ORD Making Certain Findings, & Auth the Approp of $200,000 in Funding from the Downtown Economic Development Fund Loans Account to Provide for a $200,000 Economic Development Grant to Regions Bank (“Developer”); Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, to Execute an Economic Development Agreemnt (“Agreement”) btwn the Downtown Investment Authority (“DIA”), the City of Jax (“City”), & Developer, to Support the Renovation by Developer of the Old Bisbee Building (“Building”) Located at 51 West Bay St. & Costs Incurred & Improvements Associated w/ the Sale of the Adjacent Surface Lot Located at 54 West Forsyth St. (“Surface Lot”) in the Downtown Northbank Community Redevelopment Area (“Project”); Auth up to 5 Tranches of Downtown Preservation & Revitalization Program Forgivable Loans, in an Aggregate Amount not to Exceed $900,000, to the Developer in Connection w/ the Renovations to the Building, to be Approp by Subsequent Legislation; Auth an Economic Development Grant in an Amount not to Exceed ...