ORD Making Certain Finding & Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, to Execute: (1) a Redevelopmnt Agreemnt (“Redevelopmnt Agreemnt”) Among the City of Jax (“City”), Downtown Investment Authority (“DIA”), & RD River City Brewery, LLC (“Developer”), Which Redevelopmnt Agreemnt Provides for the Design & Construction of 325 Multi-Family Residential Units, a 500 Space Structured Parking Facility, a Restaurant & Bar Venue, A Ship’s Store, Marina Improvemnts & Riverwalk Improvemnts by the Developer, All on the Southbank of the St. Johns River Within the Southbank Downtown Community Redevelopmnt Area (“Project”); (2) a Quitclaim Deed Conveying (3.43±Acres) of City-Owned Land to the Developer at No Cost; (3) a Marina Improvemnts Costs Disbursement Agreemnt by Which the Developer Shall Repair & Construct on Behalf of the City Certain Marina Improvemnts to be Funded by the City in the Max Amount of $1,143,807, w/ Cost Overruns the Responsibility of the Developer, to be Owned by the City; (4) a Marina ...
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