RESO Honoring & Commemorating the Life, Work & Service of Decorated War Hero, Raines High School Senior Army Instructor, & Pillar of the Community, Lt. Col, Robert Eugene Porter, for his Everlasting Contributions to Raines High School, the Jax Community, & His Country. (Baltiero) (Introduced by CM’s Priestly Jackson, Newby, & Pittman) (Co-Sponsored by CM's Morgan, Becton, Bowman, White, Diamond, Freeman, DeFoor, Dennis, Carlucci & Hazouri)
9/8/20 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, R
9/14/20 NCSPHS Approve 7-0
9/15/20 R Approve 6-0
9/22/20 CO Approved 18-1(Pittman)