RESO Approp $100,000 from the NW Jax OED Fund/Misc Sales & Charges for the Purpose of Prov a $100,000 NW Jax Economic Dev Fund (NWJEDF) Business Infrastructure Grant to Titan Florida, LLC to Fund Certain Infrastructure Improvements in Connection With the Construction & Equipping by Company of a Ready-Mix Concrete Plant on the Property Located Generally at 1712 N McDuff Ave; Apv & Auth Execution of Docs by the Mayor or Her Desig & Corp Sec; Auth Appvl of Tech Amendments by the Executive Dir of OED; Prov for City Oversight by OED; Affirming the Proj’s Compliance With the NWJEDF Guidelines Appvd & Adopted by Ord 2016-779-E, as Amended; Req 2-Reading Passage Pursuant to Council Rule 3.305 (B.T. 24-037) (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor) (Co-Sponsor CM Clark-Murray)
12/12/23 CO Introduced: R, F
1/2/24 R Approve 6-0
1/3/24 F Approve 7-0
1/10/24 CO Approve 17-0