| 1 | | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Creating New Pt 1 (Small Quantity Marijuana Possession), Chapt 606 (Drugs), Ord Code, to Create a Civil Citation Prog for possession of less than 20 grams of Marijuana or Marijuana Drug Paraphernalia in alternative to Criminal Prosecution. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Dennis)
5/15/2019 CO Introduced: NCSPHS,R
5/20/2019 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
5/21/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
5/28/2019 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; NCSPHS,R
8/19/2019 NCSPHS Sub/Approve 2-5 (CM's White,Carlucci, Diamond, Gaffney, Newby)
8/20/2019 R Sub/Approve 3-4 (CM's Diamond, Defoor,Carlucci,Newby)
8/27/2019 CO Rereferred 11-8; NCSPHS, R (CM's Becton, Bowman, Ferraro, Freeman, Newby, Salem, White & Wilson)
9/5/2019 NCSPHS Meeting Cancelled/Defer
9/16/2019 NCSPHS Sub/Approve 2-5 (CM's White,Carlucci, Diamond, Gaffney, Newby)
9/17/2019 R Sub/Approve 2-5 (CM's Diamond,Boylan,Carlucci, DeFoor, Newby)
9/24/2019 Sub/Approve 3-16 Failed (Becton, Bowman, Boylan, Carlucci, Cumber, DeFoor, Diamond,Ferraro, Freeman, Gaffney, Hazouri, Newby, Pittman, Salem, White,& Wilson
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Expressing Council's Opposition for Local Bill J-1 to be Considered by Duval County Legislative Delegation, which Amends Chapter 92-341, F.S. & Sec 13.01, Charter of the City of Jax Estab that Members of the Duval County School Board be Appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jax; Directing Distribution of Reso Copies. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Carlucci)(Co-Sponsored by CM's Dennis, Morgan, & Hazouri)
8/13/2019 CO Introduced:R
8/20/2019 R Read 2nd and Rerefer
8/27/2019 CO Read 2nd and Rerefer;R
10/1/2019 R Sub/Approve 5-2 (Diamond,Boylan)
10/8/2019 Sub/Postponed until 10/22/19
10/22/2019 CO Approve 9-9 (Failed) (Becton, Bowman, Boylan, Cumber, Diamond, Ferraro, Freeman, Salem, White)
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Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $14,450.54 from the Tree Protection & Related Trust Fund, to provide funding to the P.W. Dept., Mowing & Landscape Maint. Div, for a watering trailer to water trees planted on public propty; waiving the requiremts of Sec 111.760 (Tree Protection & Related Expenses Trust Fund), Ord Code, that limits the annual amt approp from the trust fund to a max of 25% of the amt budgeted in that yr for tree maint activities in the P.W. Dept; Auth the Mayor/his Designee & the Corp Secretary to Execute the Contract to purchase the Watering Trailer; Appointing the Dept of P.W. to Oversee Purchase. (Grandin) (Introduced by CM Salem)
8/27/2019 CO Introduced: TEU, F, R
9/5/2019 TEU Meeting Cancelled/Read 2nd Rerefer
9/6/2019 F Read 2nd and Rerefer
9/6/2019 R Read 2nd and Rerefer
9/10/19 CO Read 2nd and Rerefer; TEU, F, R
9/16/2019 TEU Approve 6-0
9/17/2019 F Approve 7-0
9/17/2019 R Approve 7-0
9/24/2019 CO Approved 19-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 9/10/19
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Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Ingrid I. Bethel to the Civil Service Board for a 1st full 3-yr term that exp 6/30/22, replacing Ellye Smith Aull. (Sidman)(Req of Civil Service Board)
8/27/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/6/2019 R Read 2nd and Rerefer
9/10/2019 CO Read 2nd and Refefer; R
9/17/2019 R Approve 7-0
9/24/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Appt Gezil Andrews as Member of Jax-Duval County Council on Elder Affairs, replacing Carol D’Onofrio as Council Dist 11 Rep for First Full Term exp 6/30/21. (Distel)(Introduced by CM Becton)
8/27/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/6/2019 R Read 2nd and Rerefer
9/10/2019 R Read 2nd and Rerefer; R
9/17/2019 R Approve 7-0
9/24/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Appt Ronald V. Swanson as Member of the 2019 Charter Revision Commission, replacing Scott Shine as School Board Dist 2. (Sidman) (Introduced by CP Wilson)
8/27/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/6/2019 R Read 2nd and Rerefer
9/10/2019 CO Read 2nd and Refefer; R
9/17/2019 R Approve 7-0
9/24/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Supporting Adoption of City of Jax Complete Streets Policy. (West) (Introduced by CM Newby) (Co-Sponsored by CM's Cumber & Morgan)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: TEU, R
9/16/2019 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;TEU,R
9/30/2019 TEU Approve 6-1 (Dennis)
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Appt Jessica Matthews as City Council Chief of Legislative Services Pursuant to Sec 11.104, Ord Code; Requesting One Cycle Emergency. (Sidman) (Introduced by Personnel Committee) (Co-Sponsored by CM's Newby, Hazouri, & Ferraro)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced:R
9/17/2019 R Emergency/Approve 7-0
9/24/2019 CO Emergency/Amend/Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Commending the young men from Robert E. Lee High School in the EVAC Movement for their Leadership & Justice Advocacy. (Hampsey) (Introduced by CM Freeman)(Co-Sponsored by CM's DeFoor, Morgan, Diamond, Newby, Priestly Jackson, Hazouri, Dennis, Becton, Cumber, Carlucci, R. Gaffney, Bowman, Ferraro, Salem, Pittman, Boylan, White & Wilson)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Amend/Approve 7-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | 14 | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Monty Selim, as a member of the Renew Arlington CRA Advisory Board, as a Planning Field Rep, filling a seat formerly held by Stephen A. Berry, for a partial term ending 12/31/19, followed by a first full term ending 12/31/2023. (Distel)(Introduced by CP Wilson)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Amend/Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Amend/Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Honoring & Commending JSO’s Lt Frederick Dash, Sgt Jason Bailey & Ofc Taime Viner for their rescue of a motorist from a submerged vehicle. (Clements)(Introduced by CM Freeman)(Co-Sponsored by CM's Morgan, Salem,Ferraro, DeFoor,Cumber & Becton)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Approve 7-0
9/24/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Honoring & Commemorating the Life & Accomplishments of Alvin “Pete” Carpenter. (Clements)(Introduced by CMs Boylan & Hazouri)(Co-Sponsored by CM's DeFoor, Morgan,Salem ,Carlucci & Becton)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Approve 7-0
9/24/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Shelley Grant as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Larry Cook as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Shamika Baker Wright as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Ellen Glasser as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CMs Newby, Diamond, & Carlucci, Ferraro, Hazouri & Salem
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Brandon Griggs as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CMs Newby & DeFoor)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Vicki Waytowich as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Timothy Sloan as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/20. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CMs Newby & Carlucci)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Camille Burban as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/20. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approved 7-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of William Gentry as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/20. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson) (Co-Sponsored by CM Hazouri & Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/15/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/22/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Sabrina Edwards as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson) (Co-Sponsored by CM Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approve 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Phyllis Hall as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/20. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Withdraw 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Withdrawn 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Ronnie King as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/20. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Frank Denton as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/20. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby,DeFoor, Boylan Ferraro & Salem)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Donna Webb as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/20. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
11/19/2019 R Withdraw 6-0
11/26/2019 CO Withdrawn 19-0
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Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Linda Joseph as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby:
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Richard Danford as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/20. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson) (Co-Sponsored by CM Hazouri, Newby, DeFoor, Carlucci, Morgan & Ferraro)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Tom Geismar as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Constance Hall as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson)(Co-Sponsored by CM Newby)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Josh Cockrell as a member of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/21. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson) (Co-Sponsored by CM Newby, Carlucci, Diamond & Ferraro)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approve 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | | | Resolution | RESO Conf Appt of Mark Griffin as Chair of the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission for an initial term ending 6/30/20. (Distel) (Introduced by CP Wilson) (Co-Sponsored by CM Hazouri, Newby, Carlucci, Ferraro & Salem)
9/10/2019 CO Introduced: R
9/17/2019 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/24/2019 CO Read 2nd & Rerefered;R
10/1/2019 R Approve 7-0
10/8/2019 CO Approved 19-0 | | |
Not available
Not available