ORD Approp $124,544.00 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, & Economic Security (Cares) Act Pass-Through Funding Distributed by NE FL Area Agency on Aging D/B/A Eldersource to, & to be Administered by, the City of Jax to Provide Home Energy Assistance Aid to Eligible Low Income Households with at Least One Number Aged 60 Yrs or Over, Apv & Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, & the Corp. Secretary to Execute & Deliver on Behalf of the City the Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Prog. Cares Act Standard Contract & Any Related & Subsequent Agreemnts or Amendmnts Allocating Addn’l Funds From Eldersource; Oversight by the Parks, Recreation & Community Svcs. Dept.; Req. 1 Cycle Emergency Passage.(B.T. 21-012) (Staffopoulos) (Req of Mayor)
10/13/20 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F
10/19/20 NCSPHS Emergency/Approve 5-0
10/20/20 F Emergency/Approve 6-0
10/27/20 CO PH Emergency/Approved 19-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 –10/27/20