| 1 | | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Amending Chapt 799 (Local Option Gas Tax), Ord Code, to: (1) Extend the 6-Cent Local Option Gas Tax for a 10 Yr Period Beginning 9/1/2036, & Continuing Through 8/31/2046; (2) Provide for the Levy of a 5-Cent Local Option Gas Tax (“5-Cent Local Option Gas Tax”) in Duval County for a Period of 30 Yrs Commencing 1/1/2022; & (3) Provide for the Levy of a 1-Cent Local Option Gas Tax (“9th-Cent Local Option Gas Tax”) in Duval County for a Period of 30 Yrs, Commencing 1/1/2022; Amending Sec 761.107 (Committees), Chap 761 (The Better Jax Plan), Ord Code, to Provide for the Better Jax Plan Financial Administration Committee & Project Administration Committee to Provide Reporting of Revenues & Expenditures Regarding the Local Option Gas Taxes to Council on an Annual Basis, & Expanding the Membership of Each Committee; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, & the Corp Secretary to Execute: (1) an Interlocal Agreemnt btwn the City of Jax & the JTA for Allocation of the Addn’l 10 Yrs of the 6-Cent Local Option Gas Tax, the 5-Cent Local Option Gas Tax & the 9th-Cent Local Option Gas Tax (Co | Amend(Fl)/Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | | Ordinance | ORD Regarding the Wastewater System Improvement Prog; Amending the 2021-2025 5-Yr CIP Approved by Ord 2020-505-E to Reallocate Funding Within the Project Entitled “Water/Wastewater System Fund” for Septic Tank Phase-Out Projects in FY 2021-2022 & 2022-2023. (Staffopoulos) (Co-Introduced by CP at Req of Mayor & CMs Salem & Carlucci) (Co-Sponsor CM Dennis)
4/27/21 CO Introduced: COTW
4/29/21 COTW Read 2nd & Rerefer
5/11/21 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefered:COTW
5/19/21 COTW Amend(Fl)/Approve 17-0
5/26/21 CO Amend/Approved 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 – 5/11/21
| Amend/Approved | Pass |
Action details