ORD Making Certain Findings, & Apv & Auth the Chief Exec Officer of the DIA, or her Designee, to Execute a Redevelopmnt Agreemnt (“Agreemnt”) btwn the DIA (“DIA”) & JWB Real Estate Capital, LLC (“Developer”), to Support the Renovation & Rehabilitation by Developer of the Buildings Known Generally as the Florida Baptist Convention Building, Located at 218 W. Church St, & the Federal Reserve Building, Located at 424 N. Hogan Street (Collectively, the “Project”); Authorizing 6 Downtown Preservation & Revitalization Program (“DPRP”) Loans, in an Aggregate Amount not to Exceed $8,624,321.00, to the Developer in Connection with the Project, to be Appropriated by Subsequent Legislation; Designating the DIA as Contract Monitor for the Agreemnt; Providing for Oversight of the Project by the DIA; Authorizing the Execution of all Documents Relating to the above Agreemnt & Transactions, & Authorizing Technical Changes to the Documnts. (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
5/25/21 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F