & 1471 St Elmo Dr, & 0 Hart Bridge Expwy S - (43.81± Acres) - PUD (2018-759-E) & RLD-60 to PUD, to Permit Education Institution & Office Uses, as Described in the Episcopal School of Jacksonville PUD - Episcopal School of Jacksonville, Inc., FKA Episcopal High School of Jacksonville, Florida, Inc., St. Johns Episcopal Church, & the Rector, Wardens & Vestry of St. Johns Parish, at Jacksonville, Florida; PUD Subject to Conditions (R.E. # 129467-0000, 129512-0010, 129524-0000, 129534-0000, 129629-0000, 129688-0020 & 129693-0000) (Dist. 1-Morgan) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amend/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Morgan, White & Carrico)
2/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
2/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Only
3/22/23 LUZ PH Amend (w/Conds)/Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 3/22/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/14/23 | Amend/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 5546 & 5554 Paris Ave, btwn Tuskegee Rd & W 45th St - (0.24± Acres) - CO to CRO - Homeowner Helpers Profit Sharing Plan LLC (R.E. # 086288-0000 & 086289-0000) (Dist. 8-Pittman) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
2/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
2/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH only
3/22/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 3/22/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/14/23 | Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 4. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Appt of Wade S. Alliance as a Member of the Renew Arlington Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board, as a Banking Profession Rep, Pursuant to Ch 53, Ord Code, Filling a Seat Formerly Held by Rajendra R. Adhikari, for a Partial Term Ending 12/31/23 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Freeman)
1/24/23 CO Introduced: R
2/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming an Opened & Improved Portion of the Sewell Rd R/W, Estab in Deed Book 1152, Page 363, of the Former Public Records of Duval County, FL, at the Req of Seefried-PSO Jax, LLC; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist. 7 - Gaffney, Jr.) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: TEU
3/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/21/23 TEU PH Approve 4-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 3/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | Ordinance | ORD Apv & Auth the Deletion of a Vacant Assistant Prog Manager - Disaster Recovery Position From the CDBG - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Prog & the Addition of an Affordable Housing Development Assistant Administrator Position in the Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Prog Within the Housing & Community Dev Div of the Neighborhoods Dept (B.T. 23-062) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Approve 5-0
3/21/23 F Approve 7-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 7. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp a $7,000.00 Grant from the Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, Inc. to Fund Online Classes for Youth in Teen Court Diversion Progs; Prov for Oversight by the Court Admin, Dir of Teen Courts (B.T. 23-045) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray & Freeman)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
3/21/23 F Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 8. | | Ordinance | ORD Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, & Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver That Certain Lease Agrmt Btwn the City & Gryphon Marine, LLC, f/k/a CDI Marine Company, LLC for Bldg 900 at Cecil Commerce Ctr, 12,474 Sq Ft of Office Space at 6017 POW-MIA Memorial Pkwy, Jax, FL 32210, for a Term of 3 Yrs, With Options to Renew for 2 Add’l 12 Month Terms, at a Monthly Rental Rate of $11,448.12 With a CAM of $200.00 Per Month, With 3% Annual Rent Increases; Prov for Oversight by OED (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
3/21/23 F Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 9. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $261,000.00 From Drainage System Rehabilitation - DSR General Capital Projs to the Flynn Rd Drainage Improvements Proj for Completion of the Flynn Rd Drainage Improvements Proj; Amend the 2023-2027 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2022-505-E to Reflect This Appropriation of Funds to the Proj (B.T. 23-048) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/21/23 F Approve 6-0
3/21/23 TEU Approve 4-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | | Ordinance | ORD re the Estab of Hogpen Creek Dependent Special Dist in Accordance with Sec 189.02, F.S.; Incorporating Recitals; Adopting a Charter for the “Hogpen Creek Dependent Special District” for the Limited Purpose of Dredging & Maintaining Navigable Waterway Access to the Intracoastal Waterway; Estab the Dependent Nature of the Dist; Estab the Purpose, Powers, Functions & Duties; Estab a Geographic Boundary for the Dist; Acknowledging the Authority to Create the Dependent Special Dist; Recognizing the Best Alternative; Estab a 7 Member Board of Supervisors to be Originally Appointed by the City Council with All 7 Initial Terms Exp on 5/18/27, & All 7 Supervisors Being Elected by the Qualified Electors of the Dist Beginning with the 2027 General Election; Prov Add’l Requirements; Identifying the Method of Financing; Recognizing the Consistency with the Comp Plan (Bowles) (Introduced by CM Diamond) (JWC Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F, JWC
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | | Ordinance | ORD Honoring & Recognizing the Achievements of Howard I. Korman in Serving the Children & Youth of the City of Jax by Naming the Board Rm on the 2nd Fl of KHA Bldg, located at 1095 A. Philip Randolph Blvd, Jax, FL 32206, the “Howard I. Korman Board Rooms”; Waiving Sec 122.102 (A) (Naming of & Signage on Public Facilities Regulated), Ord Code, Regarding the Naming Public Facilities After Living People (Hodges) (Co-Introduced by CP Freeman at Req of Mayor & KHA) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem, Ferraro & Becton)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | | Resolution | RESO Reappt Jon Michael Barker as a Member of the Jax Waterways Commission, as a General Public Rep, Pursuant to Ch 95, Ord Code, for a 2nd Full Term Exp 3/10/26 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Freeman) (Co-Sponsors CMs DeFoor & Ferraro)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | | Resolution | RESO Reappt Richard E. Hartley as a Member of the Jax Waterways Commission, as a General Public Rep, Pursuant to Ch 95, Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term Exp 12/31/25 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Freeman) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem & Ferraro)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | | Resolution | RESO Reappt W. Marc Hardesty as a Member of the Jax Waterways Commission, as a General Public Rep, Pursuant to Ch 95, Ord Code, for a 2nd Full Term Exp 12/31/25 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Freeman) (Co-Sponsors CMs White & Ferraro)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | | Resolution | RESO Reappt Andrew Fraden as a Member of the Jax Waterways Commission, as a General Public Rep, Pursuant to Ch 95, Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term Exp 12/31/24 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Freeman) (Co-Sponsor CM Ferraro)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | | Resolution | RESO Reappt Robert P. Birtalan as a Member of the Jax Waterways Commission, as a General Public Rep, Pursuant to Ch 95, Ord Code, for a 2nd Full Term Exp 12/31/24 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Freeman) (Co-Sponsor CM Ferraro)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 17. | | Resolution | RESO Reappt Mark Devereaux as a Member of the Jax Waterways Commission, as a General Public Rep, Pursuant to Ch 95, Ord Code, for a 2nd Full Term Exp 12/31/2025 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Freeman) (Co-Sponsor CM Ferraro)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 18. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Reappt of Kendall Park, as a Member of the Jax Police & Fire Pension Fund Financial Investment & Advisory Committee, Pursuant to Sec 121.503 (Financial Investment & Advisory Committee; Membership, Appointment & Terms), Pt 5 (Financial Investment & Advisory Committee), Ch 121 (Police & Firefighters Pension Plan), Ord Code, for a 2nd Term Exp on 3/1/26 (Hodges) (Req of Jax Police & Fire Pension Board of Trustees)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 19. | | Resolution | RESO Commemorating the Passing of Guitarist Gary Rossington, a Founder & the Last Surviving Member of Legendary Jacksonville-Based Southern Rock Band Lynyrd Skynyrd (Clements) (Introduced by CMs Howland, Salem & DeFoor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Ferraro & Becton)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: R
3/20/23 R Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 1771 Airport Rd, btwn International Airport Blvd & Ranch Rd - (2.67± Acres) - CCG-1 to PUD, to Permit Commercial Uses, as Described in the Fox Car Rental, JAX JIA PUD - Jax Airport RE, LLC (R.E. # 019354-0085) (Dist. 7 - Gaffney, Jr.) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 21. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Starratt Rd, btwn Airport Center Dr E & Duval Station Rd - (1.94± Acres) - PUD (2000-1248-E) to PUD, to Permit Commercial Uses, as Described in the Starratt Rd Self Storage PUD - JRL Investments, LLC (R.E. # 106935-0300) (Dist. 2 - Ferraro) (Abney) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Howland, Priestly Jackson, Carrico & Ferraro)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-1 (Ferraro)
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 22. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 270 N Kernan Blvd, btwn Kernan Blvd N & Roserush Ln - (22.62± Acres) - RR-Acre to PUD, to Permit Churches, Schools, & Related Recreational Uses, as Described in the East Pointe Church PUD - East Pointe Baptist Church, Inc.; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 162225-0500) (Dist. 2 - Ferraro) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amend/Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Amend (w/Cond)/Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 23. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 4076 & 4100 Belfort Rd, btwn Southpoint Dr E & Belfort Oaks Place (2.20± Acres) - PUD (2021-197-E) to PUD, to Permit Commercial Uses, as Described in the Southpoint Village PUD - SPV-II, L.L.C. & Southpoint Village, LLC (F/K/A Southpoint Village General Partnership) (R.E. # 152866-1200 & 152866-1400) (Dist. 4 - Carrico) (Abney) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Carrico)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 15-1 (Boylan)
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 24. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Wright Ave, btwn Emerson St & Powers Ave (0.18± Acres) - PUD (1995-1198-E) to RMD-A - DEC2029 LLC (R.E. # 070424-0000) (Dist. 5 - Cumber) (Hetzel) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-1 (Morgan)
LUZ PH - 4/4/23, 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 25. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Herlong Rd, btwn Old Middleburg Rd N & Herlong Rd - (7.89± Acres) - RMD-A to RMD-D - Hai Ho & Henry Jay Gilbert (R.E. # 010401-0000) (Dist. 12 - White) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CM White)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 26. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Outback Dr, btwn Main St N & Benton St - (1.09± Acres) - PUD (2006-770-E) to CCG-1 - Old No. 1 Partners, LLC (R.E. # 107669-0300) (Dist. 7 - Gaffney, Jr.) (Abney) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (N CPAC Deny)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 27. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Cedar Point Rd, btwn Boney Rd & Teeger Rd - (5.39± Acres) - CO to PBF-1 - The City of Jacksonville (R.E. # 159845-0000) (Dist. 2 - Ferraro) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 28. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Road Frontage (Appl WRF-22-33), at 0 Tresca Rd, btwn Atrium Way & Atlantic Blvd - Demetree-Taylor Partnership - Requesting to Reduce the Min Road Frontage Requirements from 48 ft to 23.7 ft in RMD-D (R.E. # 162879-1020) (Dist. 1 - Morgan) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 29. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Road Frontage (Appl WRF-23-03), at 1221 & 1229 N Cathy Tripp Ln, btwn Well Water Rd & Rewis Rd - Robert A. Holton, Jr. & Kimberly H. Holton, as Co-Trustees of the Holton Family Trust Dated 4/27/22, & Jason Keith Atkins & Jessica Marie Atkins - Requesting to Reduce the Min Road Frontage Requirements from 80 ft to 0 ft for 2 lots in RR-Acre (R.E. # 004685-0005 & 004685-0010) (Dist. 8 - Pittman) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 4-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 30. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Sign Waiver (Appl SW-22-08), for Sign at 169 Zoo Pkwy, btwn Zoo Pkwy & Parker Ave - San Marco Investments of Jacksonville, Inc. - Requesting to Reduce the Min Setback from 10 ft to 0 ft - CCG-2 (R.E. # 108799-0000) (Dist. 7 - Gaffney, Jr.) (Abney) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 31. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Sign Waiver (Appl SW-22-09), for Sign at 8804 Lone Star Rd, btwn Loan Star Rd & Mill Creek Rd - Essa Khazal & Samir Khazal - Requesting to Reduce the Min Setback from 10 ft to 3 ft - CN (R.E. # 121217-0000) (Dist. 1 - Morgan) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 32. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Sign Waiver (Appl SW-23-01), for Sign at 6140 San Jose Blvd, btwn Caddell Dr & Tiffin Ln - San Jose Baptist Church, Inc. - Requesting to Increase the Number of Signs from 1 to 2, to Allow or Change Illumination from External to Internal, & to Reduce the Min Setback from 10 ft to 5 ft - CRO (R.E. # 100451-0010) (Dist. 5 - Cumber) (Williams) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Only
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/28/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 33. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Amend Sec 650.105 (Definitions), Pt 1 (General Provisions), Ch 650 (Comprehensive Planning for Future Development), Ord Code, Sec 656.704 (Nonconforming Lots of Record - Residential), Pt 7 (Nonconforming Lots, Uses & Structures), & Sec 656.1601 (Definitions), Pt 16 (Definitions), Ch 656 (Zoning Code), Ord Code, to Clarify the Definition of a “Lot of Record”, to Define “Infill Lot”, & to Address Dev of Infill Lots in Residential Zoning Dists (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM Diamond) (Co-Sponsors CMs Freeman & Carrico) (PD & PC Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/11/23
4/11/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/23/23 CO PH Cont'd 6/13/23
6/13/23 CO PH Cont'd 6/27/23
6/27/23 CO PH Cont'd 7/25/23
7/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 8/8/23
8/1/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 6-0
8/8/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 14-4 (Carlucci, Pittman, Clark-Murray, Gay)
LUZ PH - 4/4/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 & 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5/ | PH Addnl | |
Action details
| 1 | 34. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming an Opened & Improved Portion of the Walnut St R/W, Estab in the Plat of New Springfield, as Recorded, at the Req of Setzer’s Warehousing Corporation, Inc., Subj to Reservation unto JEA of an All Utilities, Facilities & Access Easement Over the Closure Area; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist. 7 - Gaffney, Jr.) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: TEU
3/21/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 TEU PH Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | |
Action details
| 1 | 35. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming an Unopened & Unimproved Portion of the Stevens Ave R/W, Estab in the John M. Stevens Subdivision Plat, as Recorded, at the Req of Jax Edgewood Partners, LLC, Subj to Reservation unto the City of an All Utilities & Facilities Easement Over the Entire Closure Area & Reservation unto JEA of an All Utilities & Facilities Easement Over the Southerly 60 Ft of the Closure Area; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist. 9 - Clark-Murray) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: TEU
3/21/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 TEU PH Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 36. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming a Drainage Easement Estab by Ord 2022-263-E, as Recorded, at the Req of Jax Edgewood Partners, LLC; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist. 9 - Clark-Murray) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: TEU
3/21/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 TEU PH Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 37. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming 7 Unopened, Unimproved & Unnamed R/W of the Unrecorded Plat of Dinsmore Company’s Official Map of Dinsmore & Dinsmore Farms, Prepared Aug 1933, Under Direction of Robert M. Angas, Civil Engineer, all in Duval County, FL, at the Req of Plummer JV, LLC, Subj to Reservation unto JEA of an All Utilities, Facilities, & Access Easement Over a Portion of the Closure Area as More Specifically Described Herein; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist. 8 - Pittman) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: TEU
3/21/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 TEU PH Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 38. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp Grant Funds in the Amt of $814,375.00 from the FL Dept of Management Svcs, Through Its Pre-Paid Wireless Next Generation 911 (NG911) State Grant Prog, to JSO to Implement the NG-911 Routing Proj; Prov for Oversight by JSO (B.T. 23-050) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Sheriff)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
3/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/21/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Approve 7-0
4/4/23 TEU Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 39. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $114,822.83 in Civil Fines & Penalties Revenue from the Litter Trust Fund, & Approp 70% of Such Revenue to JTA to Keep Public Bus Stops & Public Bus Shelters Well-Maintained & Litter Free, & the Remaining 30% to the Neighborhoods Dept, Municipal Code Compliance Div, to Pay Personnel Costs for PT Code Enforcement Employees to Conduct Public R/W Enforcement of Snipe Signs & Public Awareness & Education Progs to Advance Zero-Tolerance for Litter; Requiring a Report to City Council (B.T. 23-060) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
3/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/21/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/3/23 NCSPHS Approve 7-0
4/4/23 F Approve 7-0
4/4/23 TEU Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 40. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp Grant Funds in the Amt of $148,000.00 from FDLE, Through Its FY 22-23 Criminal Justice Data Transparency (CJDT) Implementation Assistance Prog, to JSO to Implement the CJDT/Uniform Arrest Affidavit Proj; Prov for Oversight by JSO (B.T. 23-049) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Sheriff)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
3/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/3/23 NCSPHS Approve 7-0
4/4/23 F Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 41. | | Ordinance | ORD Apv & Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver that Certain Real Estate Purchase Agrmt btwn the City & Jeffrey & Karen Rickert, & All Closing & Other Docs Relating Thereto, & to Otherwise Take All Action Necessary to Effectuate the Purposes of the Agrmt, for Acquisition by the City, at the Negotiated Purchase Price of $110,000, of an ±0.10 Acre Portion of the Parcel Located at 1460 Starratt Rd, Jax, FL (R.E. # 106330-0010), to be Used for Completion of the Starratt Rd/Dunn Creek Rd Intersection Improvement Proj; Prov for Oversight of Acquisition of the Propty by the Real Estate Div of the Dept of Public Works & Thereafter by Public Works (Dist. 2 - Ferraro) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
3/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/21/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Approve 7-0
4/4/23 TEU Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 42. | | Ordinance | ORD Delegating Auth to Modify the Variable Index Rate on Certain Outstanding Obligations Issued by Various Conduit Issuers from Libor to a Substitute Rate; Apv & Auth the Economic Dev Officer, or His Designee, to Execute & Deliver, for & on Behalf of the Conduit Issuers Amendments to Bond Docs; Apv & Auth the Economic Dev Officer, or His Designee, to Execute & Deliver, for & on Behalf of the Conduit Issuers Certificates & Other Docs; Prov for No Personal Liability; Finding that All Prerequisites have been Performed; Prov for Severability (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: F
3/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 43. | | Ordinance | ORD Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, to Execute: (1) a Redev Agrmt Among the City, DIA & the Museum of Science & History of Jacksonville, Inc. (MOSH); (2) a Ground Lease Agrmt btwn the DIA and MOSH for the Lease of ±2.5 Acres of City-owned Land Located within the Shipyards Site With an Initial Term of 40 Yrs with Nominal Rent; (3) a Park Design Proj Costs Disbursement Agrmt btwn the City & MOSH for MOSH to Provide at City’s Expense the Engineered Plans & Specifications for New City-owned Park & Riverwalk Improvements; (4) A Joint-Use Park Agrmt btwn the City & MOSH; & (5) Related Agrmts as Described in the Redev Agrmt, for the Construction by MOSH of a New, Minimum 75,000 sq ft Museum Facility, & Construction by the City of a New 1.5 Acre Joint-use Park & an Add’l 3.28 Acres of Public Park Space & Riverwalk Improvements & Related Road & Utility Improvements, all on the Northbank of the St. Johns River Within the Downtown East Northbank Downtown Community Redev Area; Prov for City Oversight of the Proj by Public Works & Parks, Rec & Community Svcs; Auth the Execution of all Docs Relat | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 44. | | Ordinance | ORD Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Thomas G. Register as Chief of the Municipal Code Compliance Div of the City Pursuant to Sec 34.302 (Chief of Municipal Code Compliance Division), Part 3 (Municipal Code Compliance Division), Ch 34 (Neighborhoods Department), Ord Code; Waiving the Requirement of Sec 34.302 (Chief of Municipal Code Compliance Division), Part 3 (Municipal Code Compliance Division), Ch 34 (Neighborhoods Department), Ord Code, that the Chief of Municipal Code Compliance Div Have a Bachelor’s Degree (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs White & Carlucci)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: R
3/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/3/23 R Approve 6-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 45. | | Ordinance | ORD Conf the City Council’s Concurrence with the Proposed Appt of Antonio Nichols as Medical Director of the DOH Duval County Public Health Unit by the State Surgeon General Pursuant to Sec 154.04, F.S., & Conf the Joint Appt of Antonio Nichols as Medical Director of the DOH Duval Co Public Health Unit by the District Administrator for the DOH & the Mayor Pursuant to Sec 29.102, Ord Code; Waiving the Requirements of Sec 29.102, (Director), Ch 29 (Public Health Unit), Ord Code, that the Medical Director be an M.D. or a D.O. Licensed Under Ch 458 or Ch 459, F.S., & Have a Master’s Degree in Public Health (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: R
3/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/3/23 R Approve 6-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 46. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp a $2,000,000 Grant From the U.S. DOJ, Office of Justice Progs, for the Mayor’s Violence Reduction Center (MVRC) Community-Based Violence Intervention & Prevention Initiative (CVIPI); Auth Positions; Prov Oversight by the Grants & Contract Compliance Div (B.T. 23-043) (R.C. 23-095) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Clark-Murray)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
3/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/17/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
4/17/23 R Amend/Approve 5-0
4/18/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 47. | | Ordinance | ORD re the Mental Health Offender Prog (MHOP); Approp $106,613.72 From the General Fund GSD - Mental Health Offender Prog Activity to the MHOP Trust Fund (Fund 11528) to Pay for Contractual Svcs for the MHOP; Prov for Disbursement of $200,000 Originally Approp by Ord 2022-504-E to the 4th Judicial Circuit Courts of FL ($62,500), the Public Defender for the 4th Judicial Circuit ($45,000), the State Attorney’s Office, 4th Judicial Circuit ($45,000), & I.M. Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless, Inc. ($47,500) for the Provision of Svcs for the MHOP; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, & Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver a 3rd Amendment to Svcs Contract Btwn the City & I.M. Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless, Inc. (Sulzbacher) for the Continued Provision of Svcs for the MHOP; Invoking the Exemption in Sec 126.107 (g) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Allow a Direct Contract with Sulzbacher for the Continued Provision of Svcs for the MHOP; Waiving Sec 118.107 (Nonprofits to Receive Funding through a Competitive Evaluated Award Process), Pt 1 (G | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 48. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2030 Comp Plan at 4915 San Pablo Rd S, btwn San Pablo Rd & Dixie Landing Dr - (R.E. # 181767-0060) (12.95± Acres) – CGC to RPI – Steinemann San Pablo, LLC (Appl # L-5715-22C) (Dist. 13-Diamond) (Trout) (LUZ) (Rezoning 2022-889)
12/13/22 CO Introduced: LUZ
1/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer |1/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/24/23 CO PH Addnt'l 2/14/23
CO PH Cont’d on 2/14/23, 2/28/23, 3/28/23, 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, 8/22/23, 9/12/23, 9/26/23, 10/10/23, 10/24/23, 11/14/23, 11/28/23, 1/10/24, 1/23/24, 2/27/24, 3/26/24, 4/23/24, 5/28/24, 7/23/24, 8/13/24, 9/10/24, 10/8/24
LUZ PH – 2/7/23, 2/22/23, 3/22/23, 4/4/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23, 8/15/23, 9/6/23, 9/19/23, 10/3/23, 10/17/23, 11/7/23, 11/21/23, 1/3/24, 1/17/24, 2/21/24, 3/19/24, 4/16/24, 5/21/24, 7/16/24, 8/6/24, 9/4/24, 10/1/24, 11/6/24, 12/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code – 1/24/23 & 2/14/23, 2/28/23, 3/28/23, 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, 8/22/2 | PH Only/Cont’d to | |
Action details
| 1 | 49. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 4915 San Pablo Rd S, btwn San Pablo Rd & Dixie Landing Dr - (12.95± Acres) – PUD (2008-653-E) to PUD, to Permit Multi-Family Residential & Commercial Uses, as Described in the San Pablo Place II PUD – Steinemann San Pablo, LLC (R.E. # 181767-0060) (Appl # L-5715-22C) (Dist. 13-Diamond) (Lewis) (LUZ) (Small Scale 2022-888)
12/13/22 CO Introduced: LUZ
1/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 1/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/24/23 CO PH Addnt'l 2/14/23
CO PH Cont’d on 2/14/23, 2/28/23, 3/28/23, 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, 8/22/23, 9/12/23, 9/26/23, 10/10/23, 10/24/23, 11/14/23, 11/28/23, 1/10/24, 1/23/24, 2/27/24, 3/26/24, 4/23/24, 5/28/24, 7/23/24, 8/13/24, 9/10/24, 10/8/24
LUZ PH – 2/7/23, 2/22/23, 3/22/23, 4/4/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23, 8/15/23, 9/6/23, 9/19/23, 10/3/23, 10/17/23, 11/7/23, 11/21/23, 1/3/24, 1/17/24, 2/21/24, 3/19/24, 4/16/24, 5/21/24, 7/16/24, 8/6/24, 9/4/24, 10/1/24, 11/6/24, 12/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601– 1/24/23 & 2/14/23, 2/28/23, 3/28/23, 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5 | PH Only/Cont’d to | |
Action details
| 1 | 50. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2030 Comp Plan at 4046, 4048 & 4112 Livingston Rd, & 0 & 4094 Hardy Dr, btwn Old St Augustine Rd & Pine Acres Rd- (R.E. # 155760-0000, 155768-0000, 155768-0010, 156305-0010 & 156307-0000) (11.49± Acres) - LDR to MDR - Mandarin Christian Church (of Jacksonville, Florida), Inc. (Appl # L-5777-22C) (Dist. 6-Boylan) (Trout) (LUZ)
(Rezoning 2023-5)
1/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
1/18/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/14/23 CO PH Addnt'l 2/28/23
2/28/23 CO PH Cont'd 3/28/23
3/28/23 CO PH Cont'd 4/25/23
4/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 6/13/23
6/6/23 LUZ Withdraw 7-0
6/13/23 CO Withdraw 18-0
LUZ PH - 2/22/23, 3/22/23, 4/18/23, 5/2/23, 6/6/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 2/14/23 & 2/28/23, 3/28/2, 4/25/23, 5/9/23, 6/13/23 | PH Only/Cont’d to | |
Action details
| 1 | 51. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 4046, 4048 & 4112 Livingston Rd, & 0 & 4094 Hardy Dr, btwn Old St Augustine Rd & Pine Acres Rd - (11.49± Acres) - RLD-60 to PUD, to Permit Up To 80 Townhomes with Associated Recreational Uses, as Described in the Livingston Road PUD - Mandarin Christian Church (of Jacksonville, Florida), Inc.; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 155760-0000, 155768-0000, 155768-0010, 156305-0010 & 156307-0000) (Dist. 6-Boylan) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Amaro, Arias, Gaffney, Jr., Carrico, J. Carlucci, Johnson, Boylan, Howland, White, Salem, Miller, Pittman, Lahnen, Carlucci & Peluso)
1/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
1/18/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/14/23 CO PH Addnt'l 2/28/23
2/28/23 CO PH Cont'd 3/28/23
3/28/23 CO PH Cont'd 4/25/23
4/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 6/13/23
6/13/23 CO PH Only
8/1/23 LUZ PH Amend (w/Cond)/Approve 6-0
8/8/23 CO Amend/Approve 14-4 (Boylan, Carlucci, Clark-Murray, Gay)
LUZ PH - 2/22/23, 3/22/23, 4/18/23, 5/2/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- | PH Only/Cont’d to | |
Action details
| 1 | 52. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Large-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM of the 2030 Comp Plan at 0 J. Turner Butler Blvd, 0 S Hampton Ridge Blvd, 0 Philips Highway, 11458 Apex Trail & 0 Grand St, btwn I-295 & the St. Johns Co Line - (R.E. # 167748-0000, 167762-0010, 167900-0020, 167900-0030, 167900-0040, 167900-0050, 167900-0060, 167900-0070, 167900-0080, 167900-0090 & 167900-0100 - (6,174.21± Acres) - LDR Subj to FLUE Site Specific Policy 4.4.11 & 4.4.12 to MU Subj to FLUE Site Specific Policy 4.3.22 - Big Creek Timber, LLC (Appl #L-5673-22A) (Dist. 11- Becton) (Reed) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Companions 2023-68 & 2023-69)
2/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
2/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 3/28/23
3/22/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 3/22/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184(3), F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 3/14/23 & 3/28/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 53. | | Ordinance | ORD Apv, Subject to Conditions, a Conceptual Master Plan for Development at 0 J. Turner Butler Blvd, 0 S Hampton Ridge Blvd, 0 Philips Highway, 11458 Apex Trail & 0 Grand St, btwn I-295 & the St. Johns Co Line (R.E. # 167748-0000, 167762-0010, 167900-0020, 167900-0030, 167900-0040, 167900-0050, 167900-0060, 167900-0070, 167900-0080, 167900-0090 & 167900-0100) (6,174.21± Acres)- Big Creek Timber, LLC (Dist-11-Becton) (Reed) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amend/Apv)
(Companions 2023-67 & 2023-69)
2/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
2/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 3/28/23
3/22/23 LUZ PH Amend (w/Conds)/Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 3/22/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/14/23 & 3/28/23 | PH Amend/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 54. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 J. Turner Butler Blvd, 0 S Hampton Ridge Blvd, 0 Philips Highway, 11458 Apex Trail & 0 Grand St, btwn I-295 & the St. Johns Co Line - (6,174.21± Acres) - RR-Acre to PUD, to Permit Mixed Uses, as Described in the Big Creek Timber LLC PUD - Big Creek Timber, LLC; PUD Subj to Condition (R.E. # 167748-0000, 167762-0010, 167900-0020, 167900-0030, 167900-0040, 167900-0050, 167900-0060, 167900-0070, 167900-0080, 167900-0090 & 167900-0100) (Appl # L-5673-22A) (Dist. 11-Becton) (Abney) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amend/Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Becton)
(Companions 2023-67 & 2023-68)
2/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
2/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 3/28/23
3/22/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO PH Amend (FL)/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 3/22/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/14/23 & 3/28/23 | PH Amend(Fl)/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 55. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2030 Comp Plan at 5901 Trout River Blvd, btwn I-295 & Wagner Rd - (R.E. # 021160-1000) (11.37± Acres) - LDR to MDR - The Jacksonville Palmetto Lodge #3 Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society (Appl # L-5780-22C) (Dist. 8 -Pittman) (Salley) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-71)
2/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
2/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 3/28/23
3/22/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO PH Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 3/22/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 3/14/23 & 3/28/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 56. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 5901 Trout River Blvd, btwn I-295 & Wagner Rd - (11.37± Acres) - PBF-2 to PUD, to Permit up to 110 Townhomes, as Described in the Woodmen/Trout River PUD - The Jacksonville Palmetto Lodge #3 Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society (R.E. # 021160-1000) (Appl # L-5780-22C) (Dist. 8-Pittman) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amend/Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-70)
2/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
2/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 3/28/23
3/22/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 3/22/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/14/23 & 3/28/23 | PH Amend/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 57. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2030 Comp Plan at 6916 103rd St, btwn I-295 W & Tampico Rd - (R.E. # 014426-0002 (Portion)) (1.74± Acres) - MDR to CGC - 6916 103rd St LLC (Appl # L-5784-22C) (Dist. 9-Clark-Murray) (Trout) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amend/Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-73)
2/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
2/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 3/28/23
3/22/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO PH Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 3/22/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 3/14/23 & 3/28/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 58. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 6916 103rd St, btwn I-295 W & Tampico Rd - (1.74± Acres) - RMD-D to CCG-1- 6916 103rd St LLC (R.E. # 014426-0002 (Portion)) (Appl # L-5784-22C) (Dist. 9-Clark-Murray) (Cox) (LUZ)
(Small Scale 2023-72) (PD & PC Apv)
2/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
2/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
2/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 3/28/23
3/22/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO PH Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 3/22/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/14/23 & 3/28/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 59. | | Ordinance | ORD Transmitting to the State of FL’s Various Agencies for Review, A Proposed Large-Scale Revision to the FLUM Series of the 2030 Comp Plan at 0 Roosevelt Blvd, 4811 & 4837 Collins, btwn Roosevelt Blvd & Ortega Bluff Pkwy - (127.95± Acres) - LI, MDR & RPI to MDR & RPI - Edward L. Toney & Joan M. Toney, as Co-Trustees of the Joan M. Toney Revocable Trust Dated 7/28/17, & Jemset LLC - (R.E. # 098422-0000, 099140-0000, 099140-0020, 099151-0000 (Portion) & 105562-0010) (Appl # L-5778-22A) (Dist. 14 - DeFoor) (Fogarty) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (JWC Apv)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ, JWC
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Addnt'l 4/11/23
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO PH Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 3/28/23 & 4/11/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
| 1 | 60. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Salisbury Rd, btwn Southpoint Pkwy & Corporate Center Pkwy - (R.E. # 152850-0000 & 152850-0020) (2.97± Acres) - BP to HDR - Alliya Maqsood & Nasrullah Ghafoor (Appl # L-5781-22C) (Dist. 4 - Carrico) (Hinton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-118)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Addnt'l 4/11/23
4/11/23 CO PH Cont'd 4/25/23
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23, 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 3/28/23 & 4/11/23, 4/25/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
| 1 | 61. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Salisbury Rd, btwn Southpoint Pkwy & Corporate Center Pkwy - (2.97± Acres) - IBP to RHD-B - Alliya Maqsood & Nasrullah Ghafoor (R.E. # 152850-0000 & 152850-0020) (Appl # L-5781-22C) (Dist. 4 - Carrico) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex-Parte: CM Carrico)
(Small Scale 2023-117)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Addnt'l 4/11/23
4/11/23 CO PH Cont'd 4/25/23
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23, 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 & 4/11/23, 4/25/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
| 1 | 62. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2030 Comp Plan at 0 S Celery Ave & 10990 General Ave, btwn Celery Ave S & Center Ave - (R.E. # 006733-0000 & 006737-0000) (5.16± Acres) - LDR to LI - Jason Harrell (A/K/A Jason J. Harrell) & Lynn Harrell (Appl # L-5787-22C) (Dist. 12 - White) (Salley) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-120)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Addnt'l 4/11/23
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CO PH Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 3/28/23 & 4/11/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
| 1 | 63. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 S Celery Ave & 10990 General Ave, btwn Celery Ave S & Center Ave - (5.16± Acres) - RR-Acre to IL - Jason Harrell (A/K/A Jason J. Harrell) & Lynn Harrell (R.E. # 006733-0000 & 006737-0000) (Dist. 12 - White) (Abney) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-119)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO PH Addnt'l 4/11/23
4/4/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/11/23 CP PH Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 4/4/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/28/23 & 4/11/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
| 1 | 64. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $684,572.74 in Grant Funding from the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Prog, Thru the State of FL, Div of Emergency Management, to Fund Design-Related Svcs & Activities for the McCoys Creek Greenway - McCoys Creek Blvd Closure Proj; Amend the 2023-2027 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2022-505-E to Reflect This Appropriation for the Proj; Prov for Oversight by Public Works (B.T. 23-047) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Clark-Murray)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 5-0
3/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
3/21/23 TEU Amend/Approve 4-0
3/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 65. | | Ordinance | ORD Apv the Approp & Transfer of $41,300 From the Renew Arlington Community Redev Agency (RA/CRA) Trust Fund to the Art in Public Places Trust Fund, to Provide Funding Required for Maintenance & Enhancements of the Public Art Installation in the New Turbo Roundabout at the Intersect of University Blvd & Merrill Rd; Purpose of Approp; Finding a Municipal & RA/CRA Purpose; Prov for a Reversion of Funds (Dillard) (Introduced by CP Freeman)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
3/21/23 F Amend/Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 66. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $1,085,868.84 ($250,000.00 From the Fire Station No. 4 Proj, $18,663.03 From the Fire Station No. 20 Proj, $170,000.00 From the Fire Station No. 56 Proj, $9,037.12 From the Fire Station No. 73 Proj, & $638,168.69 From the Fire Station No. 74 Proj) to the Fire Station No. 76 Proj to Pay for Construction of a Temporary Fire Station No. 76 at Cedar Point Rd; Amend the 2023-2027 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2022-505-E to Reflect this Appropriation of Funds From Various Fire Station Projs to the Fire Station No. 76 Proj (B.T. 23-051) (Staffopoulos) (Req Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem, White & Clark-Murray)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
3/21/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
3/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 67. | | Ordinance | ORD Declaring that Certain Parcel of Real Propty Located at 0 Philips Hwy, btwn Bowdendale Ave & Executive Park Court (R.E. #152602-0300), to be Surplus to the Needs of the City; Auth Conveyance of the Propty to FDOT for the Appraised Value of $1,874,380; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, & Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver That Certain Purchase Agrmt Btwn the City & FDOT as Well as the Deed & Other Closing Docs Relating Thereto, & Otherwise Take All Necessary Action to Effectuate the Purposes of This Ord; Waiving Sec 122.425 (Disposition by Auction or Sealed Bid), Subpart B (Real Property Dispositions and Exchanges) Pt 4 (Real Property), CH 122 (Public Property), Ord Code, to Allow for the Sale of the Propty to FDOT w/out Conducting an Auction or Seeking Sealed Bids; Prov for Oversight of Execution of the Conveyance Docs by the Public Works Dept, Real Estate Div (Dist. 5 - Cumber) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/ | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 68. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $27,678.57 in Add’l Funds Received from the State of FL Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Svcs State Financial Assistance Recipient Agrmt (FDACS Contract #29364), Including Increasing Expenditure Authority Within the Mosquito Control State Fund by $24,348.57 & Deapprop the Budgeted Transfer of Mosquito Control State Subfund 00112 Fund Bal in the Amt of $3,300.00, to be Used for Mosquito Control Div Operational Expenses (B.T. 23-042) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CM Clark-Murray)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
3/21/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
3/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 69. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Amend Sec 328.105 (Registration), Ch 328 (Milestone Inspection Regulations), Title VIII (Construction Regulations & Building Codes), Ord Code; Prov Codification Instructions (Bowles) (Introduced by CM Diamond) (Co-Sponsor CM Carrico)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, LUZ
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
3/22/23 LUZ Amend/Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 3/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 70. | | Ordinance | ORD Auth a $10,000,000 Funding Contribution, Subj to Future Appropriation, to Shands Jacksonville Medical Center, Inc. (Shands) to Support the Construction of the UF Health Jacksonville Leon L. Haley, Jr., MD, Emergency Dept & Trauma Center (The “Haley Center”); Auth the City to Enter into a 5th Amend to the Capital Maintenance & Capital Improvements Costs Disbursement Agrmt btwn the City & Shands, Prov for the Addition of Construction of the Haley Center to the Scope of Work & an Increase to the Max Indebtedness of the Agrmt in the Amt of $10,000,000, Subj to Future Appropriation, for a New Total Max Indebtedness of $105,000,000; Prov for Waiving Sec 118.107 (Nonprofits to Receive Funding Thru a Competitive Evaluated Award Process), Pt 1 (General Provisions), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, to Direct Contract With Shands; Continued Oversight by Public Works (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CP Freeman) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Newby, Priestly Jackson, Carrico, Bowman, Pittman, Morgan, White & Carlucci)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/6/23 | Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 71. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $6,374,458.34 in Reallocated Emergency Rental Assistance Prog (Round 2) Grant Funds from the U.S. Dept of Treasury, & Allocating $4,374,458.34 to the Housing & Community Dev Div of the Neighborhoods Dept & $2,000,000 to the Social Svcs Div of the Parks, Recreation & Community Svcs Dept, to Prov Emergency Rent & Utility Assistance to Eligible Households in Duval County thru 9/30/23 in Accordance with the Emergency Rental Assistance Prog Estab by Sec 501, Division N, of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021; Prov for Oversight (Revised B.T. 23-054) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Clark Murray)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
3/21/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
3/21/23 TEU Amend/Approve 4-0
3/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 72. | | Ordinance | ORD Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, to Execute an Amendmnt 1 to Economic Dev Agrmt (Amendment 1) btwn the DIA, the City, & Regions Bank to Extend the Deadline for Submission of Developer’s 1st DPRP Loan Request from 12/12/21 to 8/31/22, Accelerate the Deadline for Submission of All Other DPRP Loan Requests from 6/15/26 to 6/15/24, & Reduce the No. of Permitted Requests for DPRP Loans from 5 to 3; Auth Technical Changes to Amendment 1 (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
2/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
3/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 NCSPHS Approve 5-1 (Ferraro)
3/21/23 F Approve 6-0
3/28/23 CO Approve 17-1 (Ferraro)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 3/14/23 | Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 73. | | Resolution | RESO re the City’s 2023 List of Priority Projs Related to Transportation Improvements; Prov a Recommendation to the North FL Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM White) (Co-Sponsor CM Clark-Murray)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: TEU
3/21/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
| 1 | 74. | | Resolution | RESO Designating First Coast Crime Stoppers, Inc. as Duval County’s Agent for the Purpose of Applying for & Receiving Money from the FL Crime Stoppers Trust Fund Pursuant to Sec 16.555, F.S., for a Period of 3 Yrs to Exp 2026; Directing the Legislative Svcs Div to Send a Copy of this Reso to the Attorney General’s Office, Dept of Legal Affairs, & to First Coast Crime Stoppers, Inc. Upon Its Adoption (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CMs Freeman, Salem, Ferraro, Pittman & Carlucci) (Co-Sponsors CMs Howland, White, Clark-Murray & Carrico)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
3/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/3/23 NCSPHS Approve 7-0
4/3/23 R Approve 6-0
4/4/23 F Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
| 1 | 75. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Soo Gilvarry to JPA, Replacing Bradley S. Talbert, Pursuant to Article 5 (Jacksonville Port Authority), Pt B (Related Laws), Charter of the City of Jax, for a Partial Term to Exp 9/20/25; Requesting 1 Cycle Emergency Passage (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: R
3/20/23 R Emergency/Amend/Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Emergency/Amend/Approve 18-0 | Emergency/Amended/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 76. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Joshua A. Garrison, a Duval County Resident, to the DIA Board, with Business Management Experience, Replacing Stephanie Burch, Pursuant to Ch 55 (Downtown Investment Authority), Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term to Exp 6/30/26; Req a 1 Cycle Emergency Passage (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM White)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: R
3/20/23 R Emergency/Approve 5-0
3/28/23 CO Emergency/Approve 17-1 (Clark-Murray) | Emergency/Amended/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 77. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Ethan Gregory, a City of Jax Resident, to the Jax Historic Preservation Commission (JHPC), Replacing Timothy J. Bramwell, Pursuant to Sec 76.102 (Membership), Ch 76 (Jacksonville Historic Preservation Commission), Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term to Exp on 3/4/26 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: R
3/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/3/23 R Approve 6-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
| 1 | 78. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Cassidy Bergstrom, a Duval County Resident, as a Commerce Organization Rep to the Jax Housing Finance Authority, Replacing Spencer Cummings, Pursuant to Sec 52.106 (Membership; Terms; Removal; Vacancy; Etc.), Ch 52 (Jacksonville Housing Finance Authority), Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term to Exp on 6/30/26 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: R
3/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/3/23 R Approve 6-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
| 1 | 79. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2030 Comp Plan at 0 & 12223 Normandy Blvd, btwn Normandy Blvd & Cecil Commerce Center Pkwy - (R.E. # 002168-0000, 002172-0000 & 002173-0000) (10.96± Acres) - CGC to LI - Carlybird Properties, LLC (Appl # L-5767-22C) (Dist. 12-White) (Fogarty) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-163)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/25/23
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/11/23 & 4/25/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
| 1 | 80. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 & 12223 Normandy Blvd, btwn Normandy Blvd & Cecil Commerce Center Pkwy - (10.96± Acres) - CCG-2 & CO to IL - Carlybird Properties, LLC (R.E. # 002168-0000, 002172-0000 & 002173-0000) (Appl # L-5767-22C) (Dist. 12-White) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-162)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/25/23
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 & 4/25/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 81. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2030 Comp Plan at 8385 Ramona Blvd, btwn Hammond Blvd & Estates Cove Rd - (R.E. # 007142-0000) (2.16± Acres) - NC to LI - Randall W. Kerr (Appl # L-5776-22C) (Dist. 12-White) (Hinton) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-165)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/25/23 | 4/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23 | 5/23/23 CO PH Cont'd 6/13/23
6/13/23 CO PH Cont'd 6/27/23 |6/27/23 CO PH Cont'd 7/25/23
7/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 8/8/23 | 8/8/23 CO PH Cont'd 9/12/23
9/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 9/26/23
9/19/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
9/26/23 CO PH Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23, 9/6/23, 9/19/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/11/23 & 4/25/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, 9/12/23, 9/26/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 82. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 8385 Ramona Blvd, btwn Hammond Blvd & Estates Cove Rd - (2.16± Acres) - CN to PUD, to Permit Industrial Warehousing Uses, as Described in the Ramona Kerr PUD - Randall W. Kerr; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 007142-0000) (Appl # L-5776-22C) (Dist. 12-White) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Carrico)
(Small Scale 2023-164)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/25/23 | 4/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23 | 5/23/23 CO PH Cont'd 6/13/23
6/13/23 CO PH Cont'd 6/27/23 | 6/27/23 CO PH Cont'd 7/25/23
7/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 8/8/23 | 8/1/23 LUZ PH Substitute/Rerefer 6-0
8/8/23 CO PH Substitute/Rerefer 18-0
9/12/23 CO PH Addn'tl 9/26/23
9/19/23 LUZ PH Amend (w/Cond)/Approve 5-0
9/26/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23, & 9/19/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 & 4/25/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, & 9/12/23 & 9/26/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
| 1 | 83. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Kohn St & 0 118th St, btwn Blanding Blvd & Jammes Rd - (R.E. # 097894-0000 & 097898-0000) (3.92± Acres) - LDR to RPI - Hoose A, LLC (Appl # L-5789-22C) (Dist. 9-Clark-Murray) (Hinton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-167)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/25/23
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0-1 (Salem)
LUZ PH - 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/11/23 & 4/25/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
| 1 | 84. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Kohn St & 0 118th St, btwn Blanding Blvd & Jammes Rd - (3.92± Acres) - RLD-60 to CRO - Hoose A, LLC (R.E. # 097894-0000 & 097898-0000) (Appl # L-5789-22C) (Dist. 9-Clark-Murray) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-166) (Ex Parte: CM Clark-Murray)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/25/23
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0-1 (Salem)
LUZ PH - 4/18/2023
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 & 4/25/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 85. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 8740 Normandy Blvd, btwn Normandy Blvd & Herlong Rd - (R.E. # 009109-0005 (Portion)) (6.88± Acres) - CGC to MDR - Normandy & Hammond, LLC (Appl # L-5785-22C) (Dist. 12-White) (Fogarty) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amend/Apv)
(Companions 2023-169 & 2023-170)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/25/23
4/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 7-0
5/23/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/11/23 & 4/25/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 86. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 8728 & 8740 Normandy Blvd, 1733 & 1810 Bilodeau Ct, btwn Normandy Blvd & Herlong Rd- (26.52± Acres) - CCG-2, RMD-A & RMD-B to RMD-D - Normandy & Hammond, LLC, Catherine B. Christersson, Elsie Patricia Jagodnik, & Trustee Corporation of the West Normandy Baptist Church, Inc., A/K/A West Normandy Baptist Church (R.E. # 009109-0005, 009120-0010, 009120-0020 & 009312-0010) (Appl # L-5785-22C) (Dist. 12-White) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Companions 2023-168 & 2023-170)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/25/23
4/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 6-0
5/23/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 & 4/25/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 87. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Granting Administrative Deviation (Appl# AD-23-20), at 8728 & 8740 Normandy Blvd, 1733 & 1810 Bilodeau Ct, btwn Normandy Blvd & Herlong Rd - Normandy & Hammond, LLC, Catherine B. Christersson, Elsie Patricia Jagodnik, & Trustee Corporation of the West Normandy Baptist Church, Inc., A/K/A West Normandy Baptist Church - Requesting to Reduce the Minimum Lot Area from 1,500 sq ft to 1,350 sq ft & Decrease the Minimum # of Loading Spaces from 9 to 0 - CCG-2, RMD-A, & RMD-B - (RE# 009109-0005, 009120-0010, 009120-0020 & 009312-0010) (Dist. 12-White) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Companions 2023-168 & 2023-169)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Addn'tl 4/25/23
4/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 7-0
5/23/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 & 4/25/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 88. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 3014 Bicentennial Dr, btwn Normandy Blvd & Bicentennial Dr- (53.42± Acres) - PUD (2018-438-E) to PUD, to Permit Multi-Family Residential with Associated Recreational Uses, as Described in the Saddle Brook Landing PUD - Saddle Brook Landings Annex LLC (R.E. # 002266-0140) (Dist. 12-White) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Only
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 89. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Samaritan Way, btwn Samaritan Way & Magnolia Valley Dr- (2.0± Acres) - PBF-2 to CCG-1 - St. Augustine Dio. Samaritan Way 2AC Trust UTD 9/30/22 (R.E. # 012919-0505) (Dist. 12-White) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Only
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 90. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 9964 Old Baymeadows Rd, btwn Old Baymeadows Rd & Southside Blvd- (5.68± Acres) - CN to CCG-1 - Publix Super Markets, Inc. (R.E. # 148633-0800) (Dist. 11-Becton) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Only
4/18/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 91. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Sign Waiver (Appl SW-23-02), for Sign at 3500 Zoo Pkwy, btwn August Dr & New Berlin Rd - Jacksonville Port Authority - Requesting to Reduce the Minimum Setback from 10 Ft to 0 Ft - IW (R.E. # 108828-0310) (Dist. 2 - Ferraro) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
3/14/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
3/22/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
3/28/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Only
4/18/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 4/18/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 92. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC re the City’s Estab of a Publicly Accessible Website to Publish Public Ads & Public Notices Pursuant to Sec 50.0311 (Publication of Advertisements & Public Notices on a Publicly Accessible Website & Governmental Access Channels), Ch 50 (Legal & Official Advertisements), F.S.; Amend Sec 3.107 (Reserved), Ch 3 (Legislation; Legislative Records), Ord Code; Creating a new Sec 92.23 (Public Notice and Advertisement Methods), Ch 92 (Uniform Community Development Districts), Ord Code; Amend Sec 122.425(Disposition by Auction or Sealed Bid) & Sec 122.430.3 (Exchanges), Subpart B (Real Property Dispositions & Exchanges), Pt 4 (Real Property), Ch 122 (Public Property), Ord Code; Amend Sec 122.811 (Sales of Tangible Personal Property; Prohibition of Sales to Certain Persons) & Sec 122.814 (Disposal of Surplus Timber), Pt 8 (Tangible Personal Property), Ch 122 (Public Property), Ord Code; Amend Sec 126.102 (Definitions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code; Creating a New Sec 307.116 (Public Notice and Advertisement Methods), Pt 1 (General Provisions), Ch 307 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 93. | | Resolution | RESO Declaring the Week of May 7-13, 2023, as National Travel & Tourism Week in Jacksonville & Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of this Annual Tradition which Began in 1983 & Demonstrates How Integral Travel is to Every Industry (Clements) (Introduced by CMs Freeman, Salem, Bowman, & White) (Co-Sponsor CMs Becton, Priestly Jackson & Newby)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: R
4/3/23 R Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 94. | | Resolution | RESO Honoring & Commending Jax Sheriff’s Officer Adam Fluker, Jr., on his 60 yrs of Dedicated Service to the Sheriff’s office & to the Citizens of Jacksonville (Clements) (Introduced by CM Ferraro) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem, Becton, Priestly Jackson, Boylan, Howland, Newby & White)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: R
4/3/23 R Approve 6-0
4/11/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 95. | | Resolution | RESO Strongly Opposing the Passage of House Bill 1331 & Senate Bill 1380 which would Provide for a not-to-exceed Cap on the Transfers of Municipal Electric, Natural Gas, Water, & Wastewater Utility Revenues to a Municipal General Fund to Finance General Government Functions; Directing Legislative Svcs to Circulate this Reso to the FL Legislature; Req Emergency Passage Upon Introduction (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CMs Priestly Jackson, Clark-Murray, Carlucci, Morgan, DeFoor & Boylan) (Co-Sponsors CMs Becton, Bowman, Carrico, Cumber, Diamond, Ferraro, Freeman, Gaffney, Jr., Howland, Newby, Pittman, Salem & White)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/28/23 Emergency/Amend 2x(FL)/Approve 18-0 | Emergency/Amend(2x)(Fl)/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 96. | | Resolution | RESO Honoring the Life & Mourning the Passing of Mrs. Gwendolyn Delores Thompson Flanders; Req Emergency Passage Upon Intro (Hampsey) (Introduced by CM Priestly Jackson) (Co-Sponsors CMs Becton, Freeman, Newby, Pittman & Carrico)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: R
3/28/23 CO Emergency/Approve 18-0 | Emergency/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 97. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Appt of Joe Hassan as a Member of the DIA Board, as a Southbank CRA Rep, Pursuant to Ch 55, Ord Code, Filling the Seat Formerly held by Ronald K. Moody, for a Partial Term Ending 6/30/24; Req 1-Cycle Emergency Passage (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Freeman)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: R
4/3/23 R Emergency/Approve 6-0
4/11/23 CO Emergency/Approve 16-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 98. | | Resolution | RESO Appt Robert C. Mixson as a Member of the Building Codes Adjustment Board, Pursuant to Ch 56, Ord Code, Replacing Hillary L. Almond, for a Partial Term Exp 9/30/24 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Freeman)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: R
4/3/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
5/1/23 R Approve 5-0
5/9/23 CO Approve 18-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 99. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 1st Ave, btwn Joel Lee Rd & Parkway Blvd - (0.21± Acres)-LDR to CGC - Esquire Trustee Service, LLC, as Trustee of the First & Main Land Trust Dated 5/18/21 (R.E. #107887-0010 (Portion)) (Appl #L-5731-22C) (Dist 7 - Gaffney, Jr.) (Lukacovic) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-198)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
4/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/25/23 CO PH Addn'tl 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 6-0
5/23/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/25/23 & 5/9/23, 5/23/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 100. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 1st Ave, btwn Joel Lee Rd & Parkway Blvd - (1.05± Acres) - CCG-2 & RR-Acre to PUD, to Permit Commercial Uses, as Described in the Main Street Office Warehouse PUD - Esquire Trustee Service, LLC, as Trustee of the First & Main Land Trust Dated 5/18/21 (R.E. # 107887-0010) (Appl # L-5731-22C) (Dist. 7-Gaffney, Jr.) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD Amend/Apv) (PC Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-197)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
4/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/25/23 CO PH Addn'tl 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 7-0
5/23/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/25/23 & 5/9/23, 5/23/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 101. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 New Kings Rd, btwn Dunn Ave & Woodley Rd - (4.16± Acres) - LDR to LI - Brian Lewis (R.E. #003814-0100) (Appl #L-5793-23C) (Dist. 7-Gaffney, Jr.) (Lukacovic) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-200)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
4/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/25/23 CO PH Addn'tl 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 6-0
5/23/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/25/23 & 5/9/23, 5/23/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 102. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 New Kings Rd, btwn Dunn Ave & Woodley Rd - (4.16± Acres) - RR-Acre to PUD, to Permit Light Industrial Uses, as Described in the Dinsmore Business Park PUD - Brian Lewis; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 003814-0100) (Appl # L-5793-23C) (Dist. 7-Gaffney, Jr.) (Abney) (LUZ) (N CPAC Amd/Apv) (PD & PC Amend/Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-199)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
4/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/25/23 CO PH Addn'tl 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Cond) 7-0
5/23/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/25/23 & 5/9/23, 5/23/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 103. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Broward Rd & 0 Clark Rd, btwn Belleshore Cir & Interstate Center Dr - (12.21± Acres) - LDR & CGC to MDR & CSV - Kelly E. Lawhon & Egret Creek Development, LLC (R.E. #020691-0020, 020696-0010, & 022163-0000) (Appl #L-5783-22C) (Dist. 8-Pittman) (Hinton) (LUZ) ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-202)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
4/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/25/23 CO PH Addn'tl 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 7-0
5/23/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/25/23 & 5/9/23, 5/23/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 104. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Broward Rd & 0 Clark Rd, btwn Belleshore Cir & Interstate Center Dr. - (12.21± Acres) - RLD-60- & CCG-1 to RMD-D & CSV - Kelly E. Lawhon & Egret Creek Development, LLC (R.E. # 020691-0020, 020696-0010, & 022163-0000) (Appl # L-5783-22C) (Dist. 8-Pittman) (Cox) (LUZ) (N CPAC Deny) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex-Parte: CMs Becton, Howland, White & Carrico)
(Small Scale 2023-201)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
4/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/25/23 CO PH Addn'tl 5/9/23
5/9/23 CO PH Cont'd 5/23/23
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 7-0
5/23/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/25/23 & 5/9/23, 5/23/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 105. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 815 Fernway St, btwn Lynton St & Calvert St - (0.11± Acres) - PBF-1 to RLD-60 - Ewa Tadla & Slawomir Talda (R.E. # 031777-0000) (Dist. 8-Pittman) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
4/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/25/23 CO PH Only
5/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 7-0
5/23/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 5/2/23, 5/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/25/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 106. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $100,000 Paid to the City by Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville LLC for the Provision of Emergency Svcs by the JFRD In & Around the Eagle LNG Liquefied Natural Gas Export Terminal Proj Site; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or his Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver, for & on Behalf of the City, the MOU btwn the City & Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville LLC; Prov for Oversight by JFRD (B.T. 23-068) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
4/3/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/17/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
4/18/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 107. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $107,693 in Fund Balance From the Environmental Protection Fund to Provide Funding for the 16th State of the River Report for the Lower St. Johns River Basin; Prov for Waiver of Sec 111.755 (Environmental Protection Fund), Pt 7 (Environment & Conservation), Ch 111 (Special Revenue & Trust Accounts), Ord Code, to Auth Utilization of Funds From the Fund to Continue Funding the Annual State of the River Report; Prov for Waiver of Sec 360.602 (Uses of Fund), Pt 6 (Environmental Protection Fund), Ch 360 (Environmental Regulation), Ord Code, to Allow for the Utilization of Funds From the Fund to Continue Funding the Annual State of the River Report; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or his Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver an Agrmt btwn the City & JU for the Proj; Invoking the Exemption in 126.107 (g) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Direct Contract with JU for the Proj; Waiving Sec 118.107 (Nonprofits to Receive Funding Through a Competitive Evaluated Award Process), Pt 1 (General Provisions), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, to | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 108. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $1,813,518.84 From Insured Progs Retained Earnings & Misc Insured Progs - Premium Paid GL Auto, Policy & Misc, Aviation, River Walk-City, Blanket Crime-City & Cyber Liability Accounts to Pay Add’l Propty & Other Insurance Premium Costs; Req 1 Cycle Emergency Passage (B.T. 23-072) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: F
4/4/23 F Emergency/Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Emergency/Approve 15-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 109. | | Ordinance | ORD re Ch 745 (Addressing & Street Naming Regulations), Ord Code; Estab an Honorary St Desig & Assoc Roadway Markers for Walter W. Flowers, a Fallen Fire & Rescue Officer Who Died while in the Line of Duty; Estab an Honorary St Desig on Atlantic Blvd at the Corner of San Marco Place & Atlantic Blvd & Extending East to the City-owned Roadway Before the Railroad Crossing in Council Dist 5 for Walter W. Flowers; Prov for the Roadside Markers for Walter W. Flowers to be Depicted as Contemplated in Sec 745.105 (j) (9) (b), Ord Code; Prov for the Installation of 2 Honorary Roadway Markers to be Located in Appropriate Locations on the Desig Roadway; Waiver of Sec 745.102 (i) (3), Ord Code, which Requires the Honoree to Live within 5 Miles of the Desig Roadway for 10 yrs; Directing Legislative Svcs Div to Forward Ord to the Planning & Dev Dept for Processing, Implementation, & Coordination with the Public Works Dept, Traffic Engineering & Other Affected Agencies & Orgs (Pollock) (Introduced by CMs Ferraro, Cumber & Boylan) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem, Becton, Clark-Murray, White, Bowman, Carlucci | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 110. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Amend Sec 33.201 (Talent Management Division; Establishment; Functions), Pt 2 (Talent Management Division), Ch 33 (Employee Services Department), Ord Code, to Specify Compensation Functions & to Renumber Subsecs; Amend Secs 33.301 (Compensation & Benefits Division; Establishment; Functions) & 33.302 (Division Chief), Pt 3 (Compensation & Benefits Division), Ch 33 (Employee Services Department), Ord Code, to Remove References to Compensation, Specify the Functions of the Benefits Div, & Renumber Subsecs; Repealing Sec 102.117 (Departmental Residency Audit), Ch 102 (Auditing Regulations), Ord Code, in its Entirety; Amend Sec 111.471 (City Fitness & Wellness Special Revenue Fund), Pt 4 (Administration, Personnel & Code Regulation), Ch 111 (Special Revenue & Trust Accounts), Ord Code, to Remove References to Compensation; Amend Sec 116.301 (Service Raises Generally), Pt 3 (Service Raises), Ch 116 (Employees & Employee Benefits), Ord Code, to Remove the Dollar Amt, Set Parameters for such Raises, & Delete References to Certain laws of FL; Creating a new Sec 116.908 (Criminal Histor | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 111. | | Ordinance | Ord Auth the Mayor, or his Designee, to Execute: (1) A Redev Agrmt btwn the City & the Duval County Fair Association, Inc. (DCFA); (2) A Ground Lease Agrmt btwn the City & DCFA for the Lease of ±82.37 Acres of City-owned Land at 13611 Normandy Blvd, Adjacent to the Equestrian Center, with an Initial Term of 40 yrs with 3, 10-yr Renewal Options with Nominal Rent; & (3) Related Agrmts as Described in the Redev Agrmt, For the Construction by DCFA of an 80,000 sq ft Exposition Hall & Related Improvements; Prov for City Oversight of the Proj by Public Works; Auth the Execution of All Docs Relating to the Above Agrmts & Transactions, & Auth Technical Changes to the Docs (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs White & Clark-Murray)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
4/3/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/17/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
4/18/23 F Amend/Approve 5-0
4/18/23 TEU Amend/Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 112. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $250,000 From the Cecil Commerce Center Trust Fund Gain-Loss Sale Real Propty Acct to the Other Professional Svcs Acct to Procure Add’l Engineering, Design & Permitting Svcs by England, Thims, & Miller, Inc. for Installation of Rail to the Mega Site at Cecil Commerce Center (B.T. 23-070) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM White)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
4/3/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/17/23 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
4/18/23 F Approve 6-0
4/18/23 TEU Approve 5-0
4/25/23 CO Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 113. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $500,000 From the Cecil Commerce Center Trust Fund, Gain-Loss Sale Real Propty Acct to the 2023 Auth Capital Projs Fund, Cecil Piping Repair - Other Construction Costs Acct for the Cecil Piping Repair Proj; Amend the 23-27 5-yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2022-505-E to Reflect this Approp of Funds to the Proj (B.T. 23-069) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
4/3/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/17/23 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
4/18/23 F Approve 6-0
4/25/23 CO Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 114. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $5,600,000 From the Debt Mgmt Fund, Long Term Debt Issued Acct to the 2023 Auth Capital Proj, Cecil Wetlands - DM Land Account to Provide Funding for the Cecil Wetlands Proj at the Cecil Mega Site; Amend Ord 2022-504-E, the FY 22-23 Budget Ord, to Replace the 6th Revised Schedule B4 to Reflect this Approp of Funds to the Proj; Amend the 23-27 5-yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2022-505-E to Reflect this Approp of Funds to the Proj (Revised B.T. 23-071) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs White & Bowman)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
4/3/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/17/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
4/18/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 115. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming a Portion of an Opened & Improved Alley, Estab in the Plat of Hendricks Subdivision of Homestead Tract S Jax, as Record, at the Req of Karen Hirshberg & G.I.S. Holdings, Inc., Subj to Reservation unto AT&T of an all Utilities, Facilities & Access Easement Over the Closure Area; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist. 5 - Cumber) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: TEU
4/4/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
6/6/23 TEU PH Approve 1-5 (Fail) (Pittman, Carlucci, Cumber, DeFoor, Gaffney, Jr.)
6/13/23 CO Postpone to 6/27/23 18-0
6/27/23 CO Approve 0-18 (Fail)
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 4/18/23, 6/6/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 116. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $62,814,968 From the Debt Mgmt Fund to Fund the Construction of the Medical Examiner Facility 04 Proj, & Auth Borrowing From the City’s Commercial Paper Facility &/or Issuance of Fixed-rate Debt in the Cumulative, not-to-exceed amt of $62,814,968 & Approp thereof to Provide Funds for the Proj; Purpose of Approp; Amend 2022-504-E, the FY 22 Budget Ord, to Replace 5th Revised Schedule B4, the FY 22-23 Debt Mgmt Fund Detail, & 2nd Revised Schedule B4b, the FY 22-23 Capital Improvement Projects Funded via Borrowing, to Auth the Borrowing &/or the Issuance of Fixed-rate Debt for the Proj; Amend the 23-27 5-yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2022-505-E; Prov for City Oversight by Public Works; Req 1-Cycle Emergency Passage (Revised B.T. 23-075) (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
4/3/23 NCSPHS Emergency/Amend/Approve 7-0
4/4/23 F Emergency/Amend/Approve 7-0
4/11/23 CO Emergency/Amend/Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 117. | | Ordinance | ORD Auth the Mayor, or his Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute a Contract Amendment with Jacksonville Historical Society, Inc. (JHS) to Extend the Term of its FY 22-23 City Grant Agrmt with the City by a Period of 6 Months, & to Clarify the City’s Maximum Indebtedness Thereunder; Prov for Oversight by the Finance & Administration Dept, Div of Grants & Contract Compliance (Wilson) (Introduced by CM Carlucci)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
4/3/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/17/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
4/18/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 118. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Approp $65,000.00 From a Special Council Contingency Acct to Provide Funding for Regulatory Signage; Amend Sec 614.132 (Regulations on Operation of Boats), Ch 614 (Public Order & Safety), Ord Code, to Estab the Boating-restricted Area in the Arlington River Around the Cesery Bridge; Prov for Design & Implementation; Prov for Oversight; Prov for Codification Instructions (Mairs) (Introduced by CMs Howland & Morgan) (Co-Sponsor CM Salem) (JWC Apv)
3/28/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F, JWC
4/3/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/3/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/4/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/11/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
4/17/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
4/17/23 R Amend/Approve 5-0
4/18/23 F Amend/Approve 4-1(Carrico)
4/25/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-1 (Carrico)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 4/11/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details