ORD Adopting a Small-Scale Amendmnt to the FLUM 2030 Comp Plan at 4915 San Pablo Rd S, btwn San Pablo Rd & Dixie Landing Dr - (R.E. # 181767-0060) (12.95± Acres) – CGC to RPI – Steinemann San Pablo, LLC (Appl # L-5715-22C) (Dist. 13-Diamond) (Trout) (LUZ) (Rezoning 2022-889)
12/13/22 CO Introduced: LUZ
1/4/23 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer |1/10/23 CO Read 2nd & Rerefer
1/24/23 CO PH Addnt'l 2/14/23
CO PH Cont’d on 2/14/23, 2/28/23, 3/28/23, 4/11/23, 5/9/23, 5/23/23, 6/13/23, 6/27/23, 7/25/23, 8/8/23, 8/22/23, 9/12/23, 9/26/23, 10/10/23, 10/24/23, 11/14/23, 11/28/23, 1/10/24, 1/23/24, 2/27/24, 3/26/24, 4/23/24, 5/28/24, 7/23/24, 8/13/24, 9/10/24, 10/8/24, 12/10/24
1/7/25 LUZ PH Withdraw 7-0
1/14/25 CO PH Withdraw 17-0
LUZ PH – 2/7/23, 2/22/23, 3/22/23, 4/4/23, 5/2/23, 5/17/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 7/18/23, 8/1/23, 8/15/23, 9/6/23, 9/19/23, 10/3/23, 10/17/23, 11/7/23, 11/21/23, 1/3/24, 1/17/24, 2/21/24, 3/19/24, 4/16/24, 5/21/24, 7/16/24, 8/6/24, 9/4/24, 10/1/24, 11/6/24, 12/3/24, 1/7/25
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