| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC re Redistricting of Jax City Council Districts & Group At-Large Residence Areas; Adopting an Interim Remedial Plan Pursuant to the Order Dated 10/12/22, in Jacksonville Branch of the NAACP, et al. v. COJ, Case No. 3:22-CV-493-MMH-LLL, (M. D. FLA); Providing Legislative Findings & Recitals; Adopting & Enacting an Interim Remedial Plan re City Council Districts, City Council Group At-Large Residence Areas, & School Board Districts Based on the 2020 Census Data, Pending Final Approval by the Appropriate Court of Law; Amending the City Charter to Attach District Boundary Descriptions for 14 City Council District Boundaries & for 5 City Council Group At-Large Residence Area Boundaries Pursuant to Sec 5.01 (Council Membership, Residence Areas & Districts), City Charter, Pending Final Approval by the Appropriate Court of Law; Amending the City Charter to Designate the 7 School Board Districts Pursuant to Sec 13.02 (School Board Districts), City Charter, Pending Final Approval by the Appropriate Court of Law; Providing for an Index of Exhibits; Req 1 Cycle Emergency Passage; Waiving R | Emergency/Amend/Approved | Pass |
Action details