ORD Auth the Mayor, or Her Desig, to Execute: (1) an Amended & Restated Economic Dev Agrmt btwn the City & Madison Palms, Ltd. (Company), as Assigned From the Vestcor Companies, Inc.; & (2) an Amendment 1 to Loan Agrmt (Amendment) btwn the City & the Company to Revise Certain Preconditions to Funding the City Dev Loan; Designating the OED as Contract Monitor for the Agrmt & Amendment; Prov for City Oversight of the Proj by the OED; Auth the Execution of All Docs Relating to the Above Agrmts & Transactions, & Auth Technical Changes to the Docs; Prov a Deadline for the Company to Execute the Agrmt & Amendment After It is Delivered to the Company (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor)
6/25/24 CO Introduced: F
7/16/24 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
7/23/24 CO PH Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/6/24 F Amend/Approve 6-1 (Diamond)
8/13/24 CO Amend/Approve 19-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Ch 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 - 7/23/24