File #: 2024-0983-E    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File Introduced: 12/10/2024 In control: Transportation, Energy & Utilities Committee
On agenda: 1/7/2025 Final action: 1/28/2025
Effective date: 2/4/2025    
Title: ORD-MC Estab Normandy II Community Dev District (Normandy II CDD), Pursuant to Sec 190.005, F.S., & Ch 92, Ord Code, Including the Grant of Special Powers; Naming the Normandy II CDD; Describing the External Boundaries of the Normandy II CDD; Naming the Initial Normandy II CDD Brd of Supervisors; Amend Sec 92.22 (Existing Community Development Districts), Ch 92 (Uniform Community Development Districts), Ord Code, to Include the Normandy II CDD; Prov for Conflict & Severability (MacGillis) (Introduced by the TEU Committee Pursuant to Sec 92.09, Ord Code) (PD Apv) 12/10/24 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R, TEU 1/6/25 NCSPHS Read 2nd & Rerefer 1/6/25 R Read 2nd & Rerefer 1/7/25 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer 1/14/25 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer 1/21/25 NCSPHS Amend/Approve 7-0 1/21/25 R Amend/Approve 7-0 1/23/25 TEU Amend/Approve 4-0 1/28/25 CO Amend/Approve 16-1 (Diamond) Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 & Sec 190.005, F.S. & Sec 92.11 Ord Code - 1/14/25
Introducer and/or Co-Sponsor(s): Transportation, Energy & Utilities Committee
Assigned Committees: NCSPHS, RULES, TEU
Legislation Documents: 1. 2024-983 Original Bill, 2. Normandy II CDD - PDD Report - Final, 3. 2024-983 Bill Summary, 4. 2024-983 BIE, 5. 2024-983 NCSPHS Amd
Final documents: 1. 2024-983-E, 2. 2024-983 Exhibit 1, 3. 2024-983 Exhibit 2, 4. 2024-983 On File