File #: 2023-0504-E    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File Introduced: 7/25/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 9/26/2023 Final action: 9/26/2023
Effective date: 9/29/2023    
Title: ORD Estab the City’s 2023-2024 FY Consolidated Govt Budget; Prov a Table of Contents; Approp Funds & Adopt Budgets for the 2023-2024 FY for the City of Jax; Prov for Certain City Grants to Non-Governmental Orgs Pursuant to Ch 118, Ord Code; Estab Capital Outlays; Estab Carryovers; Prov for Federal Public Svc Grants; Prov for State & Federal Grant Progs; Prov for General Fund/GSD Funding for Salaries & Benefits; Estab the Employee Cap; Prov Position Allocations & Temp Hrs; Estab the CIP Budget for the 23-24 FY; Prov for the All Years Budget City Debt Mgmt Fund; Prov the Septic Tank Failure Schedule Pursuant to Ch 751 (Wastewater System Improvement Prog), Ord Code; Estab the IT System Dev Prog Budget; Prov for Declaration of Intent to Reimb; Prov General Execution Auth; Approp Funds & Adopt Budgets for the 23-24 FY for the JEA, the JIA, the JPA, the JTA, the Police & Fire Pension Fund, the JHFA, & the Downtown Vision Business Improvement Dist; Prov for Appvl of Non-Ad Valorem Assessment ...
Introducer and/or Co-Sponsor(s): Mayor
Assigned Committees: FINANCE
Legislation Documents: 1. 2023-504 (Annual Budget) Original Bill, 2. 2023-504 All Schedules and Attachments (Original File), 3. 2023-504 All Exhibits (Original File), 4. 2023-504 Bill Summary, 5. 2023-504 Finance Amd (JWJ Park), 6. 2023-504 Revised Schedule A, 7. 2023-504 Revised Schedule B, 8. 2023-504 Floor Amd, 9. 2023-504 Second Revised Schedule A, 10. 2023-504 Second Revised Schedule B, 11. 2023-504 Current Text (Amend & Rerefer 08.08.pdf, 12. 2023-504 Finance Substitute, 13. 2023-504 Finance Substitute - Combined Exhibits, 14. 2023-504 Finance Substitute - Combined Schedules and Attachments, 15. 2023-504 Tentatively Approved, 16. 2023-504 Tentatively Approved Schedules & Attachments, 17. 2023-504 Tentatively Approved Exhibits, 18. 2023-504 - Freeman Floor Amd #2, 19. 2023-504 - Peluso Floor Amd #1
Final documents: 1. 2023-504-E, 2. 2023-504-E All Exhibits - Final, 3. 2023-504-E All Schedules and Attachments - Final