ORD-MC Amending Sec.108.507 (Representation of City Officials & Employees in Civil Matters), Pt. 5 (Legal Svcs.), Chapt 108 (Central Svcs.), Ord Code, to Include a Provision for Notice to the Office of General Counsel if an Individual Intends to Seek Reimbursement for Outside Counsel Attorney’s Fees from the City for Civil or Criminal Actions; Provision Regarding rights Under FL Common Law & Regarding Criminal Actions or Criminal Investigations. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Dennis)
8/25/20 CO Introduced: F, R
9/1/20 F Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/1/20 R Read 2nd & Rerefer
9/8/20 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred: F, R
2/17/21 F Amend/Approve 5-0
2/17/21 R Amend(F)/Approve 6-0
2/23/21 CO Amend/Approved 19-0
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 9/8/20