ORD Apv the Settlement of Pending Litigation, John Keane, Plaintiff, V. Jax Police & Fire Pension Fund Board of Trustees & the City of Jax, Defendants, Case #16-2018-CA-5925 Regarding Alleged Claims Pertaining to the Legality of the Jax Police & Fire Pension Fund Senior Staff Voluntary Retirement Plan; Auth the General Counsel or His Designee to Take Further Action to Conclude the Litigation. (Mairs) (Req of Office of General Counsel)
10/13/20 CO Introduced: F
10/20/20 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
10/27/20 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; F
11/4/20 F Amend/Approve 6-1 (Cumber)
11/10/20 CO Meeting Cancelled - No Action
11/24/20 CO Amend/Approved 17-1 (Cumber)
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 –10/27/20