File #: 2022-0123-D    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Denied
File Introduced: 2/22/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/12/2022 Final action: 4/12/2022
Effective date:    
Title: ORD Relating to the Elections & Terms of the City Council, Sheriff, Sup of Elections, Propty Appraiser, Tax Collector, Clerk of the Court & Duval Co School Board; Setting a Public Referendum; Amend the Charter of the COJ, Chapt 92-341, Laws of FL, as Amended, to Change the 2 Term Consecutive Limit Provisions to 2 Term Total Limit Provisions for Sec 5.041 (The Council-Limitation of Term of Office), 6.01 (Mayor-Qualifications & Term of Office); 8.04 (Sheriff-2 Term Limit), 9.04 (Supervisor of Elections-2 Term Limit), 10.04 (Propty Appraiser-2 Term Limit), 11.04 (Tax Collector-2 Term Limit), 12.11 (Clerk of Courts-2 Term Limit) & 13.15 (Duval Co School Board-2 Term Limit), of the Charter of the COJ; Providing for Referendum Apv of This Ord; Providing for a Financial Impact Statement to be Developed & Placed on the Ballot; Directing the Sup of Elections to Place the Referendum Question on the 2022 Primary Election Ballot on Aug 23, 2022. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Diamond) (Co-Sponsor CM...
Introducer and/or Co-Sponsor(s): Rory Diamond
Assigned Committees: FINANCE, NCSPHS, RULES, TEU
Legislation Documents: 1. 2022-123 Original Bill, 2. 2022-123_NCSPHS_Amd, 3. 2022-123 Bill Summary