ORD Apv the Proposed 2024B Series Text Amendment to the Conservation & Coastal Mgmt Element & Infrastructure Element of the 2045 Comp Plan of the City to Adopt by Reference the State Mandated 10 Yr Water Supply Facilities Work Plan, for Transmittal to the State of FL’s Various Agencies for Review; Prov a Disclaimer that the Amendment Granted Herein Shall Not Be Construed as an Exemption from Any Other Applicable Laws (Parola) (Req of Mayor) (JWC Apv) (PD & PC Apv)
12/10/24 CO Introduced: LUZ, JWC
1/7/25 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/14/25 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/28/25 CO PH Addnt'l 2/11/25
2/4/25 LUZ PH Approve 7-0
2/11/25 CO PH Approve 19-0
LUZ PH - 2/4/25
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3187, F.S. & Ch 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 1/28/25 & 2/11/25