ORD Transmitting a Proposed Large Scale Revision to FLUM of the 2030 Comp Plan at 0 J. Turner Butler Blvd & 0 A.C. Skinner Pkwy, btwn J. Turner Butler Blvd & A.C. Skinner Pkwy, (42.55± Acres) – CGC to HDR – Jacksonville Transportation Authority. (Appl# L-5443-20A) (Dist 11-Becton) (Fogarty) (LUZ) (SECPAC Deny) (PD & PC Apv)
8/11/20 CO Introduced: LUZ
8/18/20 LUZ Read 2nd & Rerefer
8/25/20 CO Read 2nd & Rereferred; LUZ
9/8/20 CO PH Addn'l 9/22/20
9/22/20 CO PH Cont'd 10/13/20, per 2020-200-E
10/13/20 CO PH Cont'd 10/27/20, per 2020-200-E
10/27/20 CO PH Cont'd 11/10/20, per 2020-200-E
11/10/20 CO Meeting Cancelled - No Action
11/17/20 LUZ Meeting Cancelled-No Action
11/24/20 CO PH Cont'd 12/8/20
12/1/20 LUZ PH Approve 7-0
12/8/20 CO PH Approved 17-0
LUZ PH – 9/15/20, 10/6/20, 10/20/20, 11/17/20 & 12/1/20
Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184(3), F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 9/8/20 & 9/22/20, 10/13/20, 10/27/20, 11/10/20, 11/24/20, 12/8/20