Meeting date/time:
9:30 AM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
Council Chamber
1st Floor, City Hall
| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC re the Jax Police & Fire Pension Board of Trustees; Amend Sec 22.12 of the Charter of the COJ; Prov for Codification Instructions (Hodges) (Co-Introduced by CP Freeman at Req of Jax Police & Fire Pension Board of Trustees & CM White) (Co-Sponsor CM Pittman)
5/9/23 CO Introduced: R, F
5/15/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
5/16/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
5/23/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/2/24 R Withdraw 5-0
12/3/24 F Withdraw 6-0
12/10/24 CO Withdraw 19-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 5/23/23 | Defer | |
Action details
| 1 | 2. | | Ordinance | ORD Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, to Execute an Amendment 1 to 2nd Amend & Restated Redevelopment Agrmt by & Among the City, DIA, & Axis Hotels LLC to Establish a Recommencement of Construction Date & Extend the Building Improvements Completion Date from 6/30/23 to 1-Year After the Recommencement of Construction Date; Auth Tech Changes to Amendment 1; Prov a Deadline for Developer to Execute the Agrmt (Dillard) (Req of the DIA) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
5/23/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
6/5/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
6/6/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
6/13/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/13/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $2,392,309.57 in Reallocated Emergency Rental Assistance Prog (Round 2) Grant Funds from the U.S. Dept of Treasury to the Community Dev Fund Miscellaneous Grants & Aids Acct to Prov Emergency Rent & Utility Assistance to Eligible Households in Duval County Through 9/30/25, to be Administered by the Housing & Community Dev Div of the Neighborhoods Dept in Accord With the Emergency Rental Assistance Prog Estab by Sec 501, Div N, of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021; Prov for Oversight (B.T. 23-102) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Clark-Murray)
7/25/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
7/31/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/1/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/1/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/8/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/4/23 NCSPHS Substitute/Approve 5-0
12/5/23 F Substitute/Approve 6-0
12/5/23 TEU Substitute/Approve 6-0
12/12/23 CO Substitute/Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 8/8/23 | Defer | |
Action details
| 1 | 4. | | Ordinance | ORD Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver, for & on Behalf of the City, an Amendment 2 to Redev Agrmt By & Among the City, DIA, Fuqua BCDC One Riverside Project Owner, LLC (Developer), Assignee of Fuqua Acquisitions II, LLC, & TBR One Riverside Owner, LLC, as Partial Assignee of Developer, Amend the Redev Agrmt Dated 12/20/21 Previously Auth by Ord 2021-796-E, as Previously Amended by Amendment 1 to Redev Agrmt Dated 10/12/22, as Auth by Ord 2022-493-E, (Collectively, the “Agreement”), to Modify the Performance Schedule & Associated Terms of the Agrmt; Auth the Execution of All Docs Relating to the Above Agrmts & Transactions, & Auth Tech Changes to the Docs (Sawyer) (Req of DIA)
9/12/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
9/18/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/19/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/26/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
7/15/24 NCSPHS Withdraw 6-0
7/16/24 F Withdraw 6-0
7/23/824 CO Withdraw 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 9/26/23 | Defer | |
Action details
| 1 | 5. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Amend Sec 55.105 (Boundaries of Jacksonville Downtown Area), 55.106 (Definitions), 55.108 (Powers & Duties), & 55.112 (Project & Program Funding), Pt 1 (Downtown Investment Authority), Ch 55 (Downtown Investment Authority), Ord Code, to Revise & Add Certain Definitions, Clarify Proj & Prog Funding, Add Language Identifying the DIA as the Desig Supervising & Admin Body Over the Downtown Economic Dev Fund, & Amend the Sec Title; Prov for Codification Instructions (Lopera) (Req of DIA) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: R, F
10/16/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/16/24 R Amend/Approve 6-0
1/17/24 F Amend/Approve 7-0
1/23/24 CO Amend/Approve 18-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 10/24/23 | Defer | |
Action details
| 1 | 6. | | Ordinance | ORD re a Partial Ad Valorem Property Tax Exemption for Rehab of a Historic Landmark Desig by Ord 2021-377-E at 510 Julia St, Owned by 510 N Julia LLC; Prov for Exemption from that Portion of Ad Valorem Taxation Levied by the City on 100% of the Increase in Assessed Value Resulting from the Qualifying Improvement Proj, Pursuant to Sec 780.303, Ord Code; Prov for an Exemption Period of 10 Yrs Beginning January 1st of the Yr Following the Yr in Which the Council Enacts this Ord, Pursuant to Sec 780.304, Ord Code (Lopera) (Introduced by NCSPHS) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-0-1 (Salem)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 10/24/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 7. | | Ordinance | ORD re a Partial Ad Valorem Property Tax Exemption for Rehab of a Historic Landmark & Landmark Site Desig by Ord 2006-859-E at 424 N Hogan St, Owned by 218 W Church LLC; Prov for Exemption from that Portion of Ad Valorem Taxation Levied by the City on 100% of the Increase in Assessed Value Resulting from the Qualifying Improvement Proj, Pursuant to Sec 780.303, Ord Code; Prov for an Exemption Period of 10 Yrs Beginning on January 1st of the Yr Following the Yr in Which the Council Enacts this Ord, Pursuant to Sec 780.304, Ord Code (Lopera) (Introduced by NCSPHS) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-0-1 (Salem)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 10/24/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 8. | | Ordinance | ORD re a Partial Ad Valorem Property Tax Exemption for Rehab of a Historic Landmark Site Desig by Ord 2003-1410-E at 218 W Church St, Owned by 218 W Church LLC; Prov for Exemption from that Portion of Ad Valorem Taxation Levied by the City on 100% of the Increase in Assessed Value Resulting from the Qualifying Improvement Proj, Pursuant to Sec 780.303, Ord Code; Prov for an Exemption Period of 10 Yrs Beginning on January 1st of the Yr Following the Yr in Which the Council Enacts this Ord, Pursuant to Sec 780.304, Ord Code (Lopera) (Introduced by NCSPHS) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
10/10/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/16/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/17/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/24/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 16-0-1 (Salem)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601- 10/24/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 9. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $500,000 From the NW Jax OED Fund/Investment Pool Earnings for the Purpose of Prov a $500,000 NW Jax Economic Dev Fund (NWJEDF) Forgivable Loan to First Coast No More Homeless Pets, Inc. in Connection With the Renovation & Expansion by Company of Its Existing Facility Located Generally at 6817 Norwood Ave; Apv & Auth Execution of Documents by the Mayor or Her Designee & Corp Sec; Auth Appvl of Technical Amends by the Executive Dir of OED; Prov a Deadline For the Company to Execute the Agmt; Waiver of That Portion of the Public Investment Policy Adopted by Ord 2022-726-E, as Amended, To Authorize the Forgivable Loan; Waiver of NWJEDF Guidelines Appvd & Adopted by Ord 2016-779-E, as Amended (B.T. 24-009) (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/20/23 R Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 10. | | Ordinance | ORD to Address Food Deserts, Approp $150,000 From the NW OED Fund/Contingency to Prov Funding to JTA for the “Door-to-Store Program,” a Component of the Full-Service Grocery Store Improvement Prog Established Under Ord 2019-812-E; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver that Certain Third Amended & Restated Funding Agrmt Btwn the City & the JTA to Extend the Term of the Prog for an Additional 3 Yr Term; Prov for City Oversight & Prog Admin by OED (B.T. 24-010) (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Boylan, Lahnen, Carlucci, Clark-Murray, Gay, Peluso & Pittman)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/21/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 11. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $500,000 in Grant Funds From the FL Dept of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to Prov Funding for the Completion of the City Vulnerability Assessment; Purpose of Approp; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect This Approp of Funds; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver an Agrmt Btwn the City & FDEP re the Proj; Prov for Oversight by the Dept of Public Works, Engineering & Construction Mgmt Div (B.T. 24-011) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/21/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 12. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $140,000, Including $70,000 from the Council President’s Designated Contingency & $70,000 from the Mayor’s Task Force Contingency Acct, to Prov Add’l Funding to the Women’s Center of Jacksonville, Inc. for the Provision of Sexual Assault Forensic Medical Exams & Related Svcs; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Desig, & the Corp Sec to Execute an 11th Amend to the Memorandum of Agrmt btwn the City & the Women’s Center to Increase City’s Max Indebtedness Under the Agrmt by an Add’l $140,000 for a New Total Max Indebtedness Not-to-Exceed $1,863,419; Prov for Oversight by the Parks, Recreation & Community Svcs Dept, Social Svcs Div (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM Salem) (Co-Sponsors CM Clark-Murray, Carlucci, Amaro, Peluso, Johnson, Gaffney, Jr., Pittman, Howland, White, Arias & Miller)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 NCSPHS Approve 7-0
11/20/23 R Approve 7-0
11/21/23 F Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to C | Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 13. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $231,758.00 in Grant Funds From FDOT to Prov Reimbursement to the City for the Funding of Construction & Construction Oversight of the Pedestrian Safety Improvements on Park St & Margaret St From Riverside Ave to the I-95 Ramps; Purpose of Approp; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect This Approp of Funds; Prov for Oversight by the Dept of Public Works, Engineering & Construction Mgmt Div (B.T. 24-012) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/21/23 TEU Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 14. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $284,000.00 From the General Fund Mayor’s Task Force Contingency to the Subsidies & Contributions To Private Orgs Acct Within the Martin Luther King, Jr. Activity to Support the MLK Week of Service Programming to Be Held 1/13/24 Thru 1/20/24; Invoking the Exemption in Sec 126.107(g) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, To Allow for a Direct Contract With United Way of Northeast Florida, Inc. For Planning & Oversight of the MLK Week of Srvc Prog; Waiving Sec 118.107 (Nonprofits to Receive Funding Through a Competitive Evaluated Award Process), Pt 1 (General Provisions), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, To Allow For a Direct Contract with United Way; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver on Behalf of the City an Agrmt btwn the City & United Way; Prov Oversight by the Grants & Contracts Compliance Div of the Finance & Admin Dept (Revised B.T. 24-016) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Peluso, Carlucci, Amaro & Gaffney, Jr.)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
11/6/23 NCSPHS | Defer | |
Action details
| 1 | 15. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC re the Jax Small & Emerging Business Prog; Amend Subpart A (General Provisions), Subpart B (Program Administration), Subpart C (Program Support Services; Marketing & Outreach; Disparity Study Update), & Subpart D (Program Eligibility, Procedures, & Other Requirements), Pt 6 (Jacksonville Small & Emerging Business Program), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code; Repealing Sec 7 of Ord 2021-117-E re the Temporary Suspension of the JSEB Administrator’s Authority to Decertify a JSEB Due to Noncompliance With the JSEB Prog Eligibility Criterion Pertaining to Personal Net Worth Limitations; Prov for Codification (Hodges) (Introduced by CM Pittman) (Co-Sponsor CM Johnson)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: R, F
11/6/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Amend/Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/14/23 | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 16. | | Ordinance | ORD Appropriating $1,813,000 From Gen Fund Operating - Fund Balance to Prov Funding for the City’s Acquisition of .38± Acre Improved Parcel Located at 865 Golfair Blvd, Jax, FL (R.E. # 031960-0000) in Council Dist 10, to be Used as a Community Ctr or Public Bldg; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver That Certain Real Estate Purchase Agrmt btwn the City & SBPS 3 JI LLC, a FL Limited Liability Company, & All Closing & Other Docs Relating Thereto, & to Otherwise Take All Necessary Action to Effectuate the Purposes of the Agrmt to Purchase the Subj Property at the Negotiated Purchase Price of $1,800,000; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Add the Project Entitled “Brentwood Community Center” & to Reflect this Approp of Funds to the Proj; Prov for Oversight by the Real Estate Div & Parks, Recreation, & Community Svcs Dept (Revised B.T. 24-017) (Hodges) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Carlucci & Pittman)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rer | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 17. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $3,979,060 from the Marine Fire Station #68 Proj & $2,000,000 from the Fire Station #48 - New Construction Proj to Prov a Contribution of $5,979,060 to JaxPort to Prov Matching Funding for a Federal Grant Received by Jaxport to Design, Engineer, and Construct a New Fire Station #48 at Blount Island; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect the Approp of Funds Auth Herein; Amend Ord 2023-504-E, the FY 23-24 Budget Ord, to Replace Revised Schedule B4, the FY 23-24 Debt Management Fund Detail, & Revised Schedule B4-B, the FY 23-24 CIP Funded Via Borrowing, to Reflect the Approp of Funds Auth Herein; Prov for a Carryover of Funds to FY 24-25; Auth the City to Enter Into a Funding Agrmt with JaxPort as Further Detailed Therein; Auth the City to Enter into a Lease Agrmt with JaxPort for the New Fire Station #48 for an Initial Term of 30 Yrs at a Rate of $1 Per Yr; Prov for Oversight by Finance & Admin Dept as to the Funding Agrmt; Prov for Oversight by JFRD as to the Lease Agrmt (B.T. 24-015) (Wilson) (Req of Mayor & Co-Introduced by CMs Salem, White, Gay & M | Amend/Approve | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 18. | | Resolution | RESO Desig 5079 W Beaver St (R.E. # 059273-0000), Jax, FL, in Council Dist 9, as a Brownfield Area for Environmental Rehab & Economic Dev; Prov for Notification of Brownfield Site Rehab Agrmt (Teal) (Req of Mayor)
10/24/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, TEU
11/6/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/7/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/14/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer Addn'tl 11/28/23
11/20/23 NCSPHS Approve 6-0
11/21/23 F Approve 7-0
11/21/23 TEU Approve 7-0
11/28/23 CO PH Approve 16-0
Public Hearings Pursuant to Sec 376.80, F.S.& Ch 166, F.S. - 11/14/23 & 11/28/23 | Approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 19. | | Ordinance | ORD Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver to Brd of Trustees of the Florida Junior College at Jacksonville, a Body Politic, a Release of Restrictive Covenants for the Purpose of Releasing the City’s Existing Right of Reverter in & to a Parcel of Real Property Located at 990 N. Main St, thereby Enabling the Grantee to Sell the Property to a 3rd Party Buyer in its Sole Discretion (R.E. # 074367-0000) (Wilson) (Introduced by CM Peluso)
11/14/23 CO Introduced: F, TEU
11/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/5/23 F Approve 7-0
12/5/23 TEU Approve 6-0
12/12/23 CO Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 20. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $1,473,423 Consisting of $1,000,000 in Grant Funds From the U.S. Dept of Health & Human Svcs, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Svcs Admin (SAMHSA), a KHA Cash Match in the Amount of $75,000 From the Kids Alliance Fund, & An In-Kind Match of $398,423, For Implementation of the Co-designing Rich Environments for All to Thrive Everyday (CREATE) Program, for the 1st Yr of the 4 Yr Grant Term Beginning 9/30/23 Thru 9/29/27; Purpose of Approp; Amend Revised Schedule M to Ord 2023-511-E; Invoking the Exception to Sec 126.107(g), Ord Code, With Respect to Svcs to Be Provided by Managed Access to Child Health, Inc.; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec, &/or the CEO of KHA, to Execute & Deliver a Contract With Managed Access to Child Health, Inc. For the Provision of Professional Svcs for the CREATE Program; Waiving the Requirements of Sec 77.111(a) (Provider Contracts), Ch 77 (Kids Hope Alliance), Ord Code, to Exempt the Svcs to Be Provided by Managed Access to Child Health, Inc. From Competitive Procurement; Prov for Oversight by KHA (Revised B.T. 24-019) (Dilla | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21. | | Ordinance | ORD Concerning Emergency Mgmt; Making Findings; Apv & Auth the Mayor, Or Her Desig, & the Corp Sec To Execute & Deliver a New Statewide Mutual Aid Agrmt; Prov for City Oversight by the Emergency Preparedness Division (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
11/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
11/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/4/23 NCSPHS Approve 5-0
12/5/23 F Approve 7-0
12/12/23 CO Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 22. | | Ordinance | ORD Concerning a Continuation Grant; Approp $1,000,000.00 From the Dept of Homeland Security, With No City Match, to Prov Funding for the FY 23 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Prog (RCPGP) to Fund a Comprehensive Risk Analysis to Assess Impacts of Climate Extremes; Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Accept, for & On Behalf of the City, the RCPGP Award Docs Btwn the U.S. Dept of Homeland Security & the City; Prov for City Oversight by the Emergency Preparedness Division (B.T. 24-021) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor)
11/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
11/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/4/23 NCSPHS Approve 5-0
12/5/23 F Approve 7-0
12/12/23 CO Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 23. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $350,850.00 from the Jax Upward Mobility Prog - Contingency to the Jax Upward Mobility Prog - Trust Fund Auth Expenditures, to be Used for Progs for the Training, Education & Maintenance of a Sustainable Workforce in the City; Purpose of Appropriation (B.T. 24-020) (Dillard) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Freeman, Miller, Gay, Carlucci & Clark-Murray)
11/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
11/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/4/23 NCSPHS Approve 5-0
12/5/23 NCSPHS Approve 5-0-2 (Carrico, Pittman)
12/12/23 CO Approve 14-0-2 (Carrico, Pittman)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 24. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $1,000,000 From a Designated Special Council Contingency to the Subsidies & Contributions to Private Orgs Acct to Prov Funding to United Way of Northeast Florida, Inc. for the Eviction Diversion Prog Described Herein; Prov for Carryover of Funds to FY 24-25; Invoking the Exemption in Sec 126.107(g) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Allow for a Direct Contract With United Way; Waiving Sec 118.107 (Nonprofits To Receive Funding Through A Competitive Evaluated Award Process), Pt 1 (General Provisions), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, to Allow for A Direct Contract With United Way; Apv, & Auth the Mayor, or Her Desig, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver on Behalf of the City an Agrmt Between the City & United Way of Northeast Florida, Inc. for the Eviction Diversion Prog; Prov for Oversight by the Grants & Contracts Compliance Div of the Finance & Admin Dept (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM Boylan) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Peluso & Carlucci)
11/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
11/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 25. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Amend Sec 111.270 (Homelessness Initiatives Special Revenue Fund), Pt 2 (Health & Human Services), Ch 111 (Special Revenue & Trust Accounts), Ord Code, to Auth Expenditure of Up to 10% of Funds Approp from the Homelessness Initiatives Special Revenue Fund to Homeless Diversion Svcs Providers for Admin Costs; Approp $200,000 from the Contingency Acct to the Subsidies & Contributions to Private Orgs Acct within the Homelessness Initiatives Special Revenue Fund to Prov Funding to I.M. Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless, Inc. for the Homeless Diversion Prog Described Herein; Invoking the Exemption in Sec 126.107 (g) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Allow for a Direct Contract with Sulzbacher; Waiving Sec 118.107 (Nonprofits to Receive Funding Through a Competitive Evaluated Award Process), Pt 1 (General Provisions), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, to Allow for a Direct Contract with Sulzbacher; Waiving SubSec 118.301(a) (3) (II), Pt 3 (Administration of City Grants), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, to Allow for Use of City Funds fo | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 26. | | Ordinance | ORD re the FY 22-23 City Grant Agrmt btwn FOBT Pipeline, Inc., a FL Not for Profit Corp (FBOT), & the City (FY 23 City Grant Agreement); Waiving FOBT’s Non-Compliance with the Permit Requirement Prov in the FY 23 City Grant Agrmt; Req 1-Cycle Emergency Passage (Hodges) (Introduced by CM Howland) (Co-Sponsor CM Peluso)
11/14/23 CO Introduced: R, F
11/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/2/24 R Amend/Approve 6-0
1/3/24 F Amend/Approve 7-0
1/10/24 CO Amend/Approve 17-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 27. | | Ordinance | ORD-MC Approp $10,161,214.50, Consisting of $7,346,214.50 From the General Fund Mayor’s Task Force Contingency Acct, $2,585,000 From the American Rescue Plan Fund Mayor’s Task Force Contingency Acct, $200,000 From the Disabled Parking Fines Fund, & $30,000 From the Council President’s Designated Contingency To Fund a Portion of the Mayor’s Task Force Progs & Initiatives & a City Council Priority As follows: (1) $500,000 for Youth & Families Which Includes $150,000 to Accountability Tracker, $250,000 to City’s Pool Plan, & $100,000 to Wi-fi in COJ Parks Expansion, (2) $2,750,000 for Progs for the American Dream Which Includes $2,000,000 to Downpayment Assistance Prog & $750,000 to Attainable Housing Tap In Prog, (3) $546,000 to Address Homelessness Which Includes a Home Roof Initiative, (4) $2,585,000 for a Healthier Jax Which Includes $200,000 to Mental Health Call Center, $2,185,000 to Telehealth Safety Net Clinic, & $200,000 to Community Health Workers, (5) $1,600,214.50 for Building Local Business Which Includes $1,000,0000 to Small Business Capital Access, of Which at Least 10% ( | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 28. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $1,250,000 From the Mayor’s Task Force Contingency Fund to: (1) Prov Additional Funding in the Amt of $1,000,000 to the Countywide Parks - Pool Maintenance & Upgrades Proj; & (2) to Prov $250,000 for the Veterans Community Ctr Proj, Purpose of Approp; Amend the 24-28 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2023-505-E to Reflect This Approp of Funds; Prov for Compliance With Applicable ARP Act Grant Funding Requirements (B.T. 24-018) (Wilson) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsors CMs Peluso, Carrico, Miller, Carlucci, Gaffney, Jr., Arias, White, Pittman & Clark-Murray)
11/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
11/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/28/23 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
12/4/23 NCSPHS Approve 5-0
12/4/23 R Approve 6-0
12/5/23 F Approve 7-0
12/12/23 CO Approve 16-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 11/28/23 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 29. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $150,000 From a Desig Contingency Acct to the Subsidies & Contributions to Private Orgs Acct to Prov Funding to Northside Community Involvement, Inc. (NCI) for the Communities With Resources Working Together for the Betterment of Jax, FL Prog Described Herein; Invoking the Exemption in Sec 126.107(g) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Ch 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Allow for a Direct Contract With NCI; Waiving Sec 118.107 (Nonprofits to Receive Funding Through a Competitive Evaluated Award Process), Pt 1 (General Provisions), Ch 118 (City Grants), Ord Code, to Allow for a Direct Contract With NCI; Apv & Auth the Mayor, or Her Designee, & the Corp Sec to Execute & Deliver on Behalf of the City an Agrmt Btwn the City & Northside Community Involvement, Inc. For the Prog; Prov for Oversight by the Grants & Contracts Compliance Div of the Finance & Admin Dept (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM Gaffney, Jr.) (Co-Sponsors CMs Peluso & Johnson)
11/14/23 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, F
11/20/23 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Read 2nd & | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 30. | | Ordinance | ORD Approp $161,073, Including $100,000 From Council Operating Contingency & $61,073 From the Council President Contingency to Council Staff Svcs to Prov Funding for Potential Increases to Salaries of the Executive Council Assistants & the Secretary (Executive Council Assistant) to the Council President Within the Legislative Branch Based on the Changes to the Pay Grades for the Positions; Waiving the Relevant Provisions of Sec 129.112 (Council Related Salaries), Ch 129 (Compensation of City Officials & Employees), Ord Code, to Auth This Action Without Receipt of a Recommendation as to the Pay Range From the Dir of the Employee Svcs Dept or Action by the Council Executive Committee to Determine the New Pay Grade; Directing Establishment & Prov a Prospective Effective Date of 12/30/23 for the Pay Grade Adjustment (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by CM Carrico) (Co-Sponsors CMs Johnson, Gaffney, Jr., Peluso, J. Carlucci, Howland, Amaro, Miller, White, Freeman, Boylan, Lahnen, Arias & Pittman)
11/14/23 CO Introduced: R, F
11/20/23 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/21/23 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
11/28/2 | Read 2nd & Rerefered | |
Action details
Not available