ORD Providing & Authorizing Issuance by COJ of its Health Care Facilities Rev Bonds (Brooks Rehab), Series 2020, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $200,000,000 for the purpose of obtaining funds to loan to Genesis Health, Inc. to,a FL not for profit corporation,to (a) Refund Outstanding Jax Economic Developmnt Commission Health Care Facilities Rev Bond (Brooks Health System), Series 2010,Jax Economic Developmt Commission HealthCare Facilities Rev Bonds (Brooks Health System),Series 2011A & 2011B & COJ Health Care Facilities Rev Bond (Brooks Rehab) , Series 2013, the Proceed of all 3 of which were loaned to Genesis Health Inc, or Affiliates & Financed, Reimbursed or Refinanced Cost of Acquiring, Constructing & Equipping Various Health Care Facilities for such corporation & other members of its obligated group in & Outside of COJ & (B) Finance or Reimburse 2 Termination Paymnts for 2 Interest Rate Swaps entered into by Affiliates of Genesis Health, Inc. to relating to such ...