File #: 2020-0369-E    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File Introduced: 6/23/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 8/11/2020 Final action: 8/11/2020
Effective date:    
Title: ORD Auth the KHA to provide direct funding in the amount of $631,018 to the Jax Alliance for KIPP School, Inc. to allow Enhanced Svcs to be provided to At-Hope Children & Youth in Jax; Approp $444,698.00 from Unspent Part-Time Dollars w/in KHA Preteens & Teen Essential Svcs Catergory into the KHA Out-of-School Time Essential Svcs Category Invoking the Exception of Sec 126.107(G) (Exemptions), Pt 1 (General Regulations), Chapt 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, re: Children’s Svcs to be Provided by Jax Alliance for KIPP Schools, Inc.; Auth the Mayor,or his designee,& Corp Secretary,&/or the CEO of the KHA to execute & deliver a children’s svcs contract w/the Jax Alliance for KIPP Schools,Inc.;Waiving the Requirements of Sec 77.111(a) (Provider Contracts), Chapt 77 (KHA), Ord Code, to Exempt Children’s Svcs Programming to be provided by Jax Alliance for KIPP Schools, Inc. from Competitive Procurement.(B.T. 20-090) (Davis) (Req of Mayor) 6/23/20 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, R 7/20/20 NCSP...
Introducer and/or Co-Sponsor(s): Mayor
Assigned Committees: FINANCE, NCSPHS, RULES
Legislation Documents: 1. 2020-369 Original Bill.pdf, 2. 2020-369 Exh 1.pdf, 3. 2020-369 Exh 2.pdf, 4. 2020-369 Bill Summary, 5. 2020-369 Fact Sheet.pdf, 6. 2020-369 Revised Exhibit 1.pdf, 7. 2020-369_NCSPHS_Amd.pdf, 8. 2020-369-E.pdf