ORD-Q Rezoning at 901, 937, & 940 Main St N, btwn State Street E & Phelps St - (5.16± Acres) - PBF-1 & PUD (2005-1151-E & 2017-484-E) to PUD, to Permit Schools, Multifamily Residential Dwellings, & Various Commercial Uses, Including the Sale & Svc of All Alcoholic Beverages, Including Liquor, Beer & Wine, for On-Premises Consumption & Off-Premises Consumption on Property Located Less than 1,500 ft from a Church without the Requirement to Obtain a Waiver of Min Distance for a Liquor License Location Pursuant to Sec 656.805, Ord Code, as Described in the Main Street Mixed-Use PUD; Finding that there is Competent, Substantial Evidence in the Record to Support the Need for Relief from the Requirement for a Waiver of Min Distance for Liquor License Location - Ocean Hart, LLC, Dozier Prestige Worldwide, LLC & Ollivanders Downtown, LLC (R.E. # 074367-0000, 074378-0000, & 074386-0000) (Appl # L-5945-24C) (Dist. 7-Peluso) (Corrigan) (LUZ) (PD & PC Amd/Apv) (Ex Parte: CM Amaro)
(Small-Scale 2024...