| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 5711 Richard St, btwn Richard St & Cagle Rd - (1.01± Acres) – CCG-1 to PUD; to Permit Commercial Uses, as Described in the 5711 Richard St PUD – Southside Euro LLC; PUD Subject to Conditions (R.E. # 153067-0100) (Dist. 5–J. Carlucci) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD & PC Deny) (Ex Parte: CMs Arias, J. Carlucci, Carrico & Howland)
5/24/22 CO Introduced: LUZ
6/7/22 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
6/14/22 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer: LUZ
6/28/22 CO PH Only
10/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO Amend (FL)/Approve 16-1 (Carlucci)
LUZ PH – 7/19/22, 8/2/22, 8/16/22, 9/20/22, 10/18/22, 11/15/22, 12/6/22, 1/4/23, 2/7/23, 2/22/23, 3/22/23, 4/18/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23, 9/6/23, 10/3/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 6/28/22
| Amend(Fl)/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 2. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0, 12441, 12447, 12453, 12459, 12465, & 12471 Tierra Chase Way, btwn Mt. Pleasant Rd & Mt. Pleasant Woods Dr - (3.13± Acres) - RR-Acre to PUD, to Permit Single Family Residential Uses, as Described in the Tierra Chase PUD - Century Communities of Florida, LLC (R.E. # 160903-0150 (Portion), 160903-0215 (Portion), 160903-0220 (Portion), 160903-0225 (Portion), 160903-0230 (Portion), 160903-0235 (Portion) & 160903-0240 (Portion)) (Dist. 2-Gay) (Nutt) (LUZ) ) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Lahnen)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Only
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/3/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 9/26/23 | Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 617 E 3rd St, btwn Palmetto St & Spearing St - (0.14± Acres) - RMD-A to RMD-B - Tieska Jumbo (R.E. # 114549-0000) (Dist. 7-Peluso) (Fulton) (LUZ) ) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Peluso)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Only
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/3/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 9/26/23 | Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 4. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 2825 Mayport Rd, btwn Mayport Rd & Pioneer Dr - (0.70± Acres) - PUD (1995-1158-E) to PUD, to Permit Commercial Uses, Including Outdoor Storage Yards Meeting the Performance Standards & Dev Criteria Set Forth in Pt 4 (Supplementary Regulations), Ch 656 (Zoning Code), Ord Code, as Described in the 2825 Mayport PUD - 2825 Mayport Rd LLC; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 168365-0000 (Portion)) (Dist. 13-Diamond) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amd/Apv)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Only
10/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Cond) 5-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 5. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 & 5800 Ramona Blvd, 0 Lane Blvd & 0 Lane Ave S, btwn Lane Ave S & Ramona Blvd - (25.66± Acres) - CCG-2 & PUD (1998-903-E) to PUD, to Permit Commercial & Multi-Family Residential Uses, as Described in the Lane Avenue PUD - Grace & Company, Incorporated; PUD Subject to Conditions (R.E. # 007468-0100, 007468-0200, 007470-0100 & 007471-0000) (Dist. 9-Clark-Murray) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD Amd/Apv) (PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Clark-Murray)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Only
10/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 5-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 6. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 3301 Kennedy Ln, 0 Old Fairbanks Rd, 3318 Fairbanks Rd, & 3323 Loretto Rd, btwn Loretto Rd & Gwynford Ln - (23.60± Acres) -PUD (2022-250-E) to PUD, to Permit Single-Family Residential Uses, as Described in the Preserve at Loretto PUD - Southbelt Park LTD., IGS Diamond S Inc. & Irving G. Snyder, Jr. (R.E. # 156120-0000, 156326-0000, 156327-0000 & 158109-0000) (Dist. 6-Boylan) (Cox) (LUZ) ) (PD & PC Apv)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Only
10/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 4-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 7. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Required Road Frontage (Appl# WRF-23-17), at 0 Bunion Dr, btwn Bunion Dr & Camfield St - American Classic Homes, LLC - Requesting to Reduce the Min Road Frontage Requirements from 80 ft to 72.52 ft for 2 Proposed Lots in RLD-100B (R.E. # 016183-0010) (Dist. 14-Johnson) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
(Companion 2023-602)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Only
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 8. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Granting Administrative Deviation (Appl# AD-23-23), at 0 Bunion Dr, btwn Bunion Dr & Camfield St - American Classic Homes, LLC - Requesting to Reduce the Min Lot Area From 14,000 sq ft to 9,720 sq ft & to Reduce the Min Lot Width From 100 ft to 72 ft for 2 Proposed Lots in RLD-100B (RE# 016183-0010) (Dist. 14-Johnson) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
(Companion 2023-601)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Only
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 9. | | Ordinance | ORD Amend the JTA FY 21-22 Budget; Amend Ord 2021-504-E (the City of Jacksonville Budget Ordinance) by Amend Revised Schedule O (Estimated Operating Revenues) & Revised Schedule P (Operating Expenditures) to Approp Add’l Revenues to Offset Increased Operating Expenses Exceeding the Appvd JTA Budget for FY 21-22 (Staffopoulos) (Request of JTA)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
9/6/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/6/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Approve 8-0
10/17/23 TEU Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 9/12/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Erin L. Abney as Chief of the Current Planning Div Pursuant to Sec 30.302 (Division Chief), Pt 3 (Current Planning Division), Ch 30 (Planning & Development Department), Ord Code (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray & Amaro)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: R
9/18/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 11. | | Ordinance | ORD Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver an Interlocal Agrmt btwn the City & St. Johns County, FL (SJC), as Auth by Sec 163.01, F.S., for the Purpose of Allocating the Duties & Obligations with Regard to Permitting, Operation, Maintenance & Repair of Certain Portions of Race Track Rd with Portions Thereof in Both City Council Dist 11 & SJC; Prov for Oversight by Public Works (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
10/3/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/3/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Approve 7-0
10/17/23 TEU Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 12. | | Ordinance | ORD Prov For Determination of Satisfactory Performance by Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC in Conducting Annual Audits For the City & Certain Other Funded Progs For the FYs Ending 9/30, 2020, 2021 & 2022; Apv, & Auth Execution by the Council President, or His Desig, of an Independent Auditor Agrmt Btwn the City & Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC, Outlining the Terms & Conditions to Engage Said Firm to Provide an Annual Audit of the City & Certain Other Funded Progs For 1 Add’l 1-Yr Period For the FY Ending 9/30/24 Under the Single Audit Approach; Prov For the Independent Auditor’s Fee & Hrs to be Provided by the Council Auditor’s Office (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by the Finance Committee (CMs Howland, White, Arias, Carrico, Gaffney, Jr., Lahnen & Pittman)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: F
10/3/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Approve 7-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 13. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming 4 Unopened & Unimproved Portions of the Oak St, Maple St, & Cedar St R/W, Estab in the Plant of Dahls Addition to Garden City, as Recorded, Prov For Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist 8 - Gaffney, Jr.) (Wilson) (Req of Mayor)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: TEU
10/3/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 TEU PH Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 14. | | Ordinance | ORD Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Michael Bricker as Chief of Animal Care & Protective Svcs Div of the Neighborhoods Dept Pursuant to Sec 34.602 (Division Chief), Pt 6 (Animal Care & Protective Services Division), Ch 34 (Neighborhoods Department), Ord Code; Waiving the Requirement in Sec 34.602 (Division Chief), Pt 6 (Animal Care & Protective Services Division) Ch 34 (Neighborhoods Department), Ord Code, That the Division Chief Have a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher From an Accredited College or University (Hodges) (Req of Mayor)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 15. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $2,407,004.95 From the Inmate Welfare Trust Fund to Estab the FY 23-24 Operating Budget For the Inmate Welfare Trust Fund; Auth a Position Within the Inmate Welfare Trust Fund (R.C. 24-004) (B.T. 24-006) (Brown) (Req of Sheriff)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/2/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/3/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 NCSPHS Approve 5-0
10/17/23 F Approve 7-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 16. | | Resolution | RESO Reappt Angela Phillips, as a Member of the Duval County Tourist Dev Council, as a Rep of the Tourist Accommodation Industry, Pursuant to Sec 70.102 (a) (4), Ord Code, & Sec 125.0104 (4) (E), F.S., for a 2nd Full Term Ending 6/30/27 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Salem)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 17. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Pauline Drake, a Duval County Resident & Former Duval County Court Judge, to the Library Brd of Trustees as a Council At-Large Group 3 Rep, Replacing Steve Eagerton, Pursuant to Sec 90.101 (Establishment Composition; Member Qualifications; Terms; Annual Training Requirement; Responsibilities), Ch 90 (Board of Library Trustees), Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term to Exp on 9/30/26 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem, Amaro & Johnson)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 18. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Tia Mackey Leathers, a Duval County Resident, to the Library Brd of Trustees as a Council At-Large Group 5 Rep, Replacing Gerald Thomas, Pursuant to Sec 90.101 (Establishment; Composition; Member Qualifications; Terms; Annual Training Requirement; Responsibilities), Ch 90 (Board of Library Trustees), Ord Code, for a Partial Term to Exp on 9/30/25, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 9/30/29 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem, Clark-Murray, Amaro & Johnson)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 19. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Ennis Davis, a Duval County Resident, to the Downtown Dev Review Brd as an Urban Planner Rep, Filling a Seat Formerly Held by William J. Schilling, Pursuant to Sec 656.361.9 (Downtown Development Review Board), Subpt H (Downtown Overlay Zone & Downtown District Use & Form Regulations), Pt 3 (Schedule of District Regulations), Ch 656 (Zoning Code), Ord Code, For a 1st Full Term to Exp on 6/30/25; Prov for a Prospective Effective Date (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem, Peluso, Clark-Murray & Amaro)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Alex Rukab, a Duval County Resident, to the JHFA as a Commerce Organization Rep, Replacing Matt Swanson, Pursuant to Sec 52.106 (Membership; Terms; Removal; Vacancy; Etc.), Ch 52 (Jacksonville Housing Finance Authority), Ord Code, For a Partial Term to Exp on 6/30/24, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 6/30/28 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of James Croft, a Duval County Resident, as a Member of the Public Service Grant Council, Replacing James Coggin, Pursuant to Sec 80.102 (Composition, Member Qualifications, Terms, Annual Training Requirement; Responsibilities), Ch 80 (Public Service Grant Council), Ord Code, For a 1st Full Term to Exp on 12/31/25 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs White, Miller & Amaro)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 22. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Linae G. Parkinson, as a Member of the Public Service Grant Council, Replacing Chester Spellman, Pursuant to Sec 80.102 (Composition; Member Qualifications; Terms; Annual Training Requirement; Responsibilities), Ch 80 (Public Service Grant Council), Ord Code, For a Partial Term to Exp on 12/31/24, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 12/31/27 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Johnson & Peluso)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 23. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of William J. Burke, a Duval County Resident, to the Tree Commission, Replacing Chris D. Flagg, as a Landscape Architect Rep Pursuant to Sec 94.103 (Membership; Terms; Composition), Ch 94 (Tree Commission), Ord Code, For a Partial Term to Exp on 12/31/23, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 12/31/25 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 24. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor's Appt of C. Popham Decunto, Employed in the City of Jax, Filling a Seat Formerly Held by Rita Mairs, to the Civil Service Brd, Pursuant to Sec 17.02 (Civil Service Board), Article 17 (Civil Service), City of Jax Charter, For a Partial Term to Exp on 6/30/25, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 6/30/28 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 25. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Michael McGowan, a Resident of the City of Jax, to the Planning Commission Representing Planning Dist 3, Replacing Daniel Blanchard, Pursuant to Sec 30.201 (Establishment; Membership), Pt 2 (Planning Commission), Ch 30 (Planning & Development Department), Ord Code, For a Partial Term to Exp on 9/30/26, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 9/30/29 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 26. | | Resolution | RESO Celebrating the 9th Annual National Apprenticeship Week Which Will Take Place 11/13/23 - 11/19/23 (Clements) (Introduced by CM Freeman) (Co-Sponsor CM Clark-Murray)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Approve 17-0 | Approved the Consent Agenda | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 27. | | Resolution | RESO Apv & Auth the Execution of an Economic Dev Agrmt btwn the City & Project Orion, to Support the Expansion of Company’s Operations at a New Facility Located on the West Side of Jax; Auth a 10-Yr REV Grant Not to Exceed $1,500,000; Apv & Auth the Execution of Docs by the Mayor, or Her Designee, & Corp Sec; Auth Appvl of Tech Amendments by the Executive Dir of OED; Prov for Oversight by OED; Prov a Deadline for the Company to Execute the Agrmt; Affirm the Proj’s Compliance with the Public Investment Policy Adopted by Ord 2022-726-E, as Amended; Req 2-Reading Passage Pursuant to Council Rule 3.305 (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: F
10/17/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 28. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $200,000 From the General Fund - GSD Fund Balance to the Historic Stanton Rehab Activity; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Secretary to Execute & Deliver an Amendment to the Grant Agrmt for the Historic Stanton School Bldg btwn the City & Historic Stanton, Inc. to Extend the Term of the Agrmt to Exp on 9/30/24; Prov for Oversight by the Grants & Contract Compliance Div (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM Johnson & Peluso) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Lahnen, Pittman & Salem)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
9/18/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/19/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/2/23 NCSPHS Substitute/Rerefer 6-0
10/3/23 F Substitute/Rerefer 7-0
10/10/23 CO Substitute/Rerefer 17-0
10/16/23 NCSPHS Approve 5-0
10/17/23 F Approve 8-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 9/26/23 & 10/24/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 29. | | Ordinance | ORD Naming the City-Owned Bldg Located at 711 N Liberty St, Jax, FL 32202, in Council Dist 7, Pursuant to Sec 122.105 (Public Buildings, Public Facilities & Public Parks Naming & Renaming Procedures), Ord Code, To Be Known As the “Joseph A. Carlucci Building” (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM J. Carlucci) (Co-Sponsor CMs Clark-Murray, Pittman, Miller, Carlucci, Lahnen, Peluso, Boylan, Johnson, Gay, Freeman, Gaffney, Jr., Amaro, Carrico, Salem, Howland & White) (JHPC Apv)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, TEU
9/18/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/19/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/6/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/7/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-0
TEU PH Per Sec. 122.105 - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec. 122.105, Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23
Public Hearing Add. Per Sec. 122.105 - 11/14/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
| 1 | 30. | | Ordinance | ORD Naming a New Marina Located at 330 E Bay St, Jax, FL 32202, Pursuant to Sec 122.105 (Public Buildings, Public Facilities & Public Parks Naming & Renaming Procedures), Ord Code, In Council Dist 7, to be Known as the “Hans G. Tanzler, Jr. Marina” (Lopera) (Introduced by CM Carlucci) (Co-Sponsors CMs Gay, Boylan, Clark-Murray, Lahnen, Howland, Pittman, Amaro, Salem, White & Miller) (JHPC Apv)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, TEU
9/18/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/19/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/6/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/7/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/14/23 CO PH Amend (2x)/Approve 15-0
TEU PH Per Sec. 122.105 - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec. 122.105, Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23
Public Hearing Add. Per Sec. 122.105 - 11/14/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
| 1 | 31. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopt a Modification to the COJ 2045 Comp Plan for the Purpose of Updating the 2045 Mobility System Schedule of Projs Within the Capital Improvements Element to Reformat the List of Projs Into List By “Mode” Rather than By Mobility Zone, & to Add Braddock Rd E, Braddock Pkwy & Lem Turner Rd (SR 115) as a Mobility System Proj in the Corridor Mode to Mobility Zone 4 (Grandin) (Req of Mayor) (PD Apv)
(Companions 2023-657 & 2023-658)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: TEU, LUZ
10/3/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/7/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/7/23 LUZ Amend/Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 32. | | Ordinance | ORD Apv a Mobility Fee & Credit Contract btwn the City & Eisenhower Property Group, LLC, to Auth Mobility Fee Credits in Exchange for the Conveyance, at No Cost to the City & With No Further Council Action, of Land for a R/W Corridor Referred to as “Braddock Road East” Located Within Mobility Zone 4 & Council Dist 8, from the Intersection of Braddock Rd & Lem Turner Rd to the NE to Gold Star Family Pkwy Including Any Land Along Existing Braddock Rd that May Be Needed for Intersection Improvements at Lem Turner Rd, & for the Memorialization of the Mobility Fee Required for Future Dev of the Property Known as the Braddock Family Parcel PUD; Auth the Mayor & Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver the Agrmt & All Closing Docs Relating Thereto, & Otherwise Take All Necessary Actions to Effectuate the Purposes of the Agrmt in Accord with Sec 655.507, Ord Code; Prov for Oversight by the Planning & Dev Dept re the Mobility Fee Credit & Mobility Fees, & the Real Estate Div of the Public Works Dept for the Acquisition/Acceptance of Conveyance(s), & Prov Oversight by the R/W Stormwater Maintenance Div o | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 33. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 & 14400 Braddock Rd, 0 & 15170 Lem Turner Rd, 0 Parete Rd S, 0 Younis Rd W, & 0 Gerald Rd, btwn Parete Rd S & Conifer Cove Trail - (2,235± Acres) - AGR to PUD, to Permit Mixed Use Dev Pursuant to Site Specific Policy 4.3.18 of the FLUE of the 2045 Comp Plan, as Described in the Braddock Family Parcel PUD, Pursuant to FLUMS Large-Scale Amend Appl L-5610-21A Adopted by Ord 2022-747-E; Adopting Sign Posting Plan Pursuant to Sec 656.124, Ord Code - William R. Braddock, et al.; PUD Subject to Conditions (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (N CPAC Deny) (PD & PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Amaro, Johnson & Carrico)
(Companions 2023-656 & 2023-657)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/7/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 5-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 34. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 7932 Morse Ave, btwn Morse Ave & Quail Cove Ln - (3.73± Acres) - RR-Acre to PUD, to Permit Single-Family & Townhome Residential Uses, as Described in the Morse Avenue PUD - 7932 Morse Ave LLC; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 015791-0005) (Dist. 14-Johnson) (Williams) (LUZ) (PD Amd/Apv) (PC Apv)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/7/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Cond) 5-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 35. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0, 2700, 2835 & 2840 Stratton Rd, btwn Goble Rd & Stratton Rd - (31.56± Acres) - RLD-50 & PUD (2022-17-E) to PUD, to Permit Single-Family & Townhome Residential Uses, as Described in the Allier Residential PUD - Miller Landing LLC (R.E. # 012839-0030, 012860-0000, 012865-0110 & 012867-0000) (Dist. 12-White) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Carrico & Johnson)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/7/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 5-0
11/14/23 CO Rereferred to LUZ by CP per CR 3.203
1/3/24 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 6-0
1/10/24 CO Amend(FL)/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23, & 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 36. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 2152 & 2156 Mayport Rd, btwn Dutton Island Rd W & Fairway Villas Dr - (1.56± Acres) - PUD (2018-617-E) to PUD, to Permit Multi-Family Residential & Commercial Uses, as Described in the Bosco Enterprises, LLC PUD - Bosco Enterprises, LLC (R.E. # 169410-0000 & 164910-0010) (Dist. 13-Diamond) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Miller & Arias)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
1/3/24 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 6-0
1/10/24 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23, 11/21/23, 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 37. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Zoning Exception (Appl E-23-56), at 1518 Hendricks Ave, btwn Cedar St & Lasalle St - Good Guys Property, LLC - Requesting: (1) an Establishment or Facility Which Includes the Retail Sale & Svc of All Alcoholic Beverages, Including Liquor, Beer or Wine, for On-Premises and Off Premises Consumption, (2) Permanent Outside Sale & Svc of All Alcoholic Beverages Meeting the Performance Standards & Dev Criteria Set Forth in Pt 4, & (3) Outside Sale & Svc of Food Meeting the Performance Standards & Dev Criteria Set Forth in Pt 4, for Kravegan LLC “Where Food Is Love” D/B/A Kravegan LLC Restaurant, in CCG-1 (R.E. # 080523-0000) (Dist 5-J. Carlucci) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
(Companion 2023-663)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/7/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 38. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Distance Requirements for Liquor License Location (Appl WLD-23-16), at 1518 Hendricks Ave, btwn Cedar St & Lasalle St - Good Guys Property, LLC - Requesting to Reduce the Min Distance for a Liquor License Location from a Church or School from 500 ft to 320 ft for Kravegan LLC “Where Food Is Love” D/B/A Kravegan LLC Restaurant, in CCG-1 (R.E. # 080523-0000) (Dist. 5-J. Carlucci) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Johnson & J. Carlucci)
(Companion 2023-662)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/7/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 39. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Zoning Exception (Appl E-23-60), at 6178 Townsend Rd, btwn Blanding Blvd & Jammes Rd - Nader Khazaal - Requesting an Establishment or Facility Which Includes the Retail Sale of Beer or Wine for On-Premises Consumption, for Imperial Market Inc., in PUD (1999-807-E) (R.E. # 098923-0000) (Dist 14-Johnson) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD Deny)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/21/23 LUZ Withdraw 6-0
11/28/23 CO Withdraw 16-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23, 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 40. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Zoning Exception (Appl E-23-64), at 11148 San Jose Blvd, btwn San Jose Blvd & Old River Rd - Kan-Ki, Inc. - Requesting an Establishment or Facility Which Includes the Retail Sale & Svc of All Alcoholic Beverages, Including Liquor, Beer or Wine, for On-Premises Consumption, for Royal Jacksonville, LLC, in CCG-1 (R.E. # 156084-0010) (Dist 6-Boylan) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/7/23 LUZ PH Approve 4-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 41. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Required Road Frontage (Appl WRF-23-15), at 0 Gracy Rd, btwn Normandy Blvd & Stratton Rd - Justen M. Kelley - Requesting to Reduce the Min Road Frontage Requirements from 80 ft to 0 ft in RR-Acre (R.E. # 012886-0015) (Dist. 12-White) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/7/23 LUZ PH Approve 4-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 42. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Sign Waiver (Appl SW-23-07), for Sign at 1566 Dunn Ave, btwn Dunn Ave & Leonid Rd- William A. Watson, Jr., Trustee of the Revocable Living Trust of William A. Watson, Jr. Dated 10/3/79 - Requesting to Reduce the Min Setback btwn Signs from 200 ft to 160 ft & to Reduce the Min Setback from the R/W from 10 ft to 2 ft - CCG-1 (R.E. # 044211-0025) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/7/23 LUZ PH Approve 4-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 43. | | Ordinance | ORD of the City Council of the City of Jax Auth the Planning & Dev Dept to Prov a Written Response to the State Land Planning Agency on Behalf of the City Concerning the 2023 Assessment Report for the 2045 Comp Plan, which Includes a List of the Modifications to the 2045 Comp Plan Required in Response to Changes in State Law or Changes in Local Conds; Stating the Intent of the City Council to Amend the 2045 Comp Plan to Implement the Recommendations Contained in the 2023 Assessment Report (Teal) (Req of Mayor) (PD & PC Apv)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R, LUZ
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Only
11/6/23 R Approve 5-0
11/7/23 LUZ Approve 4-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Only | |
Action details
| 1 | 44. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Amend Sec 55.105 (Boundaries of Jacksonville Downtown Area), 55.106 (Definitions), 55.108 (Powers & Duties), & 55.112 (Project & Program Funding), Pt 1 (Downtown Investment Authority), Ch 55 (Downtown Investment Authority), Ord Code, to Revise & Add Certain Definitions, Clarify Proj & Prog Funding, Add Language Identifying the DIA as the Desig Supervising & Admin Body Over the Downtown Economic Dev Fund, & Amend the Sec Title; Prov for Codification Instructions (Lopera) (Req of DIA) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R, F
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/16/24 R Amend/Approve 6-0
1/17/24 F Amend/Approve 7-0
1/23/24 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | |
Action details
| 1 | 45. | | Ordinance | ORD re a Partial Ad Valorem Property Tax Exemption for Rehab of a Historic Landmark Desig by Ord 2021-377-E at 510 Julia St, Owned by 510 N Julia LLC; Prov for Exemption from that Portion of Ad Valorem Taxation Levied by the City on 100% of the Increase in Assessed Value Resulting from the Qualifying Improvement Proj, Pursuant to Sec 780.303, Ord Code; Prov for an Exemption Period of 10 Yrs Beginning January 1st of the Yr Following the Yr in Which the Council Enacts this Ord, Pursuant to Sec 780.304, Ord Code (Lopera) (Introduced by NCSPHS) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-0-1 (Salem)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 10/24/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 46. | | Ordinance | ORD re a Partial Ad Valorem Property Tax Exemption for Rehab of a Historic Landmark & Landmark Site Desig by Ord 2006-859-E at 424 N Hogan St, Owned by 218 W Church LLC; Prov for Exemption from that Portion of Ad Valorem Taxation Levied by the City on 100% of the Increase in Assessed Value Resulting from the Qualifying Improvement Proj, Pursuant to Sec 780.303, Ord Code; Prov for an Exemption Period of 10 Yrs Beginning on January 1st of the Yr Following the Yr in Which the Council Enacts this Ord, Pursuant to Sec 780.304, Ord Code (Lopera) (Introduced by NCSPHS) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-0-1 (Salem)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 10/24/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 47. | | Ordinance | ORD re a Partial Ad Valorem Property Tax Exemption for Rehab of a Historic Landmark Site Desig by Ord 2003-1410-E at 218 W Church St, Owned by 218 W Church LLC; Prov for Exemption from that Portion of Ad Valorem Taxation Levied by the City on 100% of the Increase in Assessed Value Resulting from the Qualifying Improvement Proj, Pursuant to Sec 780.303, Ord Code; Prov for an Exemption Period of 10 Yrs Beginning on January 1st of the Yr Following the Yr in Which the Council Enacts this Ord, Pursuant to Sec 780.304, Ord Code (Lopera) (Introduced by NCSPHS) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-0-1 (Salem)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 10/24/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 48. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $880,606.82 from the Projs Titled Hidden Village Dr Underdrain Rehab, Via Valencia Drainage Improvements - DSR & Underdrain Replacements to the Projs Titled Hanson Dr Underdrain Improvements, Brookmont & Lamanto Ave E Underdrain Improvements &Big Fishweir Creek - Ecosytem Restoration (ACOE Joint) to Pay for the Installation of a New Underdrain on Both Sides of Hanson Dr, the Construction of a New Underdrain System in the Area of Brookmont Ave E & Lamanto Ave, & the Funding of the City’s Portion of the Big Fishweir Creek - Ecosystem Restoration Proj; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect this Approp of Funds from the Prior Projs to the Projs; Prov for Oversight by the Engineering & Construction Management Div of the Public Works Dept (B.T. 24-014) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R, F, TEU, JWC
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Amend/Approve 5-0
11/7/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
11/7/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 49. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $750,000.00 from the FL Dept of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the Christobel Septic Tank Phase-Out Proj; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect FDEP Grant Funding for the Proj; Prov for Oversight by the Dept of Public Works, Engineering & Construction Mgmt Div (B.T. 24-013) (Brown) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Carlucci, Clark-Murray, Peluso & Pittman)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R, F, TEU
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Approve 5-0
11/7/23 F Approve 5-0
11/7/23 TEU Approve 7-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 50. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $162,000 from the Jax Rec & Environmental Land Acquisition Capital Projs Fund to the New Town Success Zone Park at Edward Waters University Proj; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver an Amendment to the Joint Use Agrmt btwn the City & Edward Waters College, Inc. Originally Apvd by Ord 2011-198-E; Prov for Oversight by Parks, Rec & Community Svcs (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM Clark-Murray) (Co-Sponsors CMs Carlucci, Pittman & Howland)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/7/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
11/7/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 51. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC re the Opioid & Substance Use Disorder Settlement Proceeds Grants; Amend Sec 84.204 (Organization & Proceedings), Pt 2 (Opioid & Substance Use Disorder Grants Committee), Ch 84 (Opioid Settlement Proceeds Grants), Ord Code; Amend Secs 84.302 (Manager of Opioid Abatement; Responsibilities), 84.304 (Eligibility to Apply for Opioid Settlement Proceeds Grants), 84.305 (Application Requirements), 84.306 (Review, Evaluation & Scoring of Applications by OSUD Grants Committee), 84.307 (Funding Allocations by OSUD Grants Committee; Grant Award Limitations), Pt 3 (Opioid Settlement Proceeds Grants), Ch 84 (Opioid Settlement Proceeds Grants), Ord Code; Waiving Grant Awards Deadline Dates for FY 23-24; Prov a Grant Awards Funding Allocation Deadline for FY 23-24; Req 1-Cycle Emergency Passage; Prov for Codification Instructions (Hodges) (Introduced by CP Salem)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R, F
10/16/23 R Emergency/Amend/Approve 7-0
10/17/23 F Emergency/Amend/Approve 7-0-1 (Carrico)
10/24/23 CO Emergency/Amend/Approve 16-0-1 (Carrico)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 10 | PH Emergency/Amend/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 52. | | Ordinance | ORD Apv the Issuance & Sale by JEA of Its Electric Sys Revenue Bonds &/or Its Electric Sys Subordinated Revenue Bonds, Its Bulk Power Supply Sys Revenue Bonds &/or Its Power Park Issue 3 Bonds, in an Aggregate Amt Not To Exceed $1,900,000,000, for the Purpose of Financing the Acquisition &/or Construction of Additions, Extensions & Improvements to the Electric Sys of JEA or for Purposes Auth Under the Bulk Power Supply Bond Reso or the 2nd Power Park Bond Reso, or of Refunding Electric Sys Revenue Bonds, Electric Sys Subordinated Revenue Bonds, Bulk Power Supply Sys Revenue Bonds &/or Power Park Issue 3 Bonds; Apv the Issuance & Sale by JEA of Its Water & Sewer Sys Revenue Bonds &/or Its Water & Sewer Sys Subordinated Revenue Bonds, in an Aggregate Amt Not To Exceed $2,500,000,000... (Greenberg Traurig) (Req of JEA)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Approve 6-0
11/7/23 TEU Approve 7-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 10/24/23 | PH Read 2nd & Rerefer | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 53. | | Resolution | RESO Desig 7893 Hogan Settlement Rd, Jax, FL, as a Brownfield Area for Environmental Rehab & Economic Development; Prov for Notification of Brownfield Site Rehab Agrmt (R.E. # 007618-0000) (Dist. 12-White) (Teal) (Req of Mayor)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/6/23 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
11/7/23 F Approve 6-0
11/7/23 TEU Approve 7-0
11/14/23 CO PH Approve 14-0
Public Hearings Pursuant to Sec 376.80, F.S.& Ch 166, F.S. - 10/24/23 & 11/14/23 | PH Addnl/Read 2nd & Rerefer | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 54. | | Resolution | RESO Desig 1959 Kings Ave & 0 Kings Ave, Jax, FL, as a Brownfield Area for Environmental Rehab & Economic Development; Prov for Notification of Brownfield Site Rehab Agrmt (R.E. # 082062-000 & 082112-0000) (Dist. 5-J. Carlucci) (Teal) (Req of Mayor)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/6/23 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
11/7/23 F Approve 6-0
11/7/23 TEU Approve 7-0
11/14/23 CO PH Approve 14-0
Public Hearings Pursuant to Sec 376.80, F.S.& Ch 166, F.S. - 10/24/23 & 11/14/23 | PH Addnl/Read 2nd & Rerefer | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 55. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2030 Comp Plan at 4915 San Pablo Rd S, btwn San Pablo Rd & Dixie Landing Dr - (R.E. # 181767-0060) (12.95± Acres) – CGC to RPI – Steinemann San Pablo, LLC (Appl # L-5715-22C) (Dist. 13-Diamond) (Trout) (LUZ) (Rezoning 2022-889)
12/13/22 CO Introduced: LUZ
1/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer |1/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/24/23 CO PH Addnt'l 2/14/23
CO PH Cont’d on 2/14/23, 2/28/23, 3/28/23, 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, 8/22/23, 9/12/23, 9/26/23, 10/10/23, 10/24/23, 11/14/23, 11/28/23, 1/10/24, 1/23/24, 2/27/24, 3/26/24, 4/23/24, 5/28/24, 7/23/24, 8/13/24, 9/10/24, 10/8/24
LUZ PH – 2/7/23, 2/22/23, 3/22/23, 4/4/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23, 8/15/23, 9/6/23, 9/19/23, 10/3/23, 10/17/23, 11/7/23, 11/21/23, 1/3/24, 1/17/24, 2/21/24, 3/19/24, 4/16/24, 5/21/24, 7/16/24, 8/6/24, 9/4/24, 10/1/24, 11/6/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code – 1/24/23 & 2/14/23, 2/28/23, 3/28/23, 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, 8/22/23, 9/12/2 | PH Contd | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 56. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 4915 San Pablo Rd S, btwn San Pablo Rd & Dixie Landing Dr - (12.95± Acres) – PUD (2008-653-E) to PUD, to Permit Multi-Family Residential & Commercial Uses, as Described in the San Pablo Place II PUD – Steinemann San Pablo, LLC (R.E. # 181767-0060) (Appl # L-5715-22C) (Dist. 13-Diamond) (Lewis) (LUZ) (Small Scale 2022-888)
12/13/22 CO Introduced: LUZ
1/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 1/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/24/23 CO PH Addnt'l 2/14/23
CO PH Cont’d on 2/14/23, 2/28/23, 3/28/23, 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, 8/22/23, 9/12/23, 9/26/23, 10/10/23, 10/24/23, 11/14/23, 11/28/23, 1/10/24, 1/23/24, 2/27/24, 3/26/24, 4/23/24, 5/28/24, 7/23/24, 8/13/24, 9/10/24, 10/8/24
LUZ PH – 2/7/23, 2/22/23, 3/22/23, 4/4/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23, 8/15/23, 9/6/23, 9/19/23, 10/3/23, 10/17/23, 11/7/23, 11/21/23, 1/3/24, 1/17/24, 2/21/24, 3/19/24, 4/16/24, 5/21/24, 7/16/24, 8/6/24, 9/4/24, 10/1/24, 11/6/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601– 1/24/23 & 2/14/23, 2/28/23, 3/28/23, 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6 | PH Contd | |
Action details
| 1 | 57. | | Ordinance | ORD Transmitting to the State of FL’s Various Agencies for Review, a Proposed Large-Scale Revision to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Garden St, btwn Paxton Rd & Imeson Rd - (101.87± Acres) - AGR-III to LI - Edward Elias & Rima Elias (R.E. # 003999-0800) (Appl # L-5803-23A) (Dist. 12-White) (Hinton) (LUZ) (PD Apv) (PC Deny)
4/25/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
5/2/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 5/9/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
5/23/23 CO PH Addn'tl 6/13/23 | 6/13/23 CO PH Cont'd 6/27/23
6/27/23 CO PH Cont'd 7/25/23 | 7/25/23 CO PH Cont'd 8/8/23
8//8/23 CO PH Cont'd 8/22/23 | 8/22/23 CO PH Cont'd 9/12/23
9/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23 | 10/24/23 CO PH Cont'd 11/28/23
11/28/23 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24 | 1/23/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/27/24
2/27/24 CO PH Cont'd 3/26/24 | 3/26/24 CO PH Cont'd 4/23/24
4/16/24 LUZ PH Withdraw 7-0
4/23/24 CO PH Withdraw 19-0
LUZ PH - 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23, 8/15/23, 9/6/23, 10/17/23, 11/21/23, 1/17/24, 2/21/24, 3/19/24, 4/16/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184 (3), F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 5/23/23 & 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, 8/22/2 | PH Contd | |
Action details
| 1 | 58. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0, 10050, 10061, 10144 Noroad, 0 103rd St & 0 Connie Jean Rd, btwn 103rd St & Noroad - (37.86± Acres) - CGC, MDR & LDR to ROS - Noroad Development, LLC, Melvin R. Barbour & Vicky Barbour (R.E. # 012955-0010, 012956-0000, 012960-0000, 012961-0100, 012970-0100, 012971-0100 & 012974-0055) (Appl #L-5807-23C) (Dist. 12-White) (Parola) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-360)
6/13/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
6/21/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
6/27/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer | 7/25/23 CO PH Addn'tl 8/8/23
8//8/23 CO PH Cont'd 8/22/23 | 8/22/23 CO PH Cont'd 9/12/23
9/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 14-2 (Boylan & Clark-Murray)
LUZ PH - 8/1/23, 8/15/23, 9/6/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code -7/25/23 & 8/8/23, 8/22/23, 9/12/23, 10/24/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 59. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0, 10050, 10061, 10144 Noroad, 0 103rd St & 0 Connie Jean Rd, btwn 103rd St & Noroad - (37.86± Acres) - RR-Acre, RMD-A, CCG-2 & CN to PUD, to Permit a Recreational Vehicle Park Uses, as Described in the Noroad Motorhome Resort PUD - Noroad Development, LLC, Melvin R. Barbour & Vicky Barbour; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 012955-0010, 012956-0000, 012960-0000, 012961-0100, 012970-0100, 012971-0100 & 012974-0055) (Appl # L-5807-23C) (Dist. 12-White) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Arias, Johnson, J. Carlucci, Gaffney, Jr. & Carrico)
(Small Scale 2023-359)
6/13/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
6/21/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
6/27/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer | 7/25/23 CO PH Addn'tl 8/8/23
8//8/23 CO PH Cont'd 8/22/23 | 8/22/23 CO PH Cont'd 9/12/23
9/6/23 LUZ PH Substitute/Rerefer 6-0 | 9/12/23 CO PH Substitute/Rerefer 16-0
10/10/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Cond) 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 16-1 (Clark-Murray)
LUZ PH - 8/1/23, 8/15/23, 9/6/23, & 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 7/25/23 & 8/8/23, | PH Amend/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 60. | | Ordinance | ORD Transmitting to the State of FL’s Various Agencies for Review, a Proposed Large-Scale Revision to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan, Including a Revision to the Development Areas Map at 0 Yellow Water Road, btwn Bell Estates Rd & Yellow Water Lane - (37.33± Acres) - AGR in the Rural Dev Area to LDR in the Suburban Dev Area- John Benton, as Trustee of the Yellow Water Land Trust Under the Provisions of a Trust Agrmt Dated 6/10/95 (R.E. # 002272-0030) (Appl # L-5717-22A) (Dist. 12-White) (Parola) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (PC Apv)
07/25/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
8/1/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 8/8/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/22/23 CO PH Addn'tl 9/12/23 | 9/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 9/26/23
9/26/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/10/23 |10/10/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/24/23 CO PH Cont'd 11/14/23 |11/14/23 CO PH Cont'd 11/28/23
11/28/23 CO PH Cont'd 1/9/24 | 1/10/24 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/23/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24 | 2/13/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/27/24
2/27/24 CO PH Cont'd 4/9/24 | 4/9/24 CO PH Cont'd 5/14/24
5/14/24 CO PH Cont'd 5/28/24
5/21/24 LUZ PH Withdraw 7-0
5/28/24 CO PH Withdraw 17-0
LUZ PH - 9/6/23, | PH Contd | |
Action details
| 1 | 61. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 911 Halsema Rd S, btwn Rosetta Rd & Turkey Rd - (12.22± Acres) - LDR to ROS - William M. Lloyd, III & Jenny L. Lloyd (R.E. # 001927-0004) (Appl #L-5819-23C) (Dist. 12-White) (Lukacovic) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (PC Amd/Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-416)
7/25/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
8/1/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 8/8/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/22/23 CO PH Addn'tl 9/12/23 | 9/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 9/26/23
9/26/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23 | 10/24/23 CO PH Cont'd 11/14/23
11/14/23 CO PH Cont'd 12/12/23 | 12/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/23/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24 | 2/13/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/27/24
2/21/24 LUZ PH Amend/Approve 7-0
2/27/24 CO Amend/Approve 15-2 (Clark-Murray, Pittman)
LUZ PH - 9/6/23, 9/19/23, 10/17/23, 11/7/23, 12/5/23, 1/17/24, 2/6/24, 2/21/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 8/22/23 & 9/12/23, 9/26/23, 10/24/23, 11/14/23, 12/12/23, 1/23/24, 2/13/24, 2/27/24 | PH Contd | |
Action details
| 1 | 62. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 911 Halsema Rd S, btwn Rosetta Rd & Turkey Rd - (29.06± Acres) - RLD-100A, RLD-90 & RR-Acre to PUD, to Permit Recreational Vehicle Park Uses, as Described in the Halsema Road PUD - William M. Lloyd, III & Jenny L. Lloyd; PUD Subject to Conditions (R.E. # 001927-0004) (Appl # L-5819-23C) (Dist. 12-White) (Lewis) (LUZ) (SW CPAC Deny) (PD Deny) (PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs J. Carlucci, Diamond, Amaro & Carrico)
(Small Scale 2023-415)
7/25/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
8/1/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 8/8/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/22/23 CO PH Addn'tl 9/12/23 | 9/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 9/26/23
9/26/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23 | 10/24/23 CO PH Cont'd 11/14/23
11/14/23 CO PH Cont'd 12/12/23 | 12/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/23/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24 | 2/13/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/27/24
2/21/24 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 7-0
2/27/24 CO PH Amend/Approve 14-3 (Pittman, Clark-Murray, Peluso)
LUZ PH - 9/6/23, 9/19/23, 10/17/23, 11/7/23, 12/5/23, 1/17/24, 2/6/24, 2/21/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 8/22/23 & 9/12/23, 9/26/23, 10/24/23, 11/14/23, 12/12/23, 1/23/24, 2/13 | PH Contd | |
Action details
| 1 | 63. | | Ordinance | ORD Denying a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 6826 Richardson Rd, btwn New Kings Rd & Richardson Rd - (3.08± Acres) - RPI to CGC - Park & Go Truck Storage, LLC; Prov For Notice (R.E. # 041512-0000) (Appl # L-5823-23C) (Dist. 10-Pittman) (Parola) (LUZ) (PD Apv) (PC Deny)
(Rezoning 2023-534)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/10/23
10/10/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Amend (Deny)/Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Amend (Deny)/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/3/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 9/26/23 & 10/10/23, 10/24/23 | PH Amend (To Deny)/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 64. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Denying Rezoning at 6826 Richardson Rd, btwn New Kings Rd & Richardson Rd - (3.08± Acres) - PUD (2005-120-E) to PUD, to Permit an Automobile Svc Station & Recreational Vehicle & Self-Storage Uses, as Described in the Richardson Rd PUD - Park & Go Truck Storage, LLC; Prov For Notice (R.E. # 041512-0000) (Appl # L-5823-23C) (Dist. 10-Pittman) (Lewis) (LUZ) (NW CPAC Deny) (PD Amd/Apv) (PC Deny) (Ex Parte: CM Johnson)
(Small Scale 2023-533)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/10/23
10/10/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Amend (Deny)/Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Amend (Deny)/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/3/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 9/26/23 & 10/10/23, 10/24/23 | PH Amend (To Deny)/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 65. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 10939 Biscayne Blvd, btwn Mar Vic Ln & Yelford Cir - (0.97± Acres) - LDR to MDR - Dunn Avenue Holdings, LLC (R.E. # 044176-0050) (Appl # L-5831-23C) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Fogarty) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-536)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/10/23
10/10/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/24/23 CO PH Cont'd 11/14/23
11/14/23 CO PH Cont'd 12/12/23
12/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/23/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24
2/6/24 LUZ PH Approve 5-2 (Gaffney, Jr., Johnson)
2/13/24 CO PH Approve 12-7 (Carlucci, Clark-Murray, Pittman, Gaffney, Jr., Gay, Johnson & Amaro)
LUZ PH - 10/3/23, 10/17/23, 11/7/23, 12/5/23, 1/17/24, 2/6/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 9/26/23 & 10/10/23, 10/24/23, 11/14/23, 12/12/23, 1/23/24, 2/13/24 | PH Contd | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 66. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Dunn Ave & 10939 Biscayne Blvd, btwn Mar Vic Ln & Yelford Cir - (5.40± Acres) - RLD-100A & RMD-C to PUD, to Permit Multi-Family Residential Uses, as Described in the Biscayne Lofty Apartments PUD- Dunn Avenue Holdings, LLC; PUD Subject to Conditions (R.E. # 044155-0200 & 044176-0050) (Appl # L-5831-23C) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (N CPAC Deny) (PD & PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Gaffney, Jr., Amaro, Arias, Carrico, J. Carlucci, Johnson, Diamond, Salem, Lahnen, Howland, Miller, Freeman, Peluso, Carlucci, Boylan, Pittman, Clark-Murray, Gay & White)
(Small Scale 2023-535)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/10/23
10/10/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/24/23 CO PH Cont'd 11/14/23
11/7/23 LUZ PH Substitute/Rerefer 4-0
11/14/23 CO PH Substitute/Rerefer 14-0
1/10/24 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/23/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24
2/6/24 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 5-2 (Gaffney, Jr., Johnson)
2/13/24 CO PH Amend/Approve 11-8 (Gaffney, Jr., Johnson, M. Carlucci, Clark-Murray, Pittman, Gay, Amaro & Peluso) | PH Contd | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 67. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 & 1010 Mill Creek Rd, btwn Regency Square Blvd N & Libby Rd S - (4.24± Acres) - CGC to MDR - 1010 Mill Creek, LLC (R.E. # 120877-0010 & 121150-0100) (Appl # L-5838-23C) (Dist. 1-Amaro) (Lukacovic) (LUZ) (JWC Apv) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-538)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ, JWC
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/10/23
10/10/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/3/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 9/26/23 & 10/10/23, 10/24/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 68. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 & 1010 Mill Creek Rd, btwn Regency Square Blvd N & Libby Rd S - (4.24± Acres) - CRO & CO to RMD-C - 1010 Mill Creek, LLC (R.E. # 120877-0010 & 121150-0100) (Appl # L-5838-23C) (Dist. 1-Amaro) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-537)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/10/23
10/10/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/3/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 9/26/23 & 10/10/23, 10/24/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 69. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 1005 Pecan Park Rd, btwn International Airport Blvd & I-95 - (1.19± Acres) - AGR to LDR - William Alexander Mercer (R.E. # 108119-0000) (Appl # L-5856-23C) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Salley) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-540)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/10/23
10/10/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/3/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 9/26/23 & 10/10/23, 10/24/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 70. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 1005 Pecan Park Rd, btwn International Airport Blvd & I-95- (1.19± Acres) - AGR to RLD-60 - William Alexander Mercer (R.E. # 108119-0000) (Appl # L-5856-23C) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Williams) (LUZ) ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-539)
8/22/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/6/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/12/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/10/23
10/10/23 CO PH Cont'd 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/3/23, 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 9/26/23 & 10/10/23, 10/24/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 71. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Old Saint Augustine Rd, btwn Lake Gardens Dr & Whitmore Rd - (1.10± Acres) - LDR to PBF - American Legion Mandarin “Fallen Heroes” Post 372 Inc. (R.E. # 158290-0020) (Appl #L-5836-23C) (Dist. 6-Boylan) (Salley) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-592)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 10/10/23 & 10/24/23 | PH Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 72. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Old Saint Augustine Rd, btwn Lake Gardens Dr & Whitmore Rd - (1.10± Acres) - RLD-60 to PUD, to Permit Dev of an American Legion Post Private Club & Related Amenities, with Sales & Svc of All Alcoholic Beverages, Including Liquor, Beer & Wine, For On-Premises Consumption, as Described in the American Legion Mandarin Post 372 PUD - American Legion Mandarin “Fallen Heroes” Post 372 Inc.; PUD Subject to Conditions (R.E. # 158290-0020) (Appl #L-5836-23C) (Dist. 6-Boylan) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Boylan, Arias, Johnson, Gaffney, Jr., Amaro, Carrico, J. Carlucci, Salem, Boylan, Lahnen, Howland & Gaffney, Jr.)
(Small Scale 2023-591)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 6-0
10/24/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 10/10/23 & 10/24/23 | PH Amend/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 73. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 & 7447 Salisbury Rd, btwn Salisbury Rd & Baymeadows Cir W - (39.21± Acres) - LI to MDR & CSV - Cypress Plaza Properties, Inc. & Allstate Electrical Contractors, Inc. (R.E. # 152578-0000 & 152578-0010) (Appl #L-5844-23C) (Dist. 11-Arias) (Hinton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-594)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 10/10/23 & 10/24/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 74. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 & 7447 Salisbury Rd, btwn Salisbury Rd & Baymeadows Cir W - (39.21± Acres) - IL to PUD, to Permit Multi-Family Residential with Associated Recreational Uses, as Described in the Belfort Creek PUD - Cypress Plaza Properties, Inc. & Allstate Electrical Contractors, Inc. (R.E. # 152578-0000 & 152578-0010) (Appl #L-5844-23C) (Dist. 11-Arias) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD Amd/Apv) (PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Arias)
(Small Scale 2023-593)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/10/23 & 10/24/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 75. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 6410 Jones Rd, btwn Cisco Dr & Bee Balm Blvd - (32.32± Acres) - AGR to LDR - Ralph Wayne Davis & Emily Gail Davis (R.E. # 002896-0220 (Portion)) (Appl #L-5857-23C) (Dist. 12-White) (Parola) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-596)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 10/10/23 & 10/24/23 | PH Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 76. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 6410 Jones Rd, btwn Cisco Dr & Bee Balm Blvd - (32.32± Acres) - AGR to PUD, to Permit Single-Family Residential & Townhome Uses, as Described in the Jones Rd Phase 2 PUD - Ralph Wayne Davis & Emily Gail Davis; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 002896-0220 (Portion)) (Appl #L-5857-23C) (Dist. 12-White) (Nutt) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Carrico, Gaffney, Jr., Arias, J. Carlucci & Johnson)
(Small Scale 2023-595)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
9/19/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Addn'tl 10/24/23
10/17/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 5-0
10/24/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 16-1 (White)
LUZ PH - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/10/23 & 10/24/23 | PH Amend/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 77. | | Ordinance | ORD Transmitting to the State of FL’s Various Agencies for Review, a Proposed Large-Scale Revision to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan, Including a Revision to the Development Areas Map, at 0 Coconut Palm Pkwy, 0 J. Turner Butler Blvd, 0 Kiwi Palm Ct, 4950 20 Mile Rd N, 0 & 14931 Philips Hwy, 0 Rosewater Ln, 0 San Pablo Rd & 6586 San Pablo Rd S, btwn I-295 & the Duval County/St. Johns County Line - (11,047.38± Acres) - AGR in the Rural Dev Area to MU in the Suburban Dev Area Subj to FLUE Site Specific Policy 4.3.23- Adding FLUE Site Specific Policy 4.3.23- BJD Timberlands, LLC & Estuary, LLC (R.E. # 167752-0200, 167755-0020, 167763-0020, 167764-0010, 167764-1100, 167769-0015, 167774-0000, 167775-0010, 167778-0320, 167876-0020, 167877-0000, 167886-0000, 167887-0000, 168158-0000, 168159-0000, 168160-0000 & 168177-0120) (Appl # L-5861-23A) (Dist. 11-Arias) (Parola) (LUZ) (JWC Apv) (PD & PC Apv)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ, JWC
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/14/23 CO PH Cont'd 11/28/23
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6- | PH Addnl | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 78. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Large-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Roosevelt Blvd, 4811 & 4837 Collins Rd, btwn Roosevelt Blvd & Ortega Bluff Pkwy - (115.73± Acres) - LI & MDR to RPI - Edward L. Toney & Joan M. Toney, as Co-Trustees of the Joan M. Toney Revocable Trust Dated 7/28/17, & Jemset LLC (R.E. # 098422-0000, 099140-0000, 099140-0020, 099151-0000 (Portion) & 105562-0010) (Appl # L-5778-22A) (Dist. 14-Johnson) (Fogarty) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-651)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/7/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO PH Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184 (3), F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code -10/24/23 & 11/14/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 79. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Roosevelt Blvd, 4811 & 4837 Collins Rd, btwn Roosevelt Blvd & Ortega Bluff Pkwy - (139.35± Acres) - IL, IBP, CO, PBF-1, RMD-A & RMD-B to PUD, to Permit Single-Family & Multi-Family Residential & Commercial Uses, as Described in the Collins Rd PUD - Edward L. Toney & Joan M. Toney, as Co-Trustees of the Joan M. Toney Revocable Trust Dated 7/28/17, & Jemset LLC; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 098422-0000, 099140-0000, 099140-0020, 099151-0000 & 105562-0010) (Appl #L-5778-22A) (Dist. 14-Johnson) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (SW CPAC Deny) (PD & PC Amd/Apv)
(Large-Scale 2023-650)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/7/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 5-0
11/14/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 -10/24/23 & 11/14/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 80. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Albert St, 0 Georgia St, 0 & 1150 Grant St, 0 Spratt St & 0 Van Buren St, btwn Grant St & Albert St - (3.61± Acres) - MDR to CGC - COJ (Appl #L-5846-23C) (Dist. 7-Peluso) (Parola) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-653)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/7/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO PH Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 10/24/23 & 11/14/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 81. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 & 665 A. Philip Randolph Blvd, 0, 1021, 1033, 1034, 1068 & 1105 Albert St, 0 Georgia St, 0, 1030 & 1150 Grant St, 0 Spratt St & 0 Van Buren St, btwn Arlington Expwy & Grant St - (7.58± Acres) - PBF-1 & CCG-2 to PUD, to Permit Commercial, Offices & Multi-Family Residential Uses, Including a Soccer Entertainment Complex, as Described in the Soccer Entertainment Complex PUD - COJ & SLG Investment Partnership, LLLP; PUD Subject to Conditions (Appl #L-5846-23C) (Dist. 7-Peluso) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Johnson, Amaro, Carrico, Peluso & J. Carlucci)
(Small Scale 2023-652)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/7/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 5-0
11/14/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 & 11/14/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 82. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 8533 Malaga Ave & 3700 Collins Rd, btwn Collins Rd & Carmona St - (3.94± Acres) - LDR to ROS - The Rudder Club of Jacksonville, Inc. (R.E. # 100396-0000 & 100397-0000) (Appl #L-5849-23C) (Dist. 14-Johnson) (Hinton) (LUZ) (JWC Apv) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-655)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ, JWC
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/7/23 LUZ PH Approve 4-0
11/14/23 CO PH Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 10/24/23 & 11/14/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 83. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 8533 Malaga Ave & 3700 Collins Rd, btwn Collins Rd & Carmona St - (3.94± Acres) - RLD-60 to ROS - The Rudder Club of Jacksonville, Inc. (R.E. # 100396-0000 & 100397-0000) (Appl #L-5849-23C) (Dist. 14-Johnson) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Johnson)
(Small Scale 2023-654)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/3/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/14/23
11/7/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO PH Approve 15-0
LUZ PH - 11/7/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 & 11/14/23 | PH Addnl | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 84. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Jose Acevedo, a City of Jax Resident, to the JHRC, Replacing Lisa J. Moore, Pursuant to Sec 60.103 (Terms; Vacancies; Attendance), Ch 60 (Human Rights Commission), Ord Code, For a Partial Term to Exp on 12/31/23, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 12/31/26 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Amend/Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 85. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Daniel L. Henry, a Duval County Resident, as a Member of the Public Service Grant Council, Replacing Deborah Johnson, Pursuant to Sec 80.102 (Composition, Member Qualifications, Terms, Annual Training Requirement; Responsibilities), Ch 80 (Public Service Grant Council), Ord Code, For a 1st Full Term to Exp on 12/1/25 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Johnson, Clark-Murray & Peluso)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Amend/Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 86. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of John Moscarillo, a Duval County Resident, to the Tree Commission as a Forester Rep From the Council At-Large Group 2 Residency Area, Replacing Michael R. Robinson, Pursuant to Sec 94.103 (Membership; Terms; Composition), Ch 94 (Tree Commission), Ord Code, For a 1st Full Term to Exp on 12/31/24 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: R
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 R Amend/Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 87. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Relating to the City of Jacksonville’s Procurement Code; Repealing & Replacing Pt 1 (General Regulations), Pt 2 (Supplies, Contractual Services & Capital Improvements), Pt 3 (Professional Services Contracts), Pt 5 (Extraordinary Critical Purchasing Procedures), Pt 7 (Design- Build Contracts), & Pt 9 (Art in Public Places), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, & Pt 6 (Cultural Service Grant Program), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, in Their Entirety; Creating a New Pt 1 (General Regulations; Ethics & Transparency in Public Contracting), Pt 2 (Jacksonville Procurement Awards Committee), Pt 3 (Procurement Thresholds, Modes, Methods, & Procedures), Pt 5 (Ex-Offender Program), Pt 7 (Buy American Program & Local Business Participation Policy), & Pt 9 (Protests, Suspension, & Debarments), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Modernize & Provide Greater Efficiencies in the COJ Procurement Code; Creating a New Pt 6 (Cultural Service Grants & Art in Public Places), Subpt A (Cultural service Grant Program) & Subpt B (Art in Public Places Program), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, to Re | Sub/Rereferred | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 88. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Amend Various Secs of Ch 652 (Floodplain Management), Ord Code, to Incorporate the FL State Floodplain Management Office’s Recommendations for the City to Maintain Current Ratings with the National Flood Insurance Prog Community Rating System; Directing that the Local Technical Amends to the FL Bldg Code Previously Accomplished in Sec 321.109 (Elevation Requirements), Ch 321 (Adoption of Bldg Code), Ord Code, Now be Prov in the Land Dev Procedures Manual by the Dev Svcs Div of the Planning & Dev Dept to Enable the Public to Have Easy Access to Those Amends; Repealing Sec 321.109 (Elevation Requirements), Ch 321 (Adoption of Bldg Code), Ord Code, in its Entirety; Creating a New Sec 321.109 (Elevation Requirements), Ch 321 (Adoption of Bldg Code), Ord Code, So That the Local Tech Amends Made to the FL Bldg Code Read Correctly Both On-Line & In Printed Form; Amend Sec 321.110 (Substantial Damage & Substantial Improvement Definitions), Ch 321 (Adoption of Bldg Code), Ord Code, to Remove Reference to the Edition of the FL Bldg Code; Amend Sec 652.203 (Basis for Estab Flood Hazard A | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 89. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $785,760 Consisting of $585,760 from the Gen Fund - GSD Fund Bal to Fund Downtown Preservation & Revitalization Prog Loans to Regions Bank, as Previously Auth by Ord 2021-210-E & Ord 2023-150-E, & $200,000, btwn Centers Within the Downtown Economic Dev Fund Regions Bank Activity; Prov for Reverter of Funds (Second Revised B.T. 23-055) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/2/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/3/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 5-0
10/17/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 90. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Creating a New Sec 111.270 (Homelessness Initiatives Special Revenue Fund), Pt 2 (Health & Human Services), Ch 111 (Special Revenue & Trust Accounts), Ord Code, to Estab a Permanent Homelessness Initiatives Special Rev Fund For the Purposes Described Herein; Prov For Codification Instructions; Approp $1,000,000 to the Homelessness Initiatives Special Rev Fund, Including $500,000 From the Council President’s Designated Contingency Acct & $500,000 From the Mayor’s Task Force Contingency Acct; Provision For the FY 24-25 Budget Approp From the Fund; Prov For Oversight By the Grants & Contract Compliance Div of the Finance & Admin Dept (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM Salem) (Co-Sponsors CMs Johnson, Clark-Murray, Carrico, Pittman, Gaffney, Jr., Arias, Lahnen, White, Howland, Miller, Boylan, Carlucci, Amaro & Peluso)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
10/2/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/2/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/3/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
10/16/23 R Amend/Approve 7-0
10/17/23 F Amend/Approve 8-0
10/24/ | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 91. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming an Unopened & Unimproved Portion of the Asland Rd R/W, Estab in the Plat of Garden City, as Recorded, at the Request of Toni Daniels Lee; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist 8 - Gaffney, Jr.) (Wilson) (Req of Mayor)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: TEU
10/3/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 TEU PH Amend/Approve 6-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 10/17/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 92. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $137,000 From the Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund to Fund the Various Crime Prevention & Law Enforcement Expenditures & Activities Including: (1) Prov $37,000 to Procure 2 UTV Vehicles for JSO Patrol Units; (2) Prov $30,000 to Procure a Real Time Crime Ctr Workstation for JSO; (3) Transferring $12,5000 From the Fund to the Teen Driver Special Rev Fund in Accordance With Sec 111.365, Ord Code, to Fund the Teen Driver Challenge Prog; (4) Transferring $12,500 From the Fund to the Police Explorers Trust Fund in Accordance With Sec 111.340, Ord Code, to Fund JSO Police Explorer Post; (5) Transferring $25,000 From the Fund to the First Coast Crime Stoppers; & (6) $20,000 to be Used For the Homeward Bound Prog; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & The Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver on Behalf of The City That Certain Misc Approp Agmt Between the City & First Coast Crime Stoppers, Inc.; Waiving Sec 110.112 (Advance of City Funds; Prohibition Against), Pt 1 (The City Treasury), Ch 110 (City Treasury), Ord Code, To Allow For Advance Payment To First Coast Crime Stoppers, Inc. ( | Amend(Fl)/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 93. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $202,335.05 From the Federal Forfeitures Trust Fund to Estab the FY 23-24 Operating Budget For the Federal Forfeitures Trust Fund (Revised B.T. 24-005) (Brown) (Req of Sheriff)
9/26/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/2/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/3/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/10/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/16/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 5-0
10/17/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
10/24/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/10/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 94. | | Resolution | RESO Reappt Gloria “Nadine” Sherman Carswell as a Member of JHFA, as a Finance Rep, Pursuant to Ch 52, Ord Code, for a 2nd Term Ending 6/30/27; Prov for a Directive for the Chief of Legislative Svcs (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Salem)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 95. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Yildirim “Alex" Sivar, to the Public Service Grant Council, Replacing Mary “Marcie” Turner, Pursuant to Sec 80.102 (Composition; Member Qualifications; Terms; Annual Training Requirement; Responsibilities), Ch 80 (Public Service Grant Council), Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term to Exp on 12/31/25, Followed by a 2nd Full Term to Exp on 12/31/28 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Amend/Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 96. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Norman Hofheimer to the Jacksonville Aviation Authority, Pursuant to Article 4 (Jacksonville Aviation Authority), Pt B (Related Laws), City of Jax Charter, Replacing Ray Alfred, for a Partial Term to Exp on 9/30/27 (Hodges) (Req of Mayor)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 97. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Willie F. Lyons, a Duval County Resident, to the Jax-Duval County Council on Elder Affairs, Replacing Dr. Murphy Nmezi, Pursuant to Sec 82.102 (Composition of Membership; Officers), Ch 82 (Jacksonville-Duval County Council on Elder Affairs), Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term to Exp on 6/30/25, Followed by a 2nd Full Term to Exp on 6/30/27 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Amend/Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 98. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Dr. Cynthia R. Griffin, a Duval County Resident, to the Jax-Duval County Council on Elder Affairs, Replacing Dr. Eldridge A. Groomes, Pursuant to Sec 82.102 (Composition of Membership; Officers), Ch 82 (Jacksonville-Duval County Council on Elder Affairs), Ord Code, for a Partial Term to Exp on 6/30/24, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 6/30/26 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem, Peluso & Johnson)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/2/24 R Approve 6-0
1/10/24 CO Approve 17-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 99. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Ingrid K. Montgomery, a Duval County Resident, to the Jax-Duval County Council on Elder Affairs, Replacing Joseph Meux, Pursuant to Sec 82.102 (Composition of Membership; Officers), Ch 82 (Jacksonville-Duval County Council on Elder Affairs), Ord Code, for a Partial Term to Exp on 6/30/24, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 6/30/26 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray & Johnson)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Approve 6-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 100. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Earl R. Matthews, a Duval Co Resident, As a Rep for the Home Building Industry to the Jax Housing & Community Dev Commission, Replacing Raul Ernesto Arias, Jr., Pursuant to Sec 34.203 (Jacksonville Housing & Community Development Commission; Commission Members), Pt 2 (Housing & Community Development Division), Ch 34 (Neighborhoods Department), Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term to Exp on 11/30/26 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Amend/Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 101. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Reappt of David J. Hacker, a Duval County Resident, Whose First Full Term was Served As a Rep of the Planning Commission, to Now Occupy a General Seat, to the Jax Housing & Community Dev Commission, Pursuant to 34.203 (Jacksonville Housing & Community Development Commission; Commission Members), Pt 2 (Housing & Community Development Division), Ch 34 (Neighborhoods Department), Ord Code, for a 2nd Full Term to Exp on 11/30/27 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Amaro)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/4/23 R Amend/Approve 5-0
12/12/23 CO Amend/Approve 13-4 (Carlucci, Clark-Murray, Gay, Johnson) | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 102. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Tyler Blair, a Duval County Resident, to the Context Sensitive Streets Standards Committee as a Civil Engineer with Transportation Planning Experience, Replacing Ameera Sayeed, Pursuant to Sec 32.702 (Context Sensitive Streets Standards Committee), Pt 7 (Context Sensitive Streets Standards Committee), Ch 32 (Public Works Department), Ord Code, for a Partial Term Ending on 7/31/25, Followed by a 1st Full Term Ending on 7/31/29 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 103. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Vanessa Cullins Hopkins as a Member of the JSEB Monitoring Committee, Replacing Jessie Spradley, Pursuant to Sec 126.607 (JSEB Monitoring Committee; Annual Program Review), Subpart B (Program Administrator), Pt 6 (Jacksonville Small & Emerging Business Program), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, for a Partial Term to Exp on 4/30/24, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 4/30/27 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray & Johnson)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/4/23 R Withdraw 5-0
12/12/23 CO Withdraw 17-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 104. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Solomon Olopade, a Duval County Resident, to the Subdivision Standards & Policy Advisory Committee, as a Home Builder Rep, Replacing Jonathan S. Brannock Pursuant to Sec 654.142 (Subdivision Standards & Policy Advisory Committee), Ord Code, for a Partial Term to Exp on 11/30/24 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Johnson, Peluso & Gaffney, Jr.)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 105. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Anna Brosche as Director of Finance/Chief Financial Officer of the City of Jax Pursuant to Sec 24.102 (Director of Finance/Chief Financial Officer (CFO)), Pt 1 (Department Established; Office of Director/Chief Financial Officer), Ch 24 (Finance & Administration Department), Ord Code (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Carlucci, Peluso & Johnson)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Approve 5-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 106. | | Resolution | RESO Upon an Acknowledgement of Due Auth & the Making of Findings, Apv the Issuance by the JHFA of Its Homeowner Mortgage Revenue Bonds, in 1 or More Series, in an Aggregate Face Amt not to Exceed $100,000,000 for the Purpose of Purchasing Mortgage Loans Originated by Participating Local Lending Institutions to Finance the Purchase or Rehab of New or Existing Owner-Occupied Residences Situated in Duval County, FL, or Purchasing Securities Guaranteed by the Federal Govt or Agencies Thereof or for the Purpose of Refunding Outstanding Bonds of the JHFA Previously Issued for Such Purpose; Req the Intro of a Reso of the Council of the City of Jax, FL, Apv the Issuance of the Bonds; Auth the Submission of a Request for a Private Activity Bond Volume Cap Allocation; Determining Credit Not Being Pledged (Hodges) (Req of JHFA)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
11/7/23 F Approve 6-0
11/14/23 CO Approve 15-0 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 107. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q re Ch 307 (Historic Preservation & Protection), Ord Code; Desig the Residential Bldg Located at 3239 Dellwood Ave, btwn Owen Ave & Day Ave, as a Local Landmark - Artur Nistra & Jessica Rampton as Trustees of the Rampton & Nistra Living Trust; Directing the Chief of Legislative Svcs to Notify the Applicant, the Property Owner, & the Property Appraiser of the Local Landmark Designation, & to Record the Local Landmark Designation in the Official Records of Duval County; Directing the Zoning Administrator to Enter the Local Landmark Designation on the Zoning Atlas (R.E. # 061026-0000) (Dist 7-Peluso) (Req of JHPC) (PD Apv)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Only
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 11/14/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 108. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q re Ch 307 (Historic Preservation & Protection), Ord Code; Desig the Commercial Bldg Located at 930 N University Blvd, btwn Arlington Expwy & Los Santos Way, as a Local Landmark - TDC Jax, LLC; Directing the Chief of Legislative Svcs to Notify the Applicant, the Property Owner, & the Property Appraiser of the Local Landmark Designation, & to Record the Local Landmark Designation in the Official Records of Duval County; Directing the Zoning Administrator to Enter the Local Landmark Designation on the Zoning Atlas (R.E. # 129300-0000) (Dist 1-Amaro) (Req of JHPC) (PD Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Arias, J. Carlucci, Gaffney, Jr., Amaro, Carrico, Salem & Miller)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Only
12/5/23 LUZ PH Approve 5-0
12/12/23 CO Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23, 12/5/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601- 11/14/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 109. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 14255 Duval Rd, btwn Higate Rd & Duval Pl W - (2.56± Acres) - LDR to BP - MDH Jax, Inc. (R.E. # 019365-0000) (Appl # L-5855-23C) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Hinton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-703)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/28/23
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 11/14/23 & 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 110. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 14255 Duval Rd, btwn Higate Rd & Duval Pl W - (2.56± Acres) - RR-Acre to PUD, to Permit Industrial Uses, as Described in the 14255 Duval Road Office Warehouse PUD - MDH Jax, Inc.; PUD Subject to Condition (R.E. # 019365-0000) (Appl # L-5855-23C) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (N CPAC Deny) (PD & PC Amd/Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-702)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/28/23
11/21/23 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Cond) 6-0
11/28/23 CO PH Amend/Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 & 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 111. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 St. Augustine Rd, btwn St. Augustine Rd & Lorimier Rd - (0.45± Acres) - LDR to CGC - T20 Holdings LLC (R.E. # 130411-0110, 130411-0120 & 130411-0130) (Appl # L-5859-23C) (Dist. 5-J. Carlucci) (Roberts) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (Rezoning 2023-705)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/28/23 | 11/28/23 CO PH Cont'd 12/12/23
12/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 1/9/24 | 1/10/24 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/17/24 LUZ PH Approve 5-0 | 1/17/24 LUZ Reconsider/Defer
CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24, 2/27/24, 4/9/24, 5/14/24, 6/11/24, 6/25/24, 7/23/24, 8/13/24
9/24/24 CO PH Addn'tl 10/8/24
8/6/24 LUZ PH Amend/Rerefer 7-0 | 8/13/24 CO PH Amend/Rerefer 18-0
10/1/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
10/8/24 CO PH Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23, 12/5/23, 1/3/24, 1/17/24, 2/6/24, 2/21/24, 4/2/24, 5/7/24, 6/4/24, 6/18/24, 7/16/24, 8/6/24, & 10/1/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 11/14/23 & 11/28/23, 12/12/23, 1/10/24, 1/23/24, 2/13/24, 2/27/24, 4/9 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 112. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 St. Augustine Rd, btwn St. Augustine Rd & Lorimier Rd - (0.45± Acres) - RLD-60 to PUD, to permit Commercial Uses & up to 6 townhomes as described in the Augustine Road PUD - T20 Holdings LLC (R.E. # 130411-0110, 130411-0120 & 130411-0130) (Appl # L-5859-23C) (Dist. 5-J. Carlucci) (Williams) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CMs Arias, Gaffney, Jr., J. Carlucci, Amaro & Carrico) (Small Scale 2023-704)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/28/23 | 11/28/23 CO PH Cont'd 12/12/23
12/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 1/9/24 | 1/10/24 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/17/24 LUZ PH Approve 5-0 | 1/17/24 LUZ Reconsider/Defer
CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24, 2/27/24, 4/9/24, 5/14/24, 6/11/24, 6/25/24, 7/23/24, 8/13/24
9/24/24 CO PH Addn'tl 10/8/24
8/6/24 LUZ PH Substitute/Rerefer 7-0 | 8/13/24 CO PH Substitute/Rerefer 18-0
10/1/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
10/8/24 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23, 12/5/23, 1/3/24, 1/17/24, 2/6/24, 2/21/24, 4/2/24, 5/7/24, 6/4/24, 6/18/24, 7/16/24, 8/6/24, & 10/1/24
Public Hearing Pursuant | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 113. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Granting Administrative Deviation (Appl # AD-23-84), at 0 St. Augustine Rd, btwn St. Augustine Rd & Lorimier Rd - T20 Holdings LLC - Requesting to: (1) Decrease the Min Number of Loading Spaces from 1 to 0, (2) Reduce the Perimeter Landscape Buffer btwn Vehicle Use Area & Abutting Property Along the South Boundary from 5 ft to 2 ft, (3) Decrease the Min Width of Driveway Access from St. Augustine Rd from 24 ft to 13 ft, & (4) Reduce the Uncomplimentary Land-Use Buffer Width from 10 ft to 5 ft Along the North Property Boundary from 10 ft to 5 ft Along the East Property Boundary & from 10 ft to 2 ft Along the South Property Boundary in RLD-60 (RE # 130411-0110, 130411-0120 & 130411-0130) (Dist. 5-J. Carlucci) (Williams) (LUZ) (PD Deny) (PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Johnson)
(Companions 2023-704 & 2023-705)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer | 10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/28/23 | 11/28/23 CO PH Cont'd 12/12/23
12/12/23 CO PH Cont'd 1/9/24 | 1/10/24 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/23/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24 | 2/13/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/27/24
| Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 114. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Atlantic Blvd, btwn Sutton Lakes Blvd & Kernan Blvd - (3.42± Acres) - LDR to CGC - Property Management Support, Inc., as Trustee of Atlantic North Land Trust, U/T/A Dated 8/13/08 (R.E. # 165263-8310) (Appl # L-5848-23C) (Dist. 3-Lahnen) (Fogarty) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-708)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/28/23
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 11/14/23 & 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 115. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Atlantic Blvd, btwn Sutton Lakes Blvd & Kernan Blvd - (3.42± Acres) - PUD (1994-704-652-E) & RR-Acre to CCG-1 - Property Management Support, Inc., as Trustee of Atlantic North Land Trust, U/T/A Dated 8/13/08 (R.E. # 165263-8310) (Appl # L-5848-23C) (Dist. 3-Lahnen) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Lahnen)
(Small Scale 2023-707)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/28/23
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 & 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 116. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 Halsema Rd S, btwn Cecil Commerce Center Pkwy & Chaffee Rd S - (1.00± Acres) - BP to RR - CTB3, LLC (R.E. # 001932-0010) (Appl # L-5852-23C) (Dist. 12-White) (Salley) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-710)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/28/23
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 11/14/23 & 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 117. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 Halsema Rd S, btwn Cecil Commerce Center Pkwy & Chaffee Rd S - (1.00± Acres) - PUD (2010-620-E) to RR-Acre - CTB3, LLC (R.E. # 001932-0010 (Portion)) (Appl # L-5852-23C) (Dist. 12-White) (Williams) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-709)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Addn'tl 11/28/23
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO PH Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 & 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 118. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Zoning Exception (Appl E-23-61), at 8635 Blanding Blvd, btwn Youngerman Cir & Argyle Forest Blvd - Orange Park, LLC - Requesting an Establishment or Facility Which Includes the Retail Sale & Svc of All Alcoholic Beverages, Including Liquor, Beer or Wine, for On-Premises Consumption, for Green Papaya of Orange Park Inc., D/B/A Green Papaya Thai & Sushi Cuisine, in CCG-1 (R.E. # 099094-0150) (Dist 14-Johnson) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Only
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 119. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Required Road Frontage (Appl WRF-23-18), at 0 Dinsmore Dairy Rd, btwn Dunn Ave & Braddock Rd - Russell L. Rathfon & Theresa A. Rathfon - Requesting to Reduce the Min Road Frontage Requirements from 80 ft to 0 ft in RR-Acre (R.E. # 003796-1800) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Lewis) (LUZ) (PD Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Gaffney, Jr.)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Only
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 120. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Required Road Frontage (Appl WRF-23-19), at 12751 Shims Rd, btwn Scarwin Ln & Sapp Rd - Kerry William Penn - Requesting to Reduce the Min Road Frontage Requirements from 80 ft to 0 ft in RR-Acre (R.E. # 106929-0110) (Dist. 2-Gay) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Only
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 121. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Required Road Frontage (Appl WRF-23-20), at 0 Spring Forest Ave, btwn Creetown Dr & Spring Forest Cir - James B. Osborne & Mary G. Osborne - Requesting to Reduce the Min Road Frontage Requirements from 48 ft to 0 ft in RLD-60 (R.E. # 138675-0210) (Dist. 4-Carrico) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
10/17/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Only
11/21/23 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 122. | | Resolution | RESO Apv & Auth the Execution of an Economic Dev Agrmt btwn the City & Project Willow, to Support the Expansion of Company’s Operations at a New Facility Located in Jax; Auth a 5-Yr Rev Grant Not to Exceed $3,500,000; Apv & Auth the Execution of Docs by the Mayor, or Her Desig, & Corp Sec; Auth Appvl of Tech Amends by the Executive Dir of OED; Prov for Oversight by OED; Prov a Deadline for the Company to Execute the Agrmt; Affirm the Proj’s Compliance With the Public Investment Policy Adopted by Ord 2022-726-E, as Amended; Req 2-Reading Passage Pursuant to Council Rule 3.305 (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: F
11/7/23 F Amend/Approve 6-0
11/14/23 CO Amend/Approve 15-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 123. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Council President’s Reappt of Alex Moye, a Duval County Resident, to the Public Nuisance Abatement Brd, as a Community Advocate, Pursuant to Ch 672, Ord Code, for a 1st Full Term Ending 9/30/25 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Salem)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 124. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Council President’s Reappt of Josh Cockrell, a Duval County Resident, to the Public Nuisance Abatement Brd, as a Community Advocate, Pursuant to Ch 672, Ord Code, for a 2nd Full Term Ending 9/30/25 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Salem) (Co-Sponsors CMs J. Carlucci, Carrico, Howland, White, Miller, Amaro, Arias, Lahnen & Diamond)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Approve 5-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 15-1 (Peluso) | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 125. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Council President’s Reappt of Erich David Freiberger, Ph.D., a Duval County Resident, to the Jax Ethics Commission, as a Higher Ed Faculty Member or Former Faculty Member with Experience in Ethics, Pursuant to Sec 602.912, Ord Code, for a 2nd Full Term to Exp 12/31/26 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Salem) (Co-Sponsor CM Howland)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Approve 5-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 126. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Appt of Patrick W. Krechowski as a Member of the DIA Brd, as a Member Having Substantial Business Interests in the Northbank CRA, Pursuant to Ch 55, Ord Code, Filling the Seat Formerly Held by James Citrano, Jr., for a 1st Full Term Ending 6/30/27 (Hampsey) (Introduced by CP Salem)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Approve 5-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 127. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Sondra Fetner, a Duval County Resident, to the DIA Brd, as a practicing Attorney, Replacing David Ward, Pursuant to Sec 55.107 (b) (1) (Downtown Investment Authority Board - Board Membership; Term of Office & Appointment; Removal; Vacancies; Office Holding), Pt 1 (Downtown Investment Authority), Ch 55 (Downtown Investment Authority), Ord Code, for a Full Term to Exp 6/30/27 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Amend/Approve 5-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 128. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Micah Heavener, a Duval County Resident, to the DIA Brd, with Business Mgmt Experience, Replacing Joshua A. Garrison, Pursuant to Sec 55.107 (b) (1) (Downtown Investment Authority Board - Board Membership; Term of Office & Appointment; Removal; Vacancies; Office Holding), Pt 1 (Downtown Investment Authority), Ch 55 (Downtown Investment Authority), Ord Code, for a Full Term to Exp 6/30/26 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CMs J. Carlucci & Boylan)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Amend/Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 129. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Lara Diettrich, a Duval County Resident, as an Alternate Member to the Planning Commission, Replacing Dawn Motes, Pursuant to Sec 30.201 (Establishment; Membership), Pt 2 (Planning Commission), Ch 30 (Planning & Development Department), Ord Code, for a Partial Term to Exp on 10/1/25, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 10/1/28 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 130. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Suzanne Pickett, a Duval County Resident, to the Cultural Council of Greater Jax, Replacing Jeff Strohecker, Pursuant to Sec 118.602 (Responsibility), Pt 6 (Cultural Service Grant Program), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, for a Partial Term to Exp 9/30/26 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Peluso, Amaro, Johnson & Carlucci)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/2/24 R Withdraw 6-0
1/10/24 CO Withdraw 17-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 131. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Darrin Eakins, a Duval County Resident, to the Cultural Council of Greater Jax, Replacing Ryan M. Ali, Pursuant to Sec 118.605 (Cultural Service Grant Committee), Pt 6 (Cultural Service Grant Program), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, for a Partial Term to Exp 9/30/25, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp 9/30/28 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Amaro, Peluso, Johnson & Boylan)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/2/24 R Approve 6-0
1/10/24 CO Approve 17-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 132. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Monica Hernandez, a Duval County Resident, to the Cultural Council of Greater Jax, Replacing Kirsten Doolittle, Pursuant to Sec 118.602, Ord Code, for a Partial Term to Exp 9/30/25, Followed by a 1st Full Term to Exp on 9/30/28 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Peluso, Miller, Amaro & Lahnen)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/2/24 R Amend/Approve 6-0
1/10/24 CO Amend/Approve 17-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 133. | | Resolution | RESO Conf the Mayor’s Appt of Thomas Slater to JPA, Pursuant to Article 5 (Jacksonville Port Authority), Charter of the City of Jax, Replacing Jamie Shelton, for a Partial Term to Exp 9/30/27 (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Salem & Miller)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 134. | | Resolution | RESO Desig 5079 W Beaver St (R.E. # 059273-0000), Jax, FL, in Council Dist 9, as a Brownfield Area for Environmental Rehab & Economic Dev; Prov for Notification of Brownfield Site Rehab Agrmt (Teal) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer Addn'tl 11/28/23
11/20/23 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Approve 7-0
11/21/23 TEU Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO PH Approve 16-0
Public Hearings Pursuant to Sec 376.80, F.S.& Ch 166, F.S. - 11/14/23 & 11/28/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | |
Action details
| 1 | 135. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Large-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM Series of the 2045 Comp Plan at 9412 Feagles Farm Rd, btwn Jones Rd & Imeson Rd - (221.06± Acres) - LDR to CSV - Lennar Homes, LLC (R.E. # 003447-0000 (Portion)) (Appl # L-5818-23A) (Dist. 12-White) (Hinton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-745)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 CO PH Addn'tl 1/9/24
1/3/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
1/10/24 CO PH Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184 (3), F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code -12/12/23 & 1/10/24 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 136. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 9412 Feagles Farm Rd, btwn Jones Rd & Imeson Rd - (221.06± Acres) - PUD (2021-685-E) to CSV - Lennar Homes, LLC (R.E. # 003447-0000 (Portion)) (Appl # L-5818-23A) (Dist. 12-White) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Large Scale 2023-744)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 CO PH Addn'tl 1/9/24
1/3/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
1/10/24 CO PH Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 12/12/23 & 1/10/24 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 137. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 7711 S Old Middleburg Rd, btwn Collins Rd & Old Middleburg Rd S - (2.10± Acres) - LDR to CGC - Vrihi Development LLC (R.E. # 016361-0074) (Appl # L-5853-23C) (Dist. 14-Johnson) (Fogarty) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-747)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 CO PH Addn'tl 1/9/24
1/3/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
1/10/24 CO PH Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 12/12/23 & 1/10/24 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 138. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 7711 & 7715 S Old Middleburg Rd, btwn Collins Rd & Old Middleburg Rd S - (6.45± Acres) - RR-Acre & PUD (2021-168-E) to PUD, to Permit Commercial Uses, as Described in the Collins Plaza PUD - Vrihi Development LLC (R.E. # 016361-0058 & 016361-0074) (Appl # L-5853-23C) (Dist. 14-Johnson) (Cox) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Johnson)
(Small Scale 2023-746)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 CO PH Addn'tl 1/9/24
1/3/24 LUZ PH Amend/Approve (w/Conds) 6-0
1/10/24 CO PH Amend/Approve 16-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 12/12/23 & 1/10/24 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 139. | | Ordinance | ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2045 Comp Plan at 0 W Pine Estates Rd, btwn Pine Estates Dr & Pine Estates Rd W - (1.25± Acres) - RPI to LDR - American Classic Homes, LLC (R.E. # 020533-0010) (Appl # L-5869-23C) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Roberts) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Rezoning 2023-749)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 CO PH Addn'tl 1/9/24
1/10/24 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/23/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24
2/6/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
2/13/24 CO PH Approve 19-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24, 1/17/24, 2/6/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 12/12/23 & 1/10/24, 1/23/24, 2/13/24 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 140. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 W Pine Estates Rd, btwn Pine Estates Dr & Pine Estates Rd W - (1.25± Acres) - CO to RLD-100B - American Classic Homes, LLC (R.E. # 020533-0010) (Appl # L-5869-23C) (Dist. 8-Gaffney, Jr.) (Fulton) (LUZ) (PD & PC Apv)
(Small Scale 2023-748)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 CO PH Addn'tl 1/9/24
1/10/24 CO PH Cont'd 1/23/24
1/23/24 CO PH Cont'd 2/13/24
2/6/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
2/13/24 CO PH Approve 19-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24, 1/17/24, 2/6/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 12/12/23 & 1/10/24, 1/23/24, 2/13/24 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 141. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 0 & 5634 Meakie Rd & 0, 5753, & 5767 Spring Park Rd, btwn Bowden Rd & Meakie Rd - (2.83± Acres) - CO & CCG-1 to CCG-2 - SJ Investments of Jacksonville, LLC & Sanford Tree Service Inc. (R.E. # 153099-0000, 153102-0000, 153103-0000, 153104-0000, 153107-0000 & 153108-0000) (Dist. 4-Carrico) (Nutt) (LUZ) (PD & PC Deny) (Ex-Parte: CM Carrico)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 PH Only
1/3/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
1/10/24 CO Approve 16-1 (Carlucci)
LUZ PH - 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 12/12/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 142. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Rezoning at 331 W Ashley St, btwn Ashley St W & Pearl St N - (0.58± Acres) - PUD (1996-393-455-E) to CCBD - Ocean Broad Ventures LLC (R.E. # 073938-0010) (Dist. 7-Peluso) (Fulton) (LUZ) (DIA & DDRB Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Peluso)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 PH Only
1/3/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
1/10/24 CO Approve 17-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 12/12/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 143. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv Zoning Exception (Appl E-23-71), at 11101 Old St. Augustine Rd, btwn Losco Rd & Old St. Augustine Rd - Losco Corners, L.L.C. - Requesting an Establishment or Facility Which Includes the Retail Sale & Svc of All Alcoholic Beverages, Including Liquor, Beer or Wine, for On-Premises Consumption, for Cantina Cinco De Mayo Mexican Grill Corp, in PUD (1993-241-361-E) (R.E. # 156418-0230) (Dist 6-Boylan) (Nutt) (LUZ) (PD Apv)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 PH Only
1/17/24 LUZ PH Approve 6-0
1/23/24 CO Approve 18-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24, 1/17/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 12/12/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 144. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Apv the Waiver of Min Required Road Frontage (Appl WRF-23-22), at 10110 Fort George Rd, btwn Heckscher Dr & Palmetto Ave - Christopher Ray Martin, Jr. & Stephanie Schafer - Requesting to Reduce the Min Road Frontage Requirements from 80 ft to 60 ft in RR-Acre (R.E. # 169193-0020) (Dist. 2-Gay) (Lewis) (LUZ)
(Companion 2023-754)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 PH Only
1/3/24 LUZ PH Withdraw (Refund of Fees) 6-0
1/10/24 CO Withdraw (Refund of Fees) 17-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 12/12/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 145. | | Ordinance | ORD-Q Granting Administrative Deviation (Appl # AD-23-76), at 10110 Fort George Rd, btwn Heckscher Dr & Palmetto Ave - Christopher Ray Martin, Jr. & Stephanie Schafer - Requesting to Reduce the Min Lot Area from 43,560 sq ft to 11,463 sq ft & to Reduce the Min Lot Width from 100 ft to 60 ft in RR-Acre (R.E. # 169193-0020) (Dist. 2-Gay) (Lewis) (LUZ)
(Companion 2023-753)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: LUZ
11/7/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/12/23 PH Only
1/3/24 LUZ PH Withdraw (Refund of Fees) 6-0
1/10/24 CO Withdraw (Refund of Fees) 17-0
LUZ PH - 1/3/24
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 12/12/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 146. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming an Unopened & Unimproved Portion of the Bethel Rd N R/W, Estab in the Plat of Sweetwater Park, as Recorded, at the Req of Annetta Johnson; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist 9 - Clark-Murray) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: TEU
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 TEU PH Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 147. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming an Opened & Improved Portion of the Anders Blvd R/W, Estab in the Plat of Southside Estates Unit No. 24, as Recorded, at the Req of John H. Moye & Michael P. Harris, Manager of C & M Land Company, LLC, Subj to Reservation Unto JEA of an All Utilities, Facilities & Access Easement; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist 4 - Carrico) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: TEU
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 TEU PH Amend/Approve 6-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 11/21/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 148. | | Ordinance | ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming an Opened & Unimproved Portion of the Craig Drive R/W, Estab in the Plat of Atlantic Blvd Estates Sec 8, as Recorded, at the Req of Holly King, Subj to Reservation Unto the City of an All Utilities, Facilities & Access Easement & Reservation Unto the City of a Drainage Easement; Prov for Appvl Subj to Conditions (Dist 2 - Gay) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: TEU
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/5/23 TEU PH Withdraw 6-0
12/12/23 CO Withdraw 17-0
TEU PH Pursuant to Sec 336.10, F.S. - 11/21/23, 12/5/23
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 149. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $500,000 From the NW Jax OED Fund/Investment Pool Earnings for the Purpose of Prov a $500,000 NW Jax Economic Dev Fund (NWJEDF) Forgivable Loan to First Coast No More Homeless Pets, Inc. in Connection With the Renovation & Expansion by Company of Its Existing Facility Located Generally at 6817 Norwood Ave; Apv & Auth Execution of Documents by the Mayor or Her Designee & Corp Sec; Auth Appvl of Technical Amends by the Executive Dir of OED; Prov a Deadline For the Company to Execute the Agmt; Waiver of That Portion of the Public Investment Policy Adopted by Ord 2022-726-E, as Amended, To Authorize the Forgivable Loan; Waiver of NWJEDF Guidelines Appvd & Adopted by Ord 2016-779-E, as Amended (B.T. 24-009) (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/20/23 R Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 150. | | Ordinance | ORD to Address Food Deserts, Approp $150,000 From the NW OED Fund/Contingency to Prov Funding to JTA for the “Door-to-Store Program,” a Component of the Full-Service Grocery Store Improvement Prog Established Under Ord 2019-812-E; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver that Certain Third Amended & Restated Funding Agrmt Btwn the City & the JTA to Extend the Term of the Prog for an Additional 3 Yr Term; Prov for City Oversight & Prog Admin by OED (B.T. 24-010) (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Boylan, Lahnen, Carlucci, Clark-Murray, Gay, Peluso & Pittman)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/21/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 151. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $500,000 in Grant Funds From the FL Dept of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to Prov Funding for the Completion of the City Vulnerability Assessment; Purpose of Approp; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect This Approp of Funds; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver an Agrmt Btwn the City & FDEP re the Proj; Prov for Oversight by the Dept of Public Works, Engineering & Construction Mgmt Div (B.T. 24-011) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/21/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 152. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $140,000, Including $70,000 from the Council President’s Designated Contingency & $70,000 from the Mayor’s Task Force Contingency Acct, to Prov Add’l Funding to the Women’s Center of Jacksonville, Inc. for the Provision of Sexual Assault Forensic Medical Exams & Related Svcs; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Desig, & the Corp Sec to Execute an 11th Amend to the Memorandum of Agrmt btwn the City & the Women’s Center to Increase City’s Max Indebtedness Under the Agrmt by an Add’l $140,000 for a New Total Max Indebtedness Not-to-Exceed $1,863,419; Prov for Oversight by the Parks, Recreation & Community Svcs Dept, Social Svcs Div (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM Salem) (Co-Sponsors CM Clark-Murray, Carlucci, Amaro, Peluso, Johnson, Gaffney, Jr., Pittman, Howland, White, Arias & Miller)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Approve 7-0
11/20/23 R Approve 7-0
11/21/23 F Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to C | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 153. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $231,758.00 in Grant Funds From FDOT to Prov Reimbursement to the City for the Funding of Construction & Construction Oversight of the Pedestrian Safety Improvements on Park St & Margaret St From Riverside Ave to the I-95 Ramps; Purpose of Approp; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect This Approp of Funds; Prov for Oversight by the Dept of Public Works, Engineering & Construction Mgmt Div (B.T. 24-012) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/21/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 154. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $284,000.00 From the General Fund Mayor’s Task Force Contingency to the Subsidies & Contributions To Private Orgs Acct Within the Martin Luther King, Jr. Activity to Support the MLK Week of Service Programming to Be Held 1/13/24 Thru 1/20/24; Invoking the Exemption in Sec 126.107(g) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, To Allow for a Direct Contract With United Way of Northeast Florida, Inc. For Planning & Oversight of the MLK Week of Srvc Prog; Waiving Sec 118.107 (Nonprofits to Receive Funding Through a Competitive Evaluated Award Process), Pt 1 (General Provisions), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, To Allow For a Direct Contract with United Way; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver on Behalf of the City an Agrmt btwn the City & United Way; Prov Oversight by the Grants & Contracts Compliance Div of the Finance & Admin Dept (Revised B.T. 24-016) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Peluso, Carlucci, Amaro & Gaffney, Jr.)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
11/6/23 NCSPHS | Introduced to City Council and assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 155. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC re the Jax Small & Emerging Business Prog; Amend Subpart A (General Provisions), Subpart B (Program Administration), Subpart C (Program Support Services; Marketing & Outreach; Disparity Study Update), & Subpart D (Program Eligibility, Procedures, & Other Requirements), Pt 6 (Jacksonville Small & Emerging Business Program), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code; Repealing Sec 7 of Ord 2021-117-E re the Temporary Suspension of the JSEB Administrator’s Authority to Decertify a JSEB Due to Noncompliance With the JSEB Prog Eligibility Criterion Pertaining to Personal Net Worth Limitations; Prov for Codification (Hodges) (Introduced by CM Pittman) (Co-Sponsor CM Johnson)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R, F
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 156. | | Ordinance | ORD Appropriating $1,813,000 From Gen Fund Operating - Fund Balance to Prov Funding for the City’s Acquisition of .38± Acre Improved Parcel Located at 865 Golfair Blvd, Jax, FL (R.E. # 031960-0000) in Council Dist 10, to be Used as a Community Ctr or Public Bldg; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver That Certain Real Estate Purchase Agrmt btwn the City & SBPS 3 JI LLC, a FL Limited Liability Company, & All Closing & Other Docs Relating Thereto, & to Otherwise Take All Necessary Action to Effectuate the Purposes of the Agrmt to Purchase the Subj Property at the Negotiated Purchase Price of $1,800,000; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Add the Project Entitled “Brentwood Community Center” & to Reflect this Approp of Funds to the Proj; Prov for Oversight by the Real Estate Div & Parks, Recreation, & Community Svcs Dept (Revised B.T. 24-017) (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Carlucci & Pittman)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rer | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 157. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $3,979,060 from the Marine Fire Station #68 Proj & $2,000,000 from the Fire Station #48 - New Construction Proj to Prov a Contribution of $5,979,060 to JaxPort to Prov Matching Funding for a Federal Grant Received by Jaxport to Design, Engineer, and Construct a New Fire Station #48 at Blount Island; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect the Approp of Funds Auth Herein; Amend Ord 2023-504-E, the FY 23-24 Budget Ord, to Replace Revised Schedule B4, the FY 23-24 Debt Management Fund Detail, & Revised Schedule B4-B, the FY 23-24 CIP Funded Via Borrowing, to Reflect the Approp of Funds Auth Herein; Prov for a Carryover of Funds to FY 24-25; Auth the City to Enter Into a Funding Agrmt with JaxPort as Further Detailed Therein; Auth the City to Enter into a Lease Agrmt with JaxPort for the New Fire Station #48 for an Initial Term of 30 Yrs at a Rate of $1 Per Yr; Prov for Oversight by Finance & Admin Dept as to the Funding Agrmt; Prov for Oversight by JFRD as to the Lease Agrmt (B.T. 24-015) (Wilson) (Req of Mayor & Co-Introduced by CMs Salem, White, Gay & M | Introduced to City Council and assigned | Pass |
Action details
Not available