RESO Apv & Auth the Execution of an Economic Dev Agrmt (“Agreement”) btwn the COJ (“City”) & Arcadia Cold Jacksonville, LLC. (“Company”), to Support the Construction of the Company’s Cold Storage Facility Located in Imeson International Industrial Park within the City (“Project”); Auth a 5-Yr Recapture Enhanced Value (REV) Grant of $2,000,000; Apv & Auth the Execution of Docs by the Mayor, or his Designee, & Corp Sec; Auth Apvl of Tech Amends by the Exec Dir of the OED; Prov for Oversight by the OED; Prov a Deadline for the Company to Execute the Agrmt; Waiver of that Portion of the Pub Investment Policy Adopted by Ord 2022-372-E, Which Would Require that in Order for a Proj to Receive a REV Grant the Company Must Pay Wages in Connection with the New Jobs Created Equal to 100% of the State of FL Average Wage; Req 2-Reading Passage Pursuant to Council Rule 3.305 (Sawyer) (Introduced by CP at Req of Mayor)
8/9/22 CO Introduced: R, F
8/15/22 R Approve 5-0
8/16/22 F Approve 7-0
8/24/22 CO...