ORD Approp $50,634,346.53, Including $50,000,000.00 from the Parks & Rec Capital Projs - Special Committee on Parks & Quality of Life DM - Other Construction Costs Acct for Various Parks & Parks Facilities Projs Appvd by the Special Comm on Parks & Quality of Life, & $634,346.53 from Various Council Dist 3 Discretionary Bond Accts for the Parks Quality of Life - Patton Park Proj; Amend the 23-27 5-Yr CIP Appvd by Ord 2022-505-E to Prov Funding for the Projs Identified Herein; Prov for a Limited Waiver of Sec 122.605, Ord Code, as to Funds Designated for Countywide Playground Replacements; Requiring Compliance with Sec 106.315, Ord Code, for Dist Council Expenditures; Prov for Oversight by Parks, Rec & Community Svcs (Staffopoulos) (Introduced by the Special Comm on Parks & Quality of Life (CMs White, Carrico, DeFoor, Morgan, Pittman & Salem)) (Co-Sponsors CMs Clark-Murray, Priestly Jackson, Newby, Boylan, Becton & Bowman)
5/23/23 CO Introduced: NCSPH...